
Do you know why dogs can't eat chocolate?
There are many foods that we consume daily that are not recommended for your pet, since your body works differently.
If your dog accidentally ate chocolate, offered it to it or has questions about it, continue reading this PeritoAnimal article to find out why can't dog eat chocolate.
the dog's digestive system
In the human digestive system we find specific enzymes that serve to metabolize and synthesize certain foods, called Cytochrome P450 that are not present in the case of dogs.
They do not have enzymes to metabolize chocolate and are unable to digest the theobromine and caffeine present in cocoa. Chocolate in large doses is so harmful to our dog that it can lead to serious poisoning and even death.

Consequences of chocolate consumption
As a result of the lack of enzymes, the puppy takes on average between 1 and 2 days to digest chocolate. During this process, if the dog has consumed a small amount of it, we can witness vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, tremors and convulsions. In the most serious cases can even cause respiratory failure or a heart failure.
If you suspect that your dog has ingested chocolate you should consult a veterinarian so that it performs a stomach lavage. To avoid situations like this, it is important that you know what foods are prohibited for dogs, as they can be harmful to your friend's health.