5 signs that a rabbit is going to die

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 January 2025
5 Signs Your Rabbit is Dying
Video: 5 Signs Your Rabbit is Dying


The death of a rabbit is a heavy blow for those who have a good relationship with animals, however, it is necessary to understand that it is a processNatural through which all living beings pass. In the case of pets, it can be difficult to determine if their symptoms are caused by some pathology or if they are a sign that they will soon die.

Many people wonder why a rabbit dies suddenly and the truth is that, in most cases, it is possible to realize with some speed that this is going to happen. Here at PeritoAnimal, we have created a list with the 5 signs that a rabbit is going to die more frequent, so you can determine if something is wrong and go to the vet of exotic animals as quickly as possible.

1. He neither eats nor drinks

How do you know if a rabbit is about to die? One of the most obvious symptoms is that the animal shows no interest in food and water. Your rabbit doesn't eat hay? You must know that the lack of appetite it can be caused by different pathologies such as scabies, dental malformations or accumulation of hairballs in the stomach. However, the rabbits need to consume hay regularly and drink water to hydrate, otherwise they will likely die. We could also be facing a sick rabbit.

2. He is very quiet

Another of the signs that a rabbit is about to die are the inactivity and apathy, also frequent in situations of stress in rabbits. In any case, when the change in behavior is too radical and the rabbit can't get up, we must be aware that something is wrong. We will provide you with a comfortable, soft space away from the noise and heat while we contact a trusted veterinarian.

3. Your vital signs are altered

When a rabbit is near death, the vital signs are very changed, being possible to observe lack of air or temperature lower than normal. But how do you know what a rabbit's vital signs are? We must pay attention to values ​​of a healthy adult rabbit to be able to compare them with our own rabbit:

  • Body temperature: it usually stays between 38°C and 40°C OÇ.
  • heart rate: oscillates between 180 and 250 beats per minute.
  • Respiratory frequency: between 30 and 60 breaths per minute.
  • Capillary refill time: consists of observing how many seconds it takes for a mucosa to recover its normal color after being pressed. You can gently test the lining of the gums, which should take no longer than 2 seconds to regain its normal color. Likewise, looking at the mucous membranes with a blue, yellow or white color is a sign that the rabbit is sick.

When one or more of these signs appear, it's best to go to the vet urgently.

4. Abnormal behavior

Any animal that is close to death has obvious behavioral changes, whether caused by the pain of a disease or by old age. We can observe highly variable behaviors, from fear to aggressiveness. Also, a few minutes before dying, the rabbit usually relax your sphincters, urinating and defecating more intensely and anywhere.

In this other article we have 15 trivia about rabbits.

5. The moment of passage

At the time of the rabbit's death, and this could be suddenly, the rabbit's breathing is altered, thus starting his last moments. The rabbit will begin to breathe in an agitated and perhaps irregular way, at the same time as its pulse becomes slower and slower. It is also possible that your jaw stay rigid and that you experience some tremors. It is important that you are by your rabbit's side at this time so that he can be calm by your side.

What to do when a rabbit is dying

It is not easy to manage such a delicate moment as knowing the rabbit is dying, however it is important keep calm, mainly to prevent the little lagomorph from getting especially nervous or anxious at this sensitive time. It is necessary to avoid loud noises, stress and excessive handling of the animal.

The ideal is to act with delicacy and tact, petting the animal to try to relax it all the time. If you feel uncomfortable, scared or especially upset, it is ideal to ask a family member for help so that, in its last moments, the rabbit can feel accompanied.

How do you know if a rabbit is dead?

It's difficult accept the death of a petTherefore, there are often doubts whether he has really died, is immersed in a state of torpor or is even asleep or very weak.

However, it's a matter of recognizing the signs to make sure your pet has died or not. First, how was he behaving minutes before? If you notice that he has stopped moving and breathing, his sphincters have relaxed, and there is no response in capillary refill time, your rabbit is dead.

To be sure, gently check for a heartbeat or other vital signs. If you're still not convinced, see your veterinarian immediately.

What to do with a dead rabbit?

The death of a rabbit is a very painful process, but you must understand that it is something natural. After death, it's time to decide what to do with your little friend's body. It is necessary to go to a veterinary Hospital or clinic to have your body cremated, although you can also contact an agency animal funeral home directly over the phone, which is usually a little cheaper.

It is important to emphasize that we must never throw the corpse in the trash, as it can cause the transmission of diseases and parasites to the environment. Finally, it is also possible to bury the animal in a special place, but the best thing is to act responsibly and go to the veterinarian or funeral home.

Finally, we want to remember that when a pet dies, it is normal to go through a period of pain and grief. Feel free to express your pain and give yourself the time to get over your pet's death. On the other hand, don't forget that children should also be aware of what happened and you should act honestly and lightly at this point.

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