- Hygiene
- food
- walks and exercise
- Enrichment and stimulation
- Health
- Use of muzzle and leash
- education and training

There are many people who want to have a rottweiler, a calm and peaceful dog, a faithful companion and a great deterrent to thieves at home. The truth is that the Rottweiler, despite its great physical strength, has little to do with danger, as it is a very affectionate and sweet dog if it is properly educated.
However, before adopting this breed of dog, you should be very clear about the steps to follow and how to train a Rottweiler dog. Otherwise you risk having a dog with an inappropriate, aggressive or fearful character. Therefore, education is very important in this breed.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain the care of a Rottweiler dog to offer you everything this dog deserves.
The Rottweiler will surprise you for being a clean dog that doesn't need excessive care. Among your usual routine we highlight that you should brush it twice a week with a brush with short, smooth tips. This way you can eliminate the dust and dirt it has.
You shouldn't overuse the bath, as excessive bathing eliminates your skin's natural protective layer.Depending on your level of dirt, you should bathe it more or less often. Being that once a month it will be enough to keep you clean and with a shiny coat. You should not bathe puppies until their vaccines are administered.
At the outset, if the Rottweiler walks regularly it will not be necessary to worry about cutting its nails, but it is always good to check them from time to time to make sure that you do not have any inconveniences when walking.
To finish with the dog's hygiene, we remember the importance of healthy and clean teeth. Cleaning the dog's teeth, with a brush and toothpaste for dogs or with natural products is advisable to avoid tartar on the teeth. can promote a good oral hygiene to your dog by offering him apple or Dentastix.

Rottweiler feed must be high quality. This factor not only affects a shiny and beautiful hair, but also helps to a good state of health, an adequate intestinal transit and to achieve adequate musculature. Being a large size dog also needs large doses of food.
If you have questions about the amount or the healthy weight for your dog Rottweiler, do not hesitate to consult the veterinarian to observe you and give you some indications. This breed has very marked sexual dimorphism, males are much larger than females.
Finally, we remind you of the importance of giving food depending on your stage:
- Junior: Contains vitamins, calcium, iron and more fat than other age foods. These components will make your puppy grow healthy and without bone or muscle problems. It is very important that it be of high quality.
- adult: Adult rations are designed for a suitable daily life depending on your way of life. They usually have a high percentage of proteins and oils, perfect for a healthy maintenance of the dog. Among the different types of adult food we find a great variety: for puppies that exercise actively, for puppies with normal maintenance, slimming effect for those who are very fat or based on fish and rice for those with allergies.
- Senior: Unlike the previous ones, senior feed has a lower amount of protein and contains beneficial foods for puppies over 7 years old such as brewer's yeast. Consult your veterinarian about the most appropriate for your case.

walks and exercise
The Rottweiler is a puppy that needs to work its muscles daily and, for that, it must be offered adequate walks and exercise. Even if you live in a house with a garden it is very important. walk it at least twice a day with a total time of 60 minutes. If you can extend the tours, so much the better.
If, in addition, you can take your dog to actively exercise on an agility circuit or swimming, it will be perfect for enjoying a much happier and healthier dog. His exercise needs make him an athletic dog by nature. Not meeting these needs can convert you into an obese and stressed dog.

Enrichment and stimulation
The Rottweiler is very intelligent, able to learn various tricks and obedience orders. Due to his high intellectual level it will be essential to play with him and practice different activities that stimulate him mentally and make him feel useful.
Practicing the search for objects abroad, visiting new places with him and using intelligence games for dogs are ideal options for a good enrichment and make him mentally stimulated. All this makes your dog happier and calmer.

To make sure the Rottweiler is healthy, check the veterinarian every 6 months for a routine review. This procedure is very important as if you are suffering from an illness you can detect it in time and treat it with a better prognosis.
On the other hand, it will be very important to follow the schedule of vaccinations that the veterinarian defines at risk. Remember that there are deadly diseases that can only be prevented by administering the proper vaccines.
It will also be essential to deworm the dog regularly. At PeritoAnimal we advise you to give him a external use pipette once a month to prevent the appearance of fleas and ticks as well as a internal deworming pill once every three months to help your intestinal system stay healthy.
Lastly, we recommend castration as much as possible on the Rottweiler. In females it reduces the chances of appearance of certain diseases and in the case of males it reduces its dominant tendency.

Use of muzzle and leash
In certain areas the Rottweiler is considered to be a potentially dangerous breed dog, for this reason it is mandatory to wear a muzzle whenever you are out and about.
At PeritoAnimal we advise a "basket" muzzle resistant and safe, because unlike the other types it allows the dog to drink water, pant and receive prizes or treats if necessary.
So that your puppy does not feel uncomfortable, you should teach him to use the muzzle since puppy. But if it was only possible to teach it as an adult, check out the tips in our article to get the dog used to using the muzzle.

education and training
On PeritoAnimal you can also find an article in which we talk about training the Rottweiler puppy. It is very important to pay attention to all points to get an obedient, stable and polite dog.
We'll start by telling you about the basics of your education: the Rottweiler puppy socialization and we'll also talk about other basic aspects of education and training. Everything you need to know about this breed, you'll find it here.