Can cats drink milk?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Is it OK for CATS to drink MILK? 🥛 Find out!
Video: Is it OK for CATS to drink MILK? 🥛 Find out!


Can cats drink cow's milk? Is it good for them or, on the contrary, is it harmful? Without a doubt, these are some of the first questions that come to mind when we decide to adopt a cat, no matter how old it is. How many times have you seen cats enjoying a nice cup of milk on television or in the movies? Well, in this article by PeritoAnimal we talk about the cat's digestive system, detailing those cases in which it is possible to offer this food, how to give it and what type of milk is more suitable. Read on and find out if cats can drink milk!

milk and cats

Before indicating whether milk is good for cats or not, it is essential to talk about their digestive system and how the feline digests this food. As with humans, the digestive tract is always changing, altering the production of certain enzymes depending on the diet followed, the amount of protein ingested, as well as sugars, fats, etc. Thus, it is logical that changes are also subject to different stages of growth. In this sense, lactating women produce, during the lactation period, a large amount of the lactase enzyme, responsible for digesting the lactose found in milk. As weaning progresses and milk intake decreases, the puppy's digestive tract also decreases lactase production, even developing lactose intolerance in some cases.

This process can also occur in humans, hence the percentage of lactose intolerant people is so high. However, as we mentioned, not all cats are affected so radically in enzyme production, so some of them can tolerate milk into adulthood. Especially cats that continue to drink cow's milk after weaning tend to continue producing lactase. However, although they have the ability to digest lactose correctly, it is important to note that milk shouldn't occupy the cat's entire diet. Next, we explain how to correctly offer this food to your cat. As the puppy grows, it is essential to adapt its diet to introduce new nutrients, proteins, vitamins, etc., necessary for its correct development.

On the other hand, although the production of the lactase enzyme decreases, if the feline continues to produce a small amount, it is possible that it can tolerate milk, also in small amounts. Likewise, dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, as they have a lower amount of lactose, can also be digested in smaller amounts.

So, can kittens drink milk?

If, with small cats, we refer to newborn puppies, the ideal is that they are fed on breast milk. If, unfortunately, you are taking care of a kitten that has been orphaned, we do not recommend that you give him cow's milk., since the composition is different from breast milk and, therefore, the animal will not be receiving the nutrients, lipids and proteins it needs. Currently, it is possible to obtain preparations that simulate the mother's milk of the cat, and it is necessary to go to the veterinarian so that he can indicate the best according to the age of the kitten. However, you can check out some tips in this article that explains how to feed a newborn cat.

However, if the cat in question is a kitten but has already been weaned, you can offer small amounts of milk to see if its body is digesting it correctly. If you don't have any problems, you can conclude that the small cat can drink milk from time to time, always as a supplement and never as a main ingredient.

Can a cat drink cow's milk when it's an adult?

As we saw earlier, most cats tend to progressively reduce lactase production after weaning. This means that, due to enzyme deficiency or its complete disappearance, many of them can become lactose intolerant. Why does it happen? Very simple. Lactose is the sugar that makes up milk, consisting of glucose and galactose. To digest it, the body naturally produces the enzyme lactase in the small intestine, which is in charge of breaking it down to transform it into simple sugars and, therefore, facilitate its absorption. When the enzyme cannot fulfill its function, lactose passes to the large intestine undigested and develops various digestive problems by fermenting under the responsibility of the bacterial flora. Like this, Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Cats are as follows:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Gases
  • Swelling of the abdominal area

Therefore, if after offering cow's milk to your adult cat you notice these symptoms, it is very likely that it is an intolerance and, therefore, you should eliminate lactose from his diet. However, there is also lactose allergy, a completely different pathology from the previous one. While lactose intolerance affects the digestive system, allergy includes the immune system, since the said system develops a hypersensitivity and emits an allergic reaction when it senses that the allergen in question has entered the body. In this case, the allergen would be lactose and the allergy would produce the following symptoms in the feline:

  • Itching accompanied by hives
  • difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Stomach pain that can be identified by sudden meowing.

If your pet suffers from any of these reactions, don't hesitate to visit your vet right away, especially if your pet is not breathing normally.

Finally, it is possible that the animal does not develop any of the pathologies and therefore be able to properly digest lactose. In these cases, we can say that cats can drink cow's milk without problems, always controlling the amounts and as a complement. For this, we recommend giving some milk and observing the animal to ensure that it really can be ingested from time to time or if you should eliminate it completely from the diet instead. The most important thing is to get to know your cat so that you can understand the pet and know what is best for his health!

How to give milk to cats

As we explained in the previous sections, if it seems that the cat does not suffer from any lactose intolerance or allergy, you can offer him some milk. In general, it is usually recommended to offer skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, although some cats tolerate whole milk without any problems. That's why we recommend that you try and observe your furry companion to see how he reacts to find out what kind of milk he likes best and how he feels best.

On the other hand, if your feline has shown signs of intolerance but would like to know if your cat can still drink milk, you should bear in mind that the best option is lactose-free milk. As with humans, lactose-free milk is easier to digest and therefore prevents the appearance of problems related to the digestive tract.

Regarding the amount of milk recommended for cats, what is certain is that we cannot establish a specific number of milliliters because, as we were able to prove, everything depends on each case and the degree of tolerance of the animal. What we can guarantee is that, regardless of whether or not you have the ability to digest lactose, an exaggerated consumption of milk is not recommended.. Too much milk in the cat's diet can result in too high a percentage of calcium, which can lead to the development of kidney stones, for example. For this reason, we advise that you set a rule based on your feline's needs and offer milk twice a week in small bowls. However, we emphasize again that the portions and doses can vary as long as the animal's health is not harmed.

Can cat eat dairy products?

As mentioned earlier, if there is no lactose allergy or intolerance, the cat can consume dairy products such as cheese or yogurt without any problems. As with all processed foods, you should always pay close attention to quantities. In this sense, and although they are good for the animal, we do not recommend an exaggerated consumption, being ideal to offer a couple of tablespoons of yogurt for breakfast, for example, or a piece of cheese as a prize. Yet, the yogurt must be natural and sugar-free and the soft, creamy cheese. You can alternate drinking lactose-free milk with lactose-free milk products to avoid offering both foods on the same day.

In fact, yogurt in particular is a beneficial food for cats because of its high probiotic content. In this sense, another product recommended for the same reason is kefir, which includes an even higher percentage and helps the animal to regulate the intestinal flora and the digestive system in general. We do not advise you to offer more than two weekly doses, as the products should only be given as a supplement.