
Snakebite on a dog, what to do?

A nake bite can be very dangerou , andin ome ca e it i deadly if he ha poi on. For thi rea on, acting quickly and applying fir t aid technique i very important.In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will e...

Can a dog eat bread?

There i a widely held belief that "bread i bad for dog ," i thi true? Being made from a ba e of flour and water with added yea t, bread i a high-carbohydrate food. And although it i not one ...

How long does a cat with IVF live?

They are everywhere, and they are invi ible to the naked eye. We are talking about microorgani m uch a viru e , bacteria, para ite and fungi. Cat are al o u ceptible to them and can be affected by var...

Intestinal Worms in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Dog , like cat and even human , can uffer from the pre ence of inte tinal worm . The e para ite cau e ga trointe tinal condition that can be very uncomfortable for your dog. Al o, they are very diffic...

The best dog breeds for allergy sufferers

A per on uffer from dog allergy it doe not imply that your body i emitting an immune re pon e triggered by the animal it elf, but by a erie of allergen they produce. The main allergen that dog produce...

German Shepherd Types

The German hepherd i a breed of dog very well known throughout the world, a the e puppie are ea ily identifiable by their black coat with lighter area . However, did you know that there are different ...

Canine Infectious Hepatitis: Symptoms and Treatment

THE canine infectiou hepatiti it i a very contagiou viral di ea e. Fortunately, it i unu ual becau e there i a vaccine that prevent it from developing. Thu , the exten ion of the vaccination chedule m...

Myxomatosis in Rabbits - Symptoms and Prevention

Rabbit are con idered exceptional pet , o more and more people are choo ing to adopt thi long-eared furry. And in thi ca e, a in any other, you end up creating a emotional bond a trong a it i pecial.A...

Names for very unique male cats

Finding a name for a very original and beautiful male cat i a complicated ta k, but at PeritoAnimal we help you find it. Choo e a name that i uitable and ea y to remember, a you will be u ing it for m...

Dog names and meaning

Adopting a puppy a a pet i a wonderful experience, but choo ing your new companion' name right away can be a little difficult.Each pet ha it own per onality and phy iognomy. Therefore, it i alway ...

A lump in a dog's neck: what can it be?

You were petting your dog and noticed he ha a lump on hi neck? Don't be cared, the cau e of lump are not alway malignant.The e ential thing to do i to take your pet and a k the opinion of the vete...

Scaled Animals - Names, Photos and Trivia

In the world there are animal with all kind of phy ical characteri tic . Wing , barb , large eye , claw and prehen ile tail . cale , hair , and feather , ju t to mention a few, are mechani m that each...

Best Pets for Kids

The time ha come when your children are a king you, every day and all the time, to have a pet at home. And although you are con idering, it i normal to have ome doubt uch a whether it i good to have a...

Dog with a limp: what can it be?

If your dog i limping, it mean that omething i wrong with him. There are everal po ibilitie for what your dog i going through.Phy ical exerci e uch a running, playing, jumping i very important for you...

10 things dogs love

We all know that the dog love to play, who care them, eat all day, leep and run on the beach. However, dog have ome preference and behavior they like that human don't know all that well yet.Dog ha...

Prohibited food for cats

If you have a cat, it' important that you know all the cat . food that are good for your body and avoid offering product that you cannot dige t properly. When a cat eat food that i not uitable for...

Parasitism - what is it, types and examples

Para iti m i one of the mo t wide pread life trategie in the Animal Kingdom, with at lea t 20% of animal pecie being para ite of other organi m .There are taxa compo ed only of para itic being , uch a...

Aggressive Dog - Causes and Treatment

THE aggre ivene in dog it i a eriou behavior problem that ha many cau e . Many people earch the internet for a viable treatment to olve it, but are they adequate?In thi PeritoAnimal article we will ex...

5 signs that a rabbit is going to die

The death of a rabbit i a heavy blow for tho e who have a good relation hip with animal , however, it i nece ary to under tand that it i a proce Natural through which all living being pa . In the ca e...

Alternative Therapies for Dogs with Cancer

Cancer i a di ea e that unfortunately appear more and more frequently in our dear pet and who e progre and treatment cau e great pain and anxiety, both in our animal and in u .Dog al o currently uffer...