Canine Dermatitis: Types, Causes and Treatment

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Learn about Dermatitis & Environmental Allergies in Dogs (Atopy)
Video: Learn about Dermatitis & Environmental Allergies in Dogs (Atopy)


You dermatological problems are a very common cause of consultation in veterinary clinics, with increasing information and specializations in the field of dermatology, as well as products to treat symptoms. Is that, although they are not deadly diseases, dermatological diseases significantly affect the quality of life of dogs. Thus, given the importance and frequency of these conditions that concern caregivers so much and bother dogs so much, find out more in this article by PeritoAnimal about canine dermatitis: types, causes and treatments.

Canine Dermatitis: What Is It

To talk about the types of canine dermatitis, the first thing you should know is what you are referring to when the term dermatitis is used. Thus, canine dermatitis is a pruritic inflammation of the skin, which can manifest in different ways (vesicles, erosions, ulcers, nodules, etc.) and have different causes, as you will see in the next sections, in which we will explain the most frequent types of canine dermatitis, as well as the symptoms and treatment. You'll also be able to see what canine dermatitis looks like, photos of each type to help you identify more easily which one is affecting your furry companion.

canine atopic dermatitis

Within the types of canine dermatitis, canine atopic dermatitis is the more common. It has a genetic basis and affects young puppies, 1 to 3 years old, it usually starts to occur seasonally, but then starts to happen throughout the year, as the number of allergens to which the dog reacts increases. itching appears, especially in the ears (ear infections are common, sometimes as the only symptom) and in lower body, hair loss in itchy areas, skin lesions, secondary bacterial infections and intense licking between the fingers, which even darkens the area due to the oxidation of saliva with air. In addition, you may notice sneezing and nasal and eye secretions. This whole picture is produced by a overreaction of the organism to elements inhaled or absorbed through the skin, which under normal conditions should not produce any reaction, such as pollen or mites. The ideal is to identify what produces the reaction to avoid it, but this is almost impossible, so some measures should be taken to reduce, as much as possible, exposure to potential allergens:

  • Vacuum the house daily;
  • Do not shake blankets or sheets off your bed in the dog's presence;
  • Reduce rides as much as possible during windy days;
  • Do not go out at times of highest concentration of pollen;
  • When you know that exposure has occurred, bathe the dog.

As a treatment, it is generally recommended bathe the dog with specific shampoos, disinfectants and that reduce itching, in addition to using, in some cases, medications to control it and prevent secondary infections that can take advantage of already damaged skin. Fatty acid supplements may also be recommended.

Dog flea allergy dermatitis (DAPP)

This type of dermatitis in dogs is very common and occurs in dogs that are especially sensitive to the substances present in the flea saliva. When these insects bite, even if only one of them, the reaction is triggered, with the appearance of alopecic areas and red lumps or pimples, especially at the base of the tail, the back of the hind legs and the inner thighs. This canine dermatitis produces very itchy, that's why the dog bites itself, the fur ends up falling out. The skin becomes dry and you may see sores and scabs that become infected. If left untreated, the skin darkens and thickens.

O treatment from allergy dermatitis to flea bites goes through the parasite control, fulfilling the deworming plan. It can be quite difficult, as there is no product that eliminates them with 100% efficiency. Even so, many dogs can continue to itch when they no longer have fleas. Some recommendations you should follow to eliminate them are as follows:

  • Treat all animals that live together;
  • Keep the treatment year-round, even if you no longer see fleas;
  • Use products that eliminate fleas in all their stages (eggs, larvae and adults) to ensure that all possibility of contact is eliminated, even if for this it is necessary to use more than one product (always under veterinary recommendation);
  • Vacuum frequently the house and wash the beds or houses that the dog uses;
  • You can use some product to control fleas in the environment, if there is a considerable infestation, also following the recommendation of a professional.

Canine Dermatitis: Food Allergy

Another type of canine dermatitis that is frequently seen in veterinary consultations is caused by food allergies, which can appear at any age. Although this type of allergy also produce digestive disorders, it is very common to manifest itself in the form of dermatitis. the skin turns red and welts appear on the ears, buttocks, on the back of the feet and on the lower part of the body. The puppy will react to foods such as meat, eggs, fish or additives. Therefore, to treat this problem, a hypoallergenic diet or assimilation, which will include a small number of ingredients and no coloring, preservative or flavoring. In general, these diets are monoprotein to facilitate the identification of the allergen. You can also go on a homemade diet, always under veterinarian approval.

It is important that the dog has not tried these ingredients in the past. If symptoms improve, the diagnosis is confirmed, and it is possible to check by re-introducing the suspected food into the diet. If the dog gets worse, you can be sure he has allergic dermatitis, in which case the diet should be maintained.

Canine dermatitis due to insect bites (flies)

This dermatitis belongs to the types of dermatitis in dogs caused by insects, in this case flies, which produce characteristic lesions, especially in the tips of the ears erect, which will have "eaten" extremities with sores that bleed very easily when the dog scratches and shakes its head due to the discomfort it feels. They can also appear in the folds, in the case of puppies with drooping ears.

During the summer, it is very common to notice it in dogs that live outdoors and have their ears raised, and the diagnosis is easy because it is possible to see flies in the wounds and they usually form dark scabs. You should try as much as possible, control the fly population, as well as keep the dog indoors, especially during the day, at least until all the wounds have healed. It is also advisable to apply insect repellent and keep your ears clean and dry. Treatment is usually with an antibiotic-containing canine dermatitis ointment, but only used under veterinary prescription.

Acral lick dermatitis

In the types of dermatitis in dogs, we also find the so-called Acral lick dermatitis, for which a psychological origin is presumed, although there may be physical factors involved. In this canine dermatitis there is a open ulcer that the dog compulsively licks. It usually appears on legs and in short-haired breeds. It can be caused by a psychological disorder of inactivity, boredom, etc., although there may also be an injury or pain in the area and the dog manifests in that way. The root cause must be looked for in order to start a successful treatment.

It can also be a canine atopic dermatitis, a demodectic mange, a bacterial or fungal infection, a stroke or even a joint disease. All of these situations can make the dog focus on the affected area.

Frequent licking causes the skin gets thicker and harder, despite the appearance being always fresh due to the constant humidity produced by the dog's licks. Although there is a physical cause, the dog's frequent licking is considered psychological, so it is a good idea, as part of the treatment, to seek help from a professional who specializes in canine behavior and also change some of your dog's routines.

Acute wet dermatitis

This type of dermatitis in dogs is also called hot spot or "hot spot". They are lesions that appear suddenly, very painful, from variable size, with foul odor and pus. By licking these wounds, the dog prolongs the infection. They can appear on any part of the body, especially in long-haired breeds and just before fur change. Dead hair is one of the factors that can be involved with the appearance, as well as the presence of parasites, allergies, infections or even the lack of proper brushing. If the cause can be identified, it must be remedied.

As these lesions are very painful, the animal will need to be sedated so that the veterinarian can disinfect them. For the cure, this professional must prescribe topical and probably systemic medications. Also, it may be necessary to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent the dog from licking itself.

See more information about medicine for canine dermatitis in this PeritoAnimal article.

canine contact dermatitis

This type of dermatitis in dogs occurs, as its name suggests, by contact with an irritant that causes a reaction. It mostly appears on the chin or lips area, when eating from a plastic plate, for example, or on feet and hairless body parts (nose, ankles, scrotum) if the reaction occurs through contact with chemical agents such as detergents, solvents , paints and even some soaps.

You will be able to observe reddish bumps and very red skin at points of contact with the irritating substance. Sometimes the reaction only occurs with a single exposure. Some dogs can suffer from allergic contact dermatitis, which is caused by repeated exposure to the irritant and affects a larger area of ​​the body. It can be caused by products such as antiparasitic collars, shampoo, leather, grass, some medications or plastic or rubber pots. Once the causative agent is identified, it is necessary to avoid contact with your dog. Also, to learn how to treat canine dermatitis, you should seek help from a trusted veterinarian. He will prescribe the proper medication to help heal the affected skin.

Canine Dermatitis in Puppies

Finally, within the types of canine dermatitis, we mention those that affect puppies: impetigo and acne. These are small superficial skin infections that appear in puppies less than one year old. Impetigo is characterized by the presence of pus-filled blisters in the abdomen and groin area. You may also see brown scabs when bubbles explode. It is more frequent in animals with poor hygienic conditions. Acne can appear after 3 months of age. It is characterized by pustules and pimples mainly on the chin and lower lip, although it can also occur in the genital region and the groin. Both can be treated by bathing with a canine dermatitis shampoo. Antibiotics are sometimes needed for acne, but it usually disappears when the puppy grows.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.