
Prazsky Krysarik

O Praz ky Kry arik, al o known a Prague Rat Catcher, i a dog originating in the Czech Republic. It i a toy or miniature dog that, in adulthood, doe not u ually exceed 3.5 kilogram in weight. It' r...

Lulu of Pomerania

O pomeranian lulu dog i a dog of toy ize or mini, which mean it' too mall. Many people con ider adopting thi wonderful longhaired dog becau e he i hypoallergenic, i very intelligent and ha a lovin...


O pug, carlino or carlini, i a very particular dog. The "official" motto of the race multum in parvo, which in Latin mean a lot of ub tance in a mall volume, allude to a big dog in a mall bo...

Tricks for the stench of cat sand

The odor of cat urine and fece i very perva ive. Therefore, daily cleaning of the box and the agglomerating and with a crap collector i e ential to eliminate the mo t pe tilential re idue .With thi im...

How to care for a blind cat

blindne i the partial or total lo of vi ion, may be due to a congenital or acquired cau e after trauma, or an illne uch a high blood pre ure, cataract or glaucoma. If you have a blind-born kitten or y...

australian cowboy

The Au tralian Cattle, al o known a blue heeler or red heeler depending on the type of coat it develop . Thi dog ha amazing kill for training, herding and phy ical exerci e, being an exceptional dog i...

What do bears eat?

The bear i a mammal that belong to the ur idae family, included in the order of carnivore . However, we will ee that the e large and amazing animal , which can be found on mo t continent , don't j...

Strabismus in cats

ome cat can uffer from quint, thi i an unu ual condition that often affect iame e cat , but al o affect mutt and other breed .Thi anomaly doe not affect the cat' good vi ion, but it can be a palp...

10 things dogs hate about humans

A in all relation hip , where there are dog and human there are often mi under tanding , although ome of them go unnoticed. In fact, to avoid the e problem with your faithful friend you will have to p...

Because my dog ​​is afraid of other dogs

your dog ha fear of other dog ? When you ee another dog, doe your ear fall back, doe your tail curl between your paw , do you want to run away or even growl at the other dog to try to intimidate him?F...

Can I give my cat valerian?

phylotherapy (natural therapy u ing medicinal plant ) i becoming increa ingly popular in the veterinary field, in part thank to owner who prefer to opt for more natural treatment to re tore their heal...

Flanders cattleman

O Bouvier de Flander , or tin cowherd, i a large and tout dog, with a very peculiar ru tic appearance. With a table temperament, protective and loyal, it i a great heepdog, herd man and guard dog, but...

Cat with a swollen nose: what can it be?

The cat i a very independent animal and an expert hunter with it keen en e of mell and flexibility. mell i one of the mo t important en e for cat and there are ituation that can affect thi en e and a ...

Home remedy for puppies vomiting white foam

Mo t of the time when puppie vomit, guardian are concerned about the animal' health.The vomiting behavior i common in dog and it may indicate that omething i wrong with your dog' body. There a...

10 things dogs teach us

Who ay we can't learn omething every day and that knowledge can't come from our dog ? Many people believe that we human are the one who teach our furry be t friend how to live. However, the op...

Tapeworm in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

tapeworm are flat worm that live in the inte tine of people and animal , including cat . The e worm behave like para ite , eating part of the food con umed by the animal, then known a a gue t.Thi itua...

Adopt a male or female dog?

if you are thinking of adopt a dog you are likely to have doubt about whether to choo e a male or a female. Both option will fill your home with love and joy, but there are mall difference in behavior...

What does it mean when a cat wets the bed?

your cat tarted to urinate in your bed? Not ure how to avoid thi unplea ant ituation? To tart with, you hould know that thi i a common problem in cat and that to treat it properly you hould find the c...

Tips to prevent the dog from eating the plants

Dog , e pecially puppie , are fanatical about plant leave . They bite, lick them and play with them becau e they like their acidic and natural ta te, and they like to explore the bu he becau e they fi...

Yorkie Poo or Yorkipoo

The Yorkie Poo or Yorkipoo are one of the hybrid race younger, coming from cro e between York hire Terrier and Poodle (or poodle ) in miniature. From it parent , thi breed maintain the mall ize, a bot...