- Javanese cat: origin
- Javanese cat: physical characteristics
- Javanese cat: personality
- Javanese cat: care
- Javanese cat: health

The Javanese cat, also known as the Oriental Longhair, is a cat with long hair and considered one of the most captivating cat breeds in the world, including, many tutors say that it is a cat capable of talking. These and many other curiosities will be unveiled in this PeritoAnimal form, in which we will explain all about the Javanese cat.
Source- Europe
- UK
- thick tail
- Big ears
- Slender
- outgoing
- Affectionate
- Intelligent
- Curious
- Medium
- Long
Javanese cat: origin
Although the name, Javanese cat, may make you think that it is originally from the island of Java, the truth is that it is not related at all. The name speaks volumes for the origin, as the Oriental Longhair are descended from the Oriental Shorthair and the Balinese, who were crossed in the 1960s. by the semi wide of the Oriental cats.
However, it is believed that the origin of the Javanese cat may be older, since in 1890 species were dated that were still cataloged as Angora Cats, but were very far from the standards of the breed. Later, they started to call them Angora British since they were not equal to the Turks. In those times, the only officially registered wide-haired breed was the Persian cat.
In 1983 it was registered as a Javanese cat in TICA and in 1995 the CFA recognizes it as a differentiated breed. Even today there are feline associations such as the GCCF that name it Oriental Longhair. In the United States they are recognized within the Siamese-Oriental category.
Javanese cat: physical characteristics
The Javanese cat is considered to be average size, as the weight usually varies between 4 and 6 kilos. Life expectancy, as a general rule, is between 14 and 18 years.
The body is slender and tubular, with wide and flexible ends, but also strong and muscular. The tail is long and thin, narrowing at the tip and has a feather duster appearance. The Javanese cat's head is triangular, wide and narrow, with a thin, upturned snout. The eyes are almond shaped with a slant towards the muzzle, are not far apart and the color is compatible with the coat color, although most are blue.
One of the most striking features of the Javanese cat is the ears, as they are extremely large, wide at the base but marked at the ends, sloping slightly to the sides of the head. Finally, the coat is semi-wide, dense and soft, being longer on the tail and neck. The colors of the Javanese cat are usually solid, although almost all colors and patterns are accepted. The most frequent ones are one color, bicolor, harlequin, van, gray, smoke and turtle. Due to the characteristics of the coat, it is one of the cats recommended for allergic people.
Javanese cat: personality
This is a breed of cat highly valued for its affable and endearing personality. These are affectionate and communicative cats, who will let you know whenever they need something, even holding a conversation with the adorable "meows" and piercing eyes.
Of remarkable intelligence, it is easy to educate the Javanese cat and even teaching fun tricks like pawing. It is also one of the most recommended cat breeds for apartment living. In general, the Javanese cat's personality is highlighted by its easy ability to adapt to different types of environment. It is a great choice if you have a small child at home or also elderly people, as the relationship between them is maintained with understanding and mutual respect.
Javanese cat: care
As a semi-large cat, the Javanês needs frequent brushing to avoid fur balls. To help you with this, you can use products that prevent formation or facilitate evacuation, if they are already present. Brushing is easy, as it does not have a woolen cap at the base, which is present in other similar breeds such as the Siberian cat, which is why the fur does not mat and takes much less effort to maintain it.
As a feline that loves to go outdoors and expend all the energy it has, it may not be appropriate to live in small apartments unless you provide hours of daily exercise and enough play to keep you healthy and calm, for that, it is essential to have a good environmental enrichment. Like any other breed, it is important to keep your nails, coat, eyes and ears clean and also to always watch to detect possible problems early, avoiding complications. As well as providing a healthy and balanced diet to ensure the best care for your Javanese cat.
Javanese cat: health
In general, the Javanese cat is healthy and strong, however, they have the same diseases typical of the Siamese cat or similar breeds, such as cranial sternal bulge or endocardial fibroelastosis, which is a diffuse thickening of the left ventricular endocardium.
As it does not have a woolen cape that protects it from the cold and because it likes to spend a lot of time outdoors, it is important to bear in mind that it is a breed sensitive to cold and therefore, you should be careful as you may get a cold or some respiratory illness with more easily than other cat breeds.
Lastly, to maintain the Javanese cat's optimal health, it is necessary to follow the vaccination schedule set by a trusted veterinarian, as well as carry out the necessary deworming to keep your feline free of parasites.