
How to choose a good veterinarian? 10 Tips!

You veterinary care i mandatory in your pet' life. Be it a feline, a dog, a parrot, a rabbit, an iguana... From the moment we introduce a new member into our family, whatever the pecie , we mu t p...
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Is there a racist dog?

All of u who love dog tend to think and defend with conviction that dog do not nurture or propagate prejudice , unlike human . However, there are true report about ome dog that are aggre ive or extrem...
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Why does my rabbit bite me?

Relation hip between rabbit and people can deteriorate when incident involving aggre ion ymptom a i the ca e with bite . The e could lead to di tance and apprehen ion between the pet and it human comp...
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Why doesn't my puppy want to eat?

You exerci e your dog, play with him, teach him how to look for food, offer him healthy and deliciou di he , and have tried many kind of food , but till, he till doe n't eat?If your puppy i not ea...
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Why does my cat lick himself a lot?

In thi PeritoAnimal article, we'll explain why we have a cat licking it elf too much. We will ee that there are multiple cau e that can be behind thi behavior, o we will detail according to the ar...
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Names for green iguana

Have you recently adopted an iguana and are looking for a li t of name for a green iguana? You found the right article! The Animal Expert gathered the be t name to put on an iguana.The e reptile , inc...
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How to teach a dog to do needs in the litter box

When you decide to adopt a dog, you need to pay pecial attention to education. Regardle of whether you decide to adopt a puppy or an adult dog, it will be e ential to tart educating him upon hi arriva...
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15 dog care

Dog care i e ential to make your pet' life healthy, happy and long. Even the mo t experienced tutor ometime make mi take with their puppie , o PeritoAnimal decided to explain what the 15 dog care ...
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How to care for cockatiel

The cockatiel or cockatiel (for the Portugue e) i one of the mo t cho en parrot a a companion animal. he i the fir t choice of many people not only becau e it u ually ha a low price, but mainly becau ...
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Sporotrichosis in cats and dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment

porotricho i i a zoono i , a di ea e that can be tran mitted from animal to people. The agent of thi di ea e i a fungu , which u ually u e a kin wound a a perfect mean of entry into the organi m.Thi ...
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Tips for choosing your pet

We all know that owning a pet involve many re pon ibilitie , but to what extent we know what they are and which one we have to take into account when choo ing one. Having an animal in our care i not c...
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Chlamydiosis in cockatiel - treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Chlamydio i i one of the mo t common di ea e in bird . Cockatiel can be infected by Chlamydophila p ittaci, o if you have a bird of thi pecie , you need to be very aware of the ymptom . ince chlamydio...
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10 fun facts about chihuahuas

The chihuahua i one of the mexican dog breed more popular. Hi name come from the large t tate in Mexico. Thi dog tand out mo t probably due to it character, phy ical characteri tic and the joy it po e...
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Dog names with the letter T

There are a number of precaution that we mu t take before bringing a new pet home. Keep everything clean and organized, keeping away object that they can chew on or hurt them elve with, en ure they ha...
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Do dogs have a memory?

How many time do we look at our dog and wonder about what will you be thinking? Remember the attitude you corrected the other day? Or, what could be going on in ide that little head that can't voc...
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O Deerhound or cotti h Lébrel i a giant greyhound dog, imilar to the Engli h Greyhound but taller, tronger and with a coar e and broad coat. De pite not being a well-known dog breed, it i one of ...
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Can rabbit eat bread?

When it' about live with a pet at home, we often forget that each pecie ha it own nutritional requirement , plu one or more food group that are beneficial, compared to other that are trictly prohi...
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Can rabbit eat bananas?

banana i a fruit high in fiber and ugar quite ta ty for the palate of mo t people and many animal . However, it doe not alway repre ent benefit .When it come to rabbit food, you know that it houldn...
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Fun facts about bees

bee belong to the order Hymenoptera, which belong to the cla In ecta of the ubphylum of hexapod . Are cla ified a ocial in ect , for individual are grouped in hive forming a kind of ociety in which th...
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Names for male dogs

If you have decided to adopt a dog and are looking for a cute and original name, you are on the right ite! At PeritoAnimal, we pre ent a wide variety of example for you to be in pired and choo e once ...
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