Myxomatosis in Rabbits - Symptoms and Prevention

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
COMMON RABBIT DISEASES | Prevention | Treatment
Video: COMMON RABBIT DISEASES | Prevention | Treatment


Rabbits are considered exceptional pets, so more and more people are choosing to adopt this long-eared furry. And in this case, as in any other, you end up creating a emotional bond as strong as it is special.

And like any other animal, rabbits require multiple care and need a complete state of well-being that is achieved when their physical, psychological and social needs are covered.

In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll talk about Myxomatosis in rabbits - symptoms and prevention, a disease that is as serious as it is fatal, and that is why information about it is so important. Good reading.

What is myxomatosis in rabbits

Myxomatosis is a infectious disease caused by the myxoma virus, originating in wild rabbits, and affects rabbits causing death in an average of 13 days if the animal has no resistance to the disease.

Is it over there causes connective tissue tumors, those that support the various structures of the body, causing swelling of the skin and mucous membranes that are mainly observed in the head and genitals. In these regions they form subcutaneous gelatinous nodules which end up giving the rabbit a leonine appearance.

Myxomatosis can be transmitted directly by the bite of arthropods (mosquitoes, fleas and mites) that feed on blood, especially by the flea, although it can also be transmitted indirectly by contact with infected instruments or cages, or by direct contact with a person what manipulated an infected rabbit. That is, the rabbit can transmit disease to other rabbits.

It is important to clarify that there is no effective treatment to eliminate the virus, so prevention is vitally important.

If you want to know more about the most common diseases in rabbits, don't miss this other article from PeritoAnimal.

Symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits

You symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits will depend on the viral strain that caused the infection and the susceptibility of the animal. In addition, we can distinguish different groups of symptoms according to the way the disease manifests itself:

  • dangerous shape: the disease progresses quickly, causing death 7 days after infection and 48 days after the onset of the first symptoms. Causes lethargy, eyelid inflammation, loss of appetite and fever.
  • Acute form: causes fluid to build up under the skin, so you can see a state of inflammation in the head, face, and ears, which can lead to internal otitis. In 24 hours, it can cause blindness because the progression is very fast, rabbits die from hemorrhages and convulsions within a period of approximately 10 days.
  • chronic form: This is not a frequent form, but it occurs when the rabbit manages to survive the acute form. It is characterized by dense ocular discharge, skin nodules, and inflammation at the base of the ears. It may also be accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as difficulty breathing. Most rabbits die within two weeks, but if they survive, they are able to clear the virus within 30 days.

Symptomatic regions of myxomatosis in rabbits:

  • genital areas
  • paws
  • Snout
  • Eyes
  • Ears

If you suspect your rabbit is suffering from myxomatosis, it is necessary go urgently to the vetFurthermore, in some countries this disease is considered mandatory, as is the case in Brazil. Therefore, if there is any proven case, it is necessary to notify the health authorities and zoonoses.

In this other article we explain rabbit vaccines for you.

Rabbit care with myxomatosis

If your rabbit has been diagnosed with myxomatosis, unfortunately there is no effective treatment to fight this disease, however, it will be necessary to start. a symptomatic treatment to alleviate the suffering the animal may be experiencing.

Myxomatosis is treated with fluids to prevent dehydration and starvation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to control pain and antibiotics to prevent complications and fight secondary infections caused by the disease. And remember: Oveterinarian is the only person able to prescribe a treatment to your pet.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we present a list of free veterinarians or veterinary clinics with low prices in different states of Brazil that may be useful for you.

Prevention of myxomatosis in rabbits

As there is no treatment capable of combating this disease, it is very important to carry out a good prevention of myxomatosis in rabbits.

In countries where there are still a considerable number of records of the disease, vaccination is necessary, with the first dose given at 2 months of age and then boosted twice a year, as the immunity provided by the vaccine lasts only 6 months.

However, as there is not enough demand in Brazil, vaccines against Myxomatosis are not manufactured and not even sold in the country. Thus, the preventive measures that can be taken are:

  1. Avoid contact of rabbits with any Wild animal (because he can carry the virus that causes myxomatosis and transmit it to the rabbit).
  2. If you already have a rabbit and adopt another one whose provenance you do not know, let it quarantine for 15 days before joining them
  3. Avoid buying animals from other states or countries, such as Argentina and Uruguay, which have already registered outbreaks of the disease in rabbits, which do not have a veterinary report attesting to the absence of myxomatosis.

Curiosities about myxomatosis

Now that you know everything about the myxomatosis in rabbits, here we present some fun facts about this disease that affects our furry companions:

  • The first record of the virus that causes myxomatosis occurred in Uruguay, at the end of the 19th century.
  • This virus was already deliberately inserted in Australia, around the 1950s, with the objective of reducing the population of rabbits in the country, which kept growing and threatening agriculture[1]

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Myxomatosis in Rabbits - Symptoms and Prevention, we recommend that you enter our Infectious Diseases section.

  • BBC. The virus that the Australian government imported from South America to kill rabbits. Available at:>. Accessed on February 8, 2021.