
High Creatinine in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

If your dog i ick or old, it i po ible that your veterinarian will extract a blood ample to analyze during the con ultation. Thi clinical te t will allow to know the general condition of the dog and, ...

How to take care of my Labrador Retriever dog

O labrador i one of the mo t popular canine breed in the world due to it great intelligence and amiable character with the family with which it live .However, due to their phy ical condition and tempe...

How to know if my cat is sick

Regardle of the cat' breed, it i likely that at ome point it will be ill. Our obligation i to help them to recover their health, if po ible. Fir t, your cat mu t be up to date with your country...

Tips for training a Schnauzer

If you are thinking about adopting a chnauzer or if you already live with one, it i e ential to know it character, what it qualitie are and what i the be t way to educate it from an early age. In thi ...

Animals that live longer

Vampire and god have only one thing in common: the con ciou manife tation of our inherent fear of the ab olute emptine repre ented by death. However, nature ha created ome truly amazing life form that...

Scabies in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

For tutor or future tutor of puppie , it i e ential to under tand what i canine mangeto the ymptom and treatment and even ome home remedie . THE dog mange it i a kin di ea e cau ed by variou type of m...

Home remedies to eliminate ticks from the environment

the tick are in ect that para itize mammal , becoming a problem due to the nui ance they cau e and the di ea e they tran mit. When ummer come , it i nece ary to pay attention to prevent them from beco...

My cat cannot defecate - what to do?

When an animal become ill, it often ha ome ubtle ymptom that mo t people may go unnoticed. Therefore, it i very important that the pet owner know well their habit and i alway aware of their behavior, ...

Do dogs understand humans?

Do dog under tand human ? Do you under tand our feeling ? Do you under tand our word and our language? If you're a dog' be t friend, you've probably a ked thi que tion more than once, but ...

How long does it take for the bitch to come into heat after giving birth?

When making the deci ion to live with a female dog, it i very important to con ider her reproductive cycle. Female go through fertile tage , popularly known a "bitch heat". It i during the e...

Glaucoma in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Many of the di ea e that human uffer, dog can al o uffer from them. It i the ca e of the glaucoma, in which it effect are deva tating a it can cau e blindne in your pet.It i important to know ome a pe...

Brazil's most venomous spiders

pider are ab olutely amazing animal that live all over the world. ome of them are completely harmle , but other are very poi onou and can, with their poi on, kill human and other animal . pider belon...

How to make a cat happy? 10 essential steps!

Many people think that cat , due to their more independent nature compared to dog , don't need much to be happy. However, everyone who ha one or more cat know how much they need u , although it do...

Is bathing a dog in heat bad?

Idlene , pregnancy and delivery of a female dog are pha e of her life that require much more care on the part of her human companion . The PeritoAnimal know that during the period of your dog' hea...

Javanese cat

The Javane e cat, al o known a the Oriental Longhair, i a cat with long hair and con idered one of the mo t captivating cat breed in the world, including, many tutor ay that it i a cat capable of talk...

How to care for the Mongolian Squirrel

The popularity of Mongolian quirrel ha been growing over time, due to the limited pace that more and more people in Brazil have to rai e a pet. The Mongolian quirrel i con idered an exotic pet a it do...

Labrador retriever colors

The Labrador retriever i one of the mo t popular dog in the world, both for it extraordinary beauty and for it character and abilitie . It ha a bilayer coat, con i ting of a hort, wool-like lower laye...

Ashera Cat Care

The main care you hould have with the A hera cat i external care, although it i totally a ociated with it. Thi i a hole that your finance can uffer if you decide to adopt an A hera cat, becau e the cu...

Albendazole for dogs - Dosage, uses and contraindications

Albendazol i a product with antipara itic effect active again t variou inte tinal para ite that can infe t dog of any age. Currently, it i not widely u ed, a there are many other dewormer effective ag...

How Ants Reproduce

Ant are one of the few animal that have managed colonize the world, a they are found on all continent , with the exception of Antarctica. To date, more than 14,000,000 pecie of ant have been identifie...