
how to make my dog ​​fat

Although obe ity i an all-too-frequent problem in puppie today, there are al o puppie with the oppo ite problem: your puppy may be weak becau e he doe n't eat enough, becau e he burn a lot of ener...
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Home remedies for ticks on dogs

If you prefer to e cape from antipara itic olution full of chemical to fight tick on your dog, or your new companion i a puppy that i not yet old enough to apply aggre ive product , the home remedie t...
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Can you give honey to a cat? Find out the answer!

A cat' palate i not ea y to ati fy, e pecially when we talk about dome tic cat who are u ed to a very varied menu that can be compo ed of pet food, wet food can or even homemade recipe .We know th...
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Small cat breeds - the smallest in the world

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will introduce you to 5 mall cat breed in the world, which are not con idered the malle t that exi t. We'll explain to you the origin of each one of them, the mo ...
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Siamese cat care

if decided adopt a iame e kitten or you already have one, you hould know that it i a cat with a long life, trong and u ually very healthy, which al o grow at an unu ual rate.Taking into account that t...
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Vestibular Syndrome in Cats - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Ve tibular yndrome i one of the mo t common di order in cat and pre ent very characteri tic and ea ily recognizable ymptom uch a head tilted, taggering gait and lack of motor coordination. Although th...
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Original and cute female dog names

In thi article we hare with you the female dog name mo t beautiful and original out there, orted alphabetically o you can earch directly for your favorite lyric . It i common knowledge that adopting a...
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Home Treatments for Dog Conjunctivitis

Home remedie like chamomile, calendula or fennel are really effective in canine conjunctiviti treatment, provided they are properly applied. Of cour e, at the fir t ymptom of conjunctiviti we hould vi...
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Smiling dog: is it possible?

Dog are able to experience a wide range of emotion , among which i joy. You who have the plea ure of living with a dog' be t friend, you know very well that, in addition to brightening each of you...
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Dog Vaccination Calendar

A re pon ible dog owner we mu t adhere to the chedule of their vaccination , a thi way we can avoid a large number of eriou di ea e . We are often not ure whether a vaccine i really nece ary or not. B...
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My dog ​​marks territory indoors, how can I avoid it?

Do you have a dog that lift it leg, urinate indoor and on any urface, place or object? Thi mean that your pet want to demon trate it pre ence, o it i marking territory. Although thi dog behavior i com...
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Names for dogs with the letter A

choo e the dog' name Not an ea y ta k. ince the dog will live with that name for the re t of hi life, there i great pre ure for the name to be perfect. But how can we be ure it' the be t name?...
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We ea ily recognize the Per ian cat for it broad and flat face together with it abundant fur. They were introduced in Italy from ancient Per ia (Iran) in 1620, although it authentic origin i unknown. ...
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Why do dogs howl when they hear a siren?

Thi ituation, without a doubt, i well known for tho e who have a dog or a neighbor dog, although in citie , it i more common to witne that in rural environment , a they have a lower population den ity...
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Fun facts about the Siberian husky

Are you pa ionate about hu ky ? Want to know everything about thi wonderful breed? Then he arrived at the indicated place! In thi PeritoAnimal article we'll how you 10 curio itie that you didn'...
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Most common diseases in water and land turtles

The human being ha alway been linked to the animal kingdom, o we houldn't be urpri ed that preci ely now, where mo t of the population live in urban area , the world of pet i becoming very diver i...
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Chartreux cat

Of uncertain origin, but arguably one of the olde t cat breed in the world, the Chartreux cat ha hared it hi tory through the centurie with important character uch a General Charle de Gaulle and the T...
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Homemade dog repellent

On ome occa ion , dog can have accident and defecate or urinate indoor , which can cau e not only bad odor but al o the problem that he doe it again. It can al o happen that other people' puppie t...
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Koala feeding

You koala automatically a ociate them elve with their food ource, which are the eucalyptu leave . But why doe the koala feed on eucalyptu leave if they are toxic? Can you con ume the leave of any vari...
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Pet snake: care and advice

When we talk about pet , we alway a ociate thi term to cat and dog , although thi a ociation i now ob olete. Many people choo e to hare their home with ferret , fi h, turtle , quirrel , rabbit , rat ,...
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