How to care for neon fish

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
How to Care for Neon Tetras (Beginner Guide)
Video: How to Care for Neon Tetras (Beginner Guide)


O Melanotaenia boesamani, known as the rainbow fish, it is a small, brightly colored fish that originates from the sides of Indonesia and New Guinea but is currently distributed throughout the world in captivity. At Vivid colors of this species, which mix blue, violet, yellow, red and white, have converted this fish into one of the favorites for home aquariums, where they stand out for their beauty and quick swimming movements.

If you are thinking of adopting one or more of these specimens, you need to know everything that has to do with the conditions in which you should house them. For this reason, the Animal Expert wrote this article about how to care for neon fish, more specifically, of rainbow fish.

Feeding the fish Rainbow Neon

The rainbow is omnivorous and very greedy. Looking for food is not a problem for him. The most recommended is dry food made specifically for them. Furthermore. some experts argue in favor of using small live prey such as larvae.

These fish do not feed on anything that has fallen to the bottom of the lake. For this reason, they will also not eat anything that falls to the bottom of the aquarium. You should moderate the amount and adapt according to the amount of individuals that are in the aquarium. don't worry they are very fast and voracious, so if you give them the right amount, they will feed well.

The ideal aquarium

Despite its small size, the rainbow is a great swimmer, loves to travel long distances and is an excellent athlete. For this reason, with a number less than or equal to 5 of these fish, a aquarium of at least 200 liters. If possible, buy an even bigger one. It must be at least 1 meter high. The more room for them to swim, the better.

Inside the aquarium, it is recommended to use a dark substrate and a wide variety of aquatic plants, located so as not to be an obstacle to fish mobility. A peculiarity of these fish is that when they are depressed or bothered, they do not have such bright colors.

Likewise, it is recommended to have a lot of luminosity, good oxygenation and installing a filter that is capable of generating subtle currents that simulate the natural environment of this species.

Aquarium water

Water characteristics are essential to ensure the quality of life of fish. The average life expectancy of rainbow fish is 5 years.

For this reason, you should keep a mild temperatures, not lower than 23 degrees Celsius nor higher than 27 degrees. The PH should be low and of moderate hardness. THE hygiene of the aquarium is extremely important. For this reason, you should change the water frequently, especially if you see food scraps at the bottom.

Relationship with other fish

The rainbow fish can coexist with other species, but it is necessary to select the species very well in order not to affect the conditions of the aquarium and ensure the tranquility of all the fish.

For fish of the same species, it is recommended to purchase a school of 5/7 fish, which can keep each other company and swim together. To choose companions from other species, it is necessary to take into account the rainbow's swift character and nervous personality, as well as the passion for swimming and the fast behavior at eating time. In this sense, it is not recommended to place breeds that are too calm or slow in the same aquarium, as they may be disturbed by the behavior of this natural swimmer.

You cichlids and the barbels are the best options for sharing the aquarium with these fish. However, you must always be aware of the behavior of different species and ensure that there are no problems with coexistence. The rainbow, although a little hyperactive, is very peaceful, which makes it easily adaptable to other fish.

If you are just a beginner in aquarium hobby, see which fish are ideal for beginners.