
How to make the dog stop digging the garden

dig hole in the garden i a natural behavior and very common in puppie , ome dog feel a great need to dig while other only do it if they were timulated to do o. There are even ome who never dig and it ...


Al o known a Mini Hu ky or Miniature Hu ky, the po mky dog they're real fle h-and-blood teddy bear , really adorable little ball of fur that don't leave anyone indifferent. Preci ely becau e o...

Mother's milk for a puppy or cat

The fir t milk that a newborn dog or cat receive hould be colo trum, early lactation brea t milk, which provide a large amount of nutrient and defen e , although thi i not alway po ible. ometime , the...

What does baby bird eat?

In the breeding ea on, it i not unu ual to find bird on the ground that are till unable to feed or fly by them elve . If you need to take care of one, the mo t important thing i to know what baby bird...

Hypothyroidism in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Like human and dog , cat al o uffer from hypothyroidi m, a condition cau ed by poor thyroid function. It can be due to different cau e , but the main problem i the decrea e in hormone ecretion of the ...

Heat stroke in cats - Symptoms and first aid

Cat love to be outdoor and feel the warmth of the un' ray on their bodie . That' why hi favorite place are the balconie and terrace . Like human , and although cat are u ed to the un, overexpo...

Why do dogs walk around before bedtime?

At PeritoAnimal we know that if your dog i your be t friend, you will urely have fun not only haring moment with him, but he will al o find many of the thing he doe funny and curiou , becau e ometime ...

Guinea pig ringworm - diagnosis and treatment

Ringworm, al o called dermatophyto i , in guinea pig , i a very common di ea e in the e animal .The inten e itching that thi di ea e cau e i very uncomfortable for the pig and thi i the main ymptom th...

How long does a guinea pig live

It i very important to be clear about the longevity of an animal before adopting it, a we mu t be re pon ible for it throughout it life and if not, it i better not to have a pet, right?Rodent , uch a ...

Types of elephants and their characteristics

You are probably u ed to eeing and hearing about elephant in erie , documentarie , book and movie . But do you know how many different pecie of elephant there are? how many already exi ted in ancient ...

Dog Breeds - Before and After

To know what the dog breed were like, we have to go back to 1873, when the Kennel Club, the UK breeder ' club, appeared. tandardized the morphology of dog breed for the fir t time. However, we can...

Causes of psychogenic feline alopecia

THE p ychogenic alopecia in cat it i a mental di order, in mo t ca e tran ient, that feline ubjected to tre ful epi ode uffer. There are different degree of affectation ranging from mild ca e to very ...

History of the American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier ha alway been the center of bloody port involving dog and, for ome people, thi i the perfect dog for thi practice, con idered 100% functional. You mu t know that the worl...

how bees make honey

honey i a animal product that the human being ha u ed ince life in cave . In the pa t, exce honey wa collected from wild hive . Currently, bee have undergone a certain degree of dome tication and thei...

Is a cat in an apartment happy?

De pite the year they have been dome ticated, cat retain innate in tinct that they hare with other wild cat . For thi rea on, many cat owner wonder if actually having a pu y at home i a po itive thing...

5 tips for coexistence between cats and dogs

It i po ible that dog and cat live in harmony even though they are different pecie of very different nature. A peaceful relation hip between the animal in the hou e i very important a it allow you to ...

Cat Types - Characteristics and Examples

Generally, we know a feline the member of the felid family (Felidae). The e triking animal can be found all over the world, except in the polar region and outhwe tern Oceania. Obviou ly thi i only tru...

Russian Black Terrier

O Ru ian Black Terrier, or chiorny terrier, i big, beautiful and a great guard and defen e dog. De pite it name, it doe not belong to the terrier group, but to the pin cher and chnauzer. Are very acti...

The best movies with animals

The animal world i o va t and enchanting that it extend to the univer e of the eventh art. Movie with the pecial appearance of dog , cat and other animal have alway been part of cinema. From upporting...

5 breeds of dogs compatible with Labrador

Ha a Labrador a a pet and i thinking about take a econd dog home? Labrador are an excellent companion breed to another animal and, according to anyone who love thi dog breed, they are very friendly an...