
A delicate moment in cat care is the nail clipping, felines don't usually like this moment at all, apart from being uncomfortable for them. But it is important to cut them to avoid doing damage, either to the furniture in the house or even to ourselves. Therefore, it is important to learn the best way to interact with them so that we can complete this task and make it as less inconvenient as possible for them. To help you, in this PeritoAnimal article we will give you some tips to know cut a cat's nails.
Cut your nails step by step
It is important to have a lot of patience, but we must also know exactly how to do it, what time to choose, etc. Therefore, it is important to follow the following recommendations to make this process easier:
- must get him used Since little to cut the nails, you will see this as something common and normal, because if you only teach when the cat is an adult, the process will be longer and more stressful for you but especially for the cat.
- O moment to choose it is essential, cats are independent but they also seek our affection at certain times of the day, and may have the habit of asking for caresses at a certain time of day. If this is the case with your cat, you should take this time to cut his nails. See our article on when to cut cat nails.
- You should take it easy, you can't take the scissors and just start cutting your nails. You have to get it first than the cat let you touch your paws, it's something cats don't usually like. So take it easy and touch his paws.
- It is important that the cat see scissors as something harmless, that's why you should let him see it, smell it, play with it, touch it with his paws, to get used to it.
- If you think the cat is going to try to run away, then it's best to get help from someone else, preferably someone he already knows and is used to, otherwise he'll only get more stressed and scared. But always try to do this procedure alone, as two people, even if you know him, can stress the cat even more.

How to cut a cat's nails and with what?
It is very important to buy one. specific scissors for clipping your cat's nails, you cannot use any as they will be harmful to them. Therefore, you should always use special cat scissors.
It's very important that you don't cut your nails too much, you you should just cut them off. If you cut more than that, you can cut the vein in the nail and that will hurt the cat a lot, so if it's the first time you're going to cut the cat's nails, go to the vet to teach you how to do it. it the right way.

Advice for cutting cat nails
In case you accidentally cut too much, it's good to have it handy styptic powder to stop the bleeding immediately and make the cat suffer as little as possible.
Although there are operations to completely eliminate the cat's nails, you should know that this is not a solution as it will only harm your cat's health. Furthermore, in many regions this type of procedure is prohibited.