
Whale shark feeding

O Whale hark it i one of the mo t worrying fi h. For example, i it a hark or a whale? Without a doubt, it i a hark and ha the phy iology of any other fi h, however, it name wa given due to it enormou ...

brindle cat breeds

There are many breed of brindle cat , whether they have tripe , rounded pot or marble-like pattern . Collectively they are known a brindle or peckled pattern and it i the mo t common pattern in feline...


O iame e cat it come from the ancient kingdom of Zion, pre ent-day Thailand. It wa from 1880 that it began to be traded with him in hipment to the United Kingdom and later to the United tate . In the ...

Rabbit wormers - The best deworming products

A growing number of hou ehold have the company of a rabbit. Although it doe n't look like it, thi adorable little animal can carry internal and external para ite , even cau ing diarrhea in rabbit ...

Minions costume for dog - Learn how to do

Are you a Minion fan and have a dog that like co tume ? Then he entered the right place. At PeritoAnimal we will explain to you how to make a minion co tume for a dog tep by tep to have fun with your ...

How many eyes does a spider have?

Among the more than 40 thou and pecie of pider around the world, it i not alway ea y to know if we are facing a poi onou one or not, but we alway know that it i a pider. Relatively mall in ize, big in...

Types of carnivorous dinosaurs

The tran lation of the word "dino aur" mean "terribly big lizard"However, cience ha hown that not all of the e reptile were huge and that, in fact, they were di tantly related to t...

My cat bites and scratches me, what to do?

Do you feel your little pet attacking you? If your cat bite and cratche you con tantly or if it jump at you unexpectedly, don't be cared becau e in thi article by Animal Expert we'll explain e...

Why cats make so much noise when they cross

Everyone who ha ever een two cat cro ing know the creaming they make. The truth i that the meowing tart a oon a the cat come into heat, becau e they emit characteri tic meow to get the male ' atte...

Appenzeller herdsman

O Appenzeller herd man i a medium- ized breed of dog named after the region of Appenzell, in the mountain of the Alp , witzerland. Thi puppy belong to the four breed of cattle dog that exi t in the Al...

How to Care for a Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll cat are a relatively new breed from the United tate of America. It curiou name Ragdoll, wa given to it becau e of a unique feature in the animal kingdom. When you take it in your arm , it imme...

Benefits of Homemade Dog Food

If we think about the dog food, it' ea y to think of ration and different varietie of canned wet food. Our current fa t pace of life make u feed our dog in a way a fa t and comfortable a that whic...

Tips for having a healthy and happy dog

Enjoying our pet i not ju t about playing with it or accompanying it on walk , a mentally balanced pet i a con equence of the attention and care that the family provide . In thi article by PeritoAnima...

20 most expensive dog breeds in the world

The univer e of dog ha a lot of variety in term of height, ize, coat ize, characteri tic and per onality. ome dog breed adapt better to port , other dog breed are created for company and that meet the...

potentially dangerous dogs

If your intention i to adopt a potentially dangerou dog It i e ential that you check the legi lation in force in your country to carry out all the procedure , otherwi e you ri k a fine or even having ...

Sleeping with cats is bad?

De pite the independent image that many people have of cat , anyone who ha one know that thi i a very weet animal that like to pend time with it owner .If you have doubt about whether leeping with you...

Ringworm in cats - Contagion and treatment

If you have decided to have a cat a a pet, you hould be aware that a little care and food i not enough to take care of it. Therefore, a re pon ible owner , we mu t, among other thing , take re pon ibi...

names for bulldog

Choo ing the right name for your dog it' not ea y, a it get complicated when you realize that you hould choo e a name that identifie your new friend and that i imple to remember and al o fla hy an...

Names for cockatiels

The popularity of cockatiel in Brazil ha grown exponentially and more and more people decide to adopt thi animal a a pet. It i very difficult to remain indifferent to the extremely ociable per onality...

Can cats drink milk?

Can cat drink cow' milk? I it good for them or, on the contrary, i it harmful? Without a doubt, the e are ome of the fir t que tion that come to mind when we decide to adopt a cat, no matter how o...