
How to make rabbit toys

Rabbit are very ociable and playful animal . For thi rea on, the e weet animal need their caregiver to provide them with attention, affection and environmental enrichment o that they can remain well t...
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5 things the dog breed says about you

When we choo e a dog breed a a pet, we do thi for ome rea on. We often know why we like one dog better than another, ometime we don't know why, but we prefer a Boxer over a Chihuahua. Thi i becau ...
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How to teach my cat to sleep on the bed

If you have a cat at home, then it' no ecret that the e animal , in addition to being cute and good company, are al o dominant being and in ome ca e even capriciou , o it' important that you e...
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Avoid cat sickness in the car

The idea that the cat i a kitti h a it i independent i wide pread, however if you hare your life with a cat you will urely have di covered that thi animal need a much care and attention a any other pe...
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My dog ​​eats everything in sight: what to do

One of the mo t common que tion and concern among tutor i : "my dog ​​eat everything in ight, what to do?". Well, the fir t thing we need to point out i that thi exce ively haped behavior i ...
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care of an elderly dog

the dog with more than 10 year can be con idered elderly dog , that i , a dog that exceed thi age (e pecially if it i large) i an elderly dog.Elderly puppie have a certain tenderne , and if you've...
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Injured bird - what to do?

When pring begin to draw to a clo e and ummer begin , the high temperature cau e bird to jump out of their ne t , even if they are not yet ready to fly. There are other rea on why a bird might jump be...
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feed newborn puppies

Having to feed a newborn puppy i a very complicated ta k that need to be done. dedication and time. The dog i a very en itive being that need con tant care on your part. Don't offer to do thi if y...
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Most Common Siberian Husky Diseases

O iberian Hu ky i a wolf-like breed of dog, and it appearance and per onality have become very popular in recent year . They are happy and active animal , which need a lot of attention and care to tay...
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cure burns in dogs

If you have a dog you will certainly be intere ted in thi article by Animal Expert where we bring you a topic of fir t aid, cure dog burn .Did you know that dog can burn not only with fire? Do you kno...
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Why does my dog ​​cry when he is alone?

ometime when we leave the hou e to go to work or to run a imple errand, the dog get very ad and tart crying, but do you know why that happen ? Dog are ocial animal and don't feel comfortable pend...
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singapore cat

The ingapore cat i a breed of very mall cat , but trong and mu cular. The fir t thing that trike you when you ee a ingapore i it large haped eye and it characteri tic epia colored coat. Thi i an orien...
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Treatment of ringworm in dogs

If you u pect or already know with certainty that your puppy ha ringworm, treatment hould tart a oon a po ible. It i important that the veterinarian confirm with any exam or te t that he/ he believe i...
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The 10 most popular cat breeds in the world

We know that adopting a cat, regardle of it breed, color, ex or age, i an act of pure love that give u the opportunity to live with a feline full of abilitie and charm . How many time are we urpri ed ...
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Chinese Crested Dog

Elegant and exotic, the Chine e Cre ted Dog, al o known a Chine e Cre ted or Chine e Cre ted Dog, i a breed of dog that ha two varietie , the hairle and the Powderpuff. The animal of the fir t variety...
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Yellow cat vomiting: causes and treatment

Many guardian are concerned when they notice that their cat are vomiting green or yellowi h liquid or foam. And thi concern i fully ju tified becau e vomiting in cat can happen with ome frequency, but...
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Hepatitis Cat Care

The liver i often defined a the room for recycling animal and human wa te. But we mu t not forget that it i a great ource of energy for the body and that it i alway doing very hard work to keep harmfu...
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Great Dane

O Great Dane al o known a Great Dane i one of the bigge t, mo t elegant and chari matic dog . The breed tandard accepted by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) de cribe him a "the Apol...
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Dog with Cough - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The cau e of a dog with a cough can be of different origin , for thi rea on, it i important to have an early diagno i that help the veterinarian to e tabli h the proper treatment. In thi article by Pe...
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French Bulldog Breed Problems

A with mo t purebred puppie , the French Bulldog ha a certain predi po ition to uffer from certain hereditary di ea e . o, if you have a "frenchie" and you are intere ted in knowing more abo...
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