Parasites in Cats - Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Signs Of Worms In Cats 😾Cat Worms: Causes And Symptoms
Video: Signs Of Worms In Cats 😾Cat Worms: Causes And Symptoms


You parasites on cats represent one of the great concerns of caregivers, mainly due to the potential danger of transmission to men that some of them present. In addition, some parasites can also act as vectors for other parasites or serious diseases.

In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll talk about the different parasites in cats - types, symptoms and treatment. We'll explain better about the types of cat worms, your characteristics most important, as well as the treatment who will fight each of them. Internal and external deworming must be performed regularly to prevent infestations, always with products prescribed by a veterinarian.

Types of parasites in cats

there are several types of parasites in cats. Also, some of them are capable of infecting humans. We can classify them, according to their location, in the following categories, which we will explain in detail in the following sections:

  • external parasites: are those that lie on the animal and, therefore, we can see it with the naked eye.
  • internal parasites: as their name indicates, we can't see them because they lodge inside the cat's body. These types of parasites, in turn, are divided between those located in the gastrointestinal system, which are more frequent, and also in the heart or lungs. That's why they are types of cat worms that are invisible to the naked eye but that pose a danger to the animal.

All these cat parasites can affect cats of any age, even if they do not have access to outside areas of the house or apartment. Of particular concern will be parasites in kittens, which can already come home with parasites transmitted from the mother. Also, because they are more vulnerable, severe infestations can seriously affect your health.

external parasites in cats

In this category of cat parasites, fleas stand out. The characteristic symptom of their presence is itching, as they are insects that feed on blood and, in order to obtain it, bite the cat. Also, some cats are allergic to fleas and develop what is known as DAPP, flea allergy dermatitis. If this is the case with your cat, you may notice redness, sores and alopecia (hair loss), especially in the lower back.

As cats spend a lot of time cleaning themselves, it is common for them to ingest the fleas they find, so we often cannot see them. On the other hand, in more serious infestations or cats that are less clean, for different reasons, we might see these little bugs with a flat body and black or brown in color. More often, it is possible to detect flea droppings, which are seen as black grains of digested blood.

At cat fleas they pass easily from one cat to another, but they can also feed on other warm-blooded animals, including humans. Although it may seem like a minor problem, the truth is that large infestations are capable of causing anemia in the most vulnerable cats. Also, they can transmit infectious diseases, such as bartonellosis, or other parasites such as tapeworms. Therefore, it is essential to control this type of cat worms.

Flea infestation is treated with the application of an anti-parasitic product. The veterinarian will recommend the most suitable for your cat, as we can choose between pills, pipettes, sprays or collars. In the case of these parasites, it is important to know that in addition to treating the cat, we must disinfect the environment, because the fleas lay eggs in cracks on the floor, carpets, beds, etc. There are products that, in addition to killing adult fleas, inhibit the growth of their eggs. Finally, even if the cat doesn't leave the house, we can carry some fleas there ourselves.

On the other hand, the ticks on cats are less common. They look like small balls that can even be the size of a chickpea. Sometimes, in place of the parasite, we can notice a small bulge where it has attached itself, as it feeds on blood, just like fleas. The difference is that ticks are hooked on the body, so it is possible to extract them with care. This is very important because they can also transmit disease.

In general, antiparasitic drugs that work on fleas also kill ticks. All of them have a preventive effect of weeks or even months, that is, a single application will protect your cat for as long as the manufacturer indicates.

They exist other external parasites that can affect felines, such as cat lice, which usually affect young or sick individuals, mites on cats, ectoparasites that settle on the skin and can cause scabies or ear problems, such as ear infections, but also fungi and the parasitization by larvae, which settle in wounds, causing myiasis or worms.

Types of Cat Worms

Other parasites that are very common in cats are those that inhabit the interior of their body, especially in the intestinal tract, as they are the most abundant, easier to transmit and are also capable of infecting humans. The worm is a type of parasite.

There are several types of cat worms that attack the intestines. We can basically distinguish the following:

  • Round worms or ascaris in cats: within this group, the toxocara cati, which can also affect humans and especially children, since the worm's eggs stay in the ground and can thus be ingested by minors. Cats can also catch them this way, hunting or through the mother. Infestations in cats can go unnoticed, but in severe cases or that affect the kittens, we can notice swollen abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting. Respiratory signs can also appear if the worms enter the lungs.
  • Hookworms in cats: This one of the cat worm types can also affect humans, as their larvae can enter the body through the skin. This is how they infect cats, and also through ingesting their eggs if the cat licks contaminated surfaces. These worms anchor in the intestinal wall to feed and thus can cause bleeding, bloody diarrhea, or anemia, especially in puppies. In adult cats we can observe weight loss.
  • Flat or basket worms in cats: the best known parasites in this group are the tapeworms, which can also be found in humans. Fleas can transmit them if they are eaten by the cat, although they are also caught during hunting. Most cats with flatworms are asymptomatic. In some, it is possible to observe a frequent licking in the anal region due to irritation produced by the release of eggs in the feces media. These are the parasites known in cats as rice grains, as this is the appearance of eggs that can be seen in the feces or anus.

In addition to the types of cat worms mentioned, felines can also be affected by coccidia and giardias, which are usually characterized by causing intestinal disorder and diarrhea, which as always is more dangerous in kittens. Although the dewormers we use regularly are broad-spectrum, some parasites will need specific treatment. That's why it's important for the veterinarian to make the diagnosis.

It should be noted that, in addition to internal intestinal parasites, cats can suffer infestations pulmonary and cardiac. They will contract lung parasites from ingesting contaminated prey. The rarest is that they do so by eating slugs or snails. The larvae travel from the intestines to the lungs, where they can cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.

the calls heartworms are transmitted by mosquito bites. Because they live in the heart and pulmonary vessels, they can cause respiratory and circulatory problems. There are even asymptomatic cats that die suddenly, hence the importance of controlling this parasitosis.

How to deworm a cat?

To eliminate parasites in cats, it is important to keep in mind the prevention, as it is always better to avoid infestations than to treat them. That's why the veterinarian, depending on your cat's characteristics and living conditions, will advise you on the most suitable deworming schedule.

There are many products to deworm cats, but in general, pipettes are widely used for their ease of application, reserving sprays for specific situations or kittens. Pill administration can be more complex. You can try to camouflage it in food, or if you can't, wrap the cat in a blanket or towel to keep it from moving.

As for home remedies to treat different types of cat worms and external parasites, we can find several options, including lemon, for external parasites, or garlic, for internal ones. Before using any of them, just as we should do if we administer medications, we have to consult the veterinarian, as it is important to identify the parasite, check the administration guidelines and make sure that the home remedy will not be counterproductive.

Now that you know the external parasites and also the types of cat worms, you might be interested in the following video with the most common diseases in cats:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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