
Homemade costumes for cats 🎭

With the arrival of Halloween or Carnival, you are certainly already thinking about the decoration of the hou e and co tume for thi date, both for you and your pet. Dre ing up your cat i a very fun id...

dolphin communication

You've probably heard the hi ing and wheezing that dolphin make a few time , whether it' becau e we were lucky enough to ee them in per on or in a documentary. It' not ju t ound , it' ...

Types of sea turtles

The marine and oceanic water are inhabited by a great variety of living being . Among them are tho e that are the ubject of thi article: the di tinct type of ea turtle . A peculiarity of ea turtle i t...

Oily Hair in Cats - Causes and Treatment

On ome occa ion our feline companion have oily fur. In mo t of them, it i omething accidental, the cau e of which mu t be ought in the exploratory curio ity of our cat . They love to explore and ventu...

How to Feed a Newborn Cat

A kitten hould tay with it mother and drink her milk until 8 or 10 week of age, before being adopted. Nothing replace your mother to give you the nutrient you need and the care that allow you to have ...

Freshwater Aquarium Fish - Types, Names and Photos

Fre hwater fi h are tho e that pend their entire live in water with a alinity of le than 1.05%, that i , in river , lake or pond . More than 40% of the world' fi h pecie live in thi type of habita...

Constipation in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Deciding to welcome a dog into your home doe not only imply accepting a great re pon ibility, but al o receiving affection, company and pre ence on a daily ba i , ince a dog become a loyal and faithfu...

Home remedies for fleas in kittens

Flea are the e mall but in ufferable in ect that attack the kin of many animal like dog and cat . Thi i becau e pet have bodie with high temperature , omething that flea love. Thi pe t grow in hot, hu...

Do dogs sense environmental catastrophes?

Dog , like other animal pecie , have an uncanny ability to prevent natural di a ter . We human , even with all the technology we have at our fingertip , cannot match the animal in tinct that prevent t...

Jealousy between cats and dogs

Our dear pet are emotional and are al o capable of feeling jealou ju t like human . If you already have a dog or cat in your home and are waiting for the arrival of an animal of a different pecie , yo...

short names for cats

Adopted a kitten and are looking for a hort name for it? Did you know that ideally pet name hould have two or three yllable ? hort name make it ea ier for the pet to learn. Al o, you hould not choo e ...

English mastiff or mastiff

The Engli h ma tiff, al o known a the ma tiff, i a breed of molo oid dog, that i , characterized by it robu t body, trong mu cle and a large head with a hort nout. The Engli h ma tiff i very imilar to...

Urinary Infection in Dogs

Like people, puppie can al o uffer from a urinary tract infection. We hould know that mo t ca e occur in bitche but any dog ​​can uffer from thi condition. Thi problem can affect any of the tructure t...

Male or Female Cat - Which is Better?

If you're thinking about adopting a cat, you're probably wondering What i better, a male or female cat. Thi i , of cour e, a difficult deci ion, a you certainly want to know which one be t uit...

Why do cats have a rough tongue?

Do you remember the fir t time a kitten licked your hand? He wa certainly urpri ed by the feeling of " andpaper" that the cat' tongue provoked a it rubbed over hi kin.The cat' tongue...

Diaphragmatic Hernia in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

When a dog uffer a traumatic proce , uch a being run over, falling, or hit hard enough to cau e a diaphragm defect that allow it to pa age of abdominal vi cera for the che t cavity, a diaphragmatic he...

Can cat eat dog food?

If you have cat and dog at home, you have certainly been eized on more than one occa ion a to whether your cat can eat dog food and vice ver a. You might even be tempted to buy a ingle type of food fo...

Advice for raising dogs

educate dog it' a imple ta k when you know how to do it and when it' not very advanced. However, educating a dog can eem like an impo ible ta k if you follow the wrong advice.There are current...

Why do cats suck on the blanket?

Cat have ome very trange habit for u human . Namely, eating trange thing or licking trange object . If the behavior only happened once, there' no need to worry, but if on the other hand it' om...

How to Care for a Betta Fish

O betta fi h it i al o known a the iame e fighting fi h and i a very popular pet for it color and appearance. They are relatively ea y to maintain although you hould pay attention to ome precaution to...