
When we choose a dog breed as a pet, we do this for some reason. We often know why we like one dog better than another, sometimes we don't know why, but we prefer a Boxer over a Chihuahua. This is because, whether deliberately or not, our decision stems from an unconscious reaction that relates our personality to the type of dog in question. Basically your dog can reflect many things about your personality, your tastes and your lifestyle.
For example, if you are a very active person, you will not look for a sedentary dog as a pet, because the personality level will shock you all the time. Lastly, as in all relationships, there must be things in common. It is very interesting to walk in the street and see people with their respective companions and observe that they even share certain physical characteristics. Hence the famous saying "Dogs look like their owners".
Wants to know what the dog breed says about you? Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and you'll see how your dog and you look much more like each other than you think.
physical appearance
In some cases, a dog can become the mirror of a person. We unconsciously look for a dog that looks like us even in its physique. This demonstrates the personal ego and, at the same time, the importance of the presence that this dog will have in our life. Our pet will be a mini version of ourselves.
Big men, with a strong appearance, usually choose dogs with this same type of physique. In addition, women who are more feminine, delicate, elegant and who like to take care of their image, identify with smaller or larger, but stylized dogs, such as the Shih Tzu, the Maltese, the Chihuahua or the Afghan Hound. As already mentioned, we make it clear that the choice of dog can be determined by sex, however, it is not a mandatory rule.

the personality
Personality is a key factor when choosing your pet. Open, spontaneous and extroverted people look for the same in your dog and these will be the soul of dog parties in all parks. If, on the other hand, your puppy is withdrawn, antisocial and shy, perhaps you can think about opening up a little more to the outside world and taking your puppy on this new social adventure. A jealous and distrustful person will educate your puppy to stay away from other dogs or make him only approach one or another puppy.
The same goes for dog education. A rude dog who doesn't obey you, who is too independent and constantly bothers other dogs and their owners, is sometimes a sign that the owner is also careless, not sociable and doesn't spend enough time with him. However, this is not a rule, as there are cases of responsible owners who cannot correct their furry companion's bad behavior. For them, we recommend that they consult an ethologist as soon as possible and leave the situation in the hands of professionals.
Dogs that are more active than hyperactive are usually the pets of people who consider sport an essential part of their life and who love activities such as crossfit or bootcamps. On the other hand, an over-trained, almost military-style dog will surely have an owner with a strict personality and a very demanding lifestyle.
And, to finish with the things the dog breed says about our personality, people who need to feel secure will choose dog breeds that bring them confidence and security, such as guard dogs. However, this point does not necessarily have to be related to low self-esteem.

How did your dog get home?
How your pet arrived at your new home can give you many clues about its personality. If you've always wanted a dog but had never really thought about it, and one day you go to a pet store and leave with a puppy in your arms, this is a sign that you may have a tendency to impulsiveness.
If, on the other hand, you are methodical, overly organized and even indecisive, you may spend years reading, asking and investigating before having a pet. If your case is having bought a dog from pedigree purebred, from parents who are champions of competition and who also cost you all your savings, this could indicate arrogance and indicate that you constantly like to demonstrate your achievements to other people. However, there are also cases of people who resort to buying simply because they are unaware of the large number of dogs that are in shelters waiting for a new home.
adopted a dog in a sheltered or took it off the street? So you have a generous, selfless and compassionate personality. More than looking for a particular breed of dog, what interests him is to be part of a creature's life and that it is part of yours, this means that he is a person who easily empathizes.

care and hygiene
How often do you bathe your dog? Do you cut your nails and hair regularly? Taking care of your puppy is an aspect that will speak volumes about you, because your pet will reflect your own personal hygiene. A clean and tidy dog is not the same thing as a careless one with knots in the fur and problems with the teeth.
Your pet's fur type is also an indicator of its personality. If you are a meticulous, orderly, and clean person, you will choose short-haired dogs. If he's more carefree, he won't mind so much that he's a long-haired dog, one of those who leave fur wherever they go.

Other indicators
At people who like to take care of themselves, who live a healthy life and care about their environment, tend to feed their puppies more carefully. In other words, they take time to prepare rich dishes for them and whenever they go to the supermarket they think about them and buy them sweets. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that you feed your puppy canned food or kibble, you have a sloppy personality and that your pet's welfare doesn't interest you. What you might mean is that it's a pragmatic person who likes to take things with convenience and who trusts the traditional brands of dog food.
A dog that feels comfortable walking around the house, but that respects certain limits, is the pet of a polite person, who at the same time considers him part of the family. If you get to the point of sharing your bed with the dog, it means that you are a very affectionate and sweet person, but that in some you can fall into submission.
Owners who have their dog out of the house all the time, who don't let them in or who have him locked up, are people with possessive impulses, but at the same time, they show themselves indifferent and that they consider their dog a good one, more than a companion.
Now, what do you think your dog's breed says about you? With all this data you can now check if your dog is a complete reflection of you or just share a few things.