
Types of terrestrial hedgehog

Do you like terre trial urchin ? At PeritoAnimal we are great admirer of thi mall mammal with hort pine and probo ci . It i an independent and beautiful animal that undoubtedly ha a unique and attract...

Does a gecko have poison?

In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we are going to pre ent you ome information about one of the animal that often inhabit our home : we are talking about lizard . For ome people, they are not a cau e for...

Small cat breeds - the smallest in the world

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will introduce you to 5 mall cat breed in the world, which are not con idered the malle t that exi t. We'll explain to you the origin of each one of them, the mo ...

Dog eating dirt: causes and solutions

Dog are curiou animal . They like to cour corner , bark, and often eat almo t everything they find by the way. Thi behavior can be dangerou for them, e pecially if they inge t ub tance that are not on...

Diclofenac for dogs: doses and uses

Diclofenac odium i the active ub tance in a well-known and widely u ed drug old under the brand name Voltaren or Voltadol. It i a product u ed for fight the pain. Did the vet pre cribe diclofenac for ...

crows' intelligence

Throughout hi tory, and po ibly due to mythology, crow have alway been een a ini ter bird , ymbol of bad luck. But the truth i that the e black plumage bird are among the 5 marte t animal in the world...

Natural Remedies for Cat Gastroenteritis

Who ay cat are kitti h and ju t need attention? Thi i a very wide pread myth but completely fal e. Cat can al o be very attached to their owner and equally their bodie are u ceptible to variou di ea e...

Why does my dog ​​have a dry nose?

We alway hear that when a dog' no e i dry, it' ick. the truth i that it can dry out for everal rea on and not all are di ea e related., healthy dog can al o have a dry no e in variou ituation ...

Names for Dogs in Japanese

If you are reading thi PeritoAnimal article, it i becau e you want to find the perfect name for your pet or becau e you will oon adopt a dog that belong to one of the Japane e dog breed .Whether it...

dog phrases

Everyone who ha a dog know how faithful the e animal are and that there i nothing like dog love. A dog never leave u . He i pre ent in good time and bad, in time of adne and joy. Alway ready to take a...

Rabbit neutering - Care and tips

Many people who decide to hare their life with a rabbit imagine that they behave very differently from other pet uch a cat and dog . But they are oon urpri ed to ee thi little furry being marking terr...

Asthma in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Cat are u ceptible to variou illne e , although it i al o true that feline are re i tant and have an independent character, however, on numerou occa ion they need pecial attention. ome pathologie that...

Why does my cat follow me all the time?

If you are a proud owner or owner of a feline, you have certainly wondered why doe your cat follow you all the time. It i common for people who have a good bond with your cat to ee you cha ing them ev...


O Dalmatian i one of the mo t popular canine breed and known for it peculiar black (or brown) pot on it white coat. It i a very loyal dog, with a table and calm character, whenever enough exerci e i p...

Does a dog with Down syndrome exist?

Eventually, photo that how, uppo edly, "animal with Down' yndrome" go viral on ocial network . The la t ca e that drew attention were in feline (the tiger Kenny and the cat Maya), howeve...

5 Signs That Your Dog Is Happy

We are alway very happy with our pet , but on many occa ion we don't know for ure if our furry friend are happy with u . Dog , like people, can feel happy or, conver ely, they can experience anxie...

Brachycephalic dogs: breeds, characteristics and care

Have you ever heard of brachycephalic race ? or from brachycephalic dog yndrome? Currently, many dog uffer from variou health problem preci ely becau e of thi condition, which al o generate certain co...

How long is a cat a kitten?

It may be that to you, no matter how much time pa e , your cute kitten alway look like a baby. But until what age i a cat con idered a kitten? When doe a cat actually become an adult?In the different ...

Signs that my cat is happy

When a cat i happy, it urrounding are in harmony, including it human companion . But if cat don't talk, how can you tell if they're happy?In fact, there are many way to know your cat' tate...

Parasites in Cats - Types, Symptoms and Treatment

You para ite on cat repre ent one of the great concern of caregiver , mainly due to the potential danger of tran mi ion to men that ome of them pre ent. In addition, ome para ite can al o act a vector...