- Homemade dog repellent: prior advice
- natural dog repellent
- Natural dog repellent with lemon
- Natural dog repellent with orange and other citrus fruits
- Natural dog repellent with white vinegar
- Dog repellent with antiseptic alcohol
- Homemade dog repellent not to urinate
- Homemade dog repellent not to urinate with hydrogen peroxide
- Homemade dog repellent not to urinate with cayenne pepper
- Homemade dog repellents NOT recommended
- My dog marks territory indoors, how can I avoid it?

On some occasions, dogs can have accidents and defecate or urinate indoors, which can cause not only bad odors but also the problem that he does it again. It can also happen that other people's puppies tend to make needs at your door or in your garden, causing a bad smell and even nervousness in your animals.
In these situations, it is necessary to know the different homemade dog repellents but, above all, that they do not harm the animal. Therefore, in this article by PeritoAnimal, we recommend that you opt for natural remedies that act as dog scare without the need to harm your pets' health. Keep reading!
Homemade dog repellent: prior advice
Before applying a dog repellentIt is important to clean the area where he has defecated or urinated. For this, always use gloves, a mask and avoid using products such as bleach or ammonia, since these products make the animal return to urinate in the same regions because the dog's urine contains ammonia. Instead, opt for enzymatic products, which in addition to being effective are much more sustainable.
Once you have the proper cleaning products, in the case of urine, dry with absorbent towels until most of the liquid is clean, avoid rubbing the towels if the dog urinated on the rug, curtains or carpet, as it will only impregnate the smell in the fabric with greater depth. When you've dried the urine, disinfect the region with enzymatic products or with a towel soaked in mild soap and water.
If the dog has defecated, remove the garbage using paper or absorbent towels and dispose of them in a properly closed bag. After that, clean the area with towels wet with soap and water or the enzymatic product, until the stool is completely removed.
When the affected areas are clean, it's time to apply the homemade dog repellents do not urinate or defecate in your home.
natural dog repellent
When thinking about natural dog repellents, it is important to take into account those ingredients or smells that are unpleasant for dogs because this is the secret to keep them away from certain areas of the house.
You must remember, however, that to scare away a dog so that it does not urinate or defecate in the house does not mean to make living together unbearable or dangerous, so avoid those methods that are annoying, cause allergic reactions or whose consumption may have any risk of death.
You natural dog repellents most recommended are:
Natural dog repellent with lemon
Lemon is one of the most common ingredients in a kitchen, but dogs are uncomfortable around some citrus fruit. But, what is this due to? Dogs' noses have about 300 million olfactory cells, which are capable of smelling 40 times better than human beings. Because of this, the strong lemon scent that people smell is much stronger for them.
Natural lemon is a good option as homemade dog repellent not to urinate or defecate at home. After cleaning the region, make a lemon juice of 100 milliliters, mix with 50 milliliters of water and a spoon of baking soda. Then spray this solution on the areas and leave to act for at least 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Natural dog repellent with orange and other citrus fruits
If you don't have lemons at home, other citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, or limes will also serve as homemade dog repellents. The procedure is the same as for a lemon, squeeze the fruit until extracting 100 milliliters of juice, mix it with 50 milliliters of water and a spoon of baking soda. Spray on clean area and allow to act. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Natural dog repellent with white vinegar
White vinegar has disinfectant properties and has a strong smell, so it is commonly used as a household cleaning product. Among its functions is to be an excellent natural repellent for dogs peeing in inappropriate places.
The method of use is easy, mix one part hot water with one part vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray affected area after cleaning it, leave to act for 30 minutes and repeat the process if necessary.

Dog repellent with antiseptic alcohol
Antiseptic alcohol is used to disinfect wounds, as it has potent antibacterial properties. In addition, it features a strong smell even for humans, so for dogs it is even more uncomfortable. It is very important to check that the animal does not try to lick it because it could cause digestive problems.
How to keep away puppies that urinate in your garden or at your door? Sprinkling alcohol mixed with water is a good option as it will keep the puppies away from your house. If you have plants, sprinkle some alcohol outside the pots, never on them. For this, see also our article with tips to prevent the dog from eating the plants.
Homemade dog repellent not to urinate
Cleaning the floor where the dog has accidentally been cleaned can be a lot of work, but the problem is compounded if the accident happens under fabric surfaces, such as the sofa or bed. However, there are several methods that can help eliminate the smell in these cases and serve as natural dog repellants.
Homemade dog repellent not to urinate with hydrogen peroxide
Although hydrogen peroxide does not smell unpleasant to humans, it is a very strong smell to dogs and can irritate their nostrils. For this last reason, hydrogen peroxide must be mixed with water. So, put one part hydrogen peroxide and another equal part water in a spray bottle. Spray the homemade solution under the bed or sofa and remove with water after 30 minutes. On dark fabrics, it is recommended to experiment first on a non-visible area to prevent discoloration.
Homemade dog repellent not to urinate with cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper is another ingredient that works as a homemade dog repellent. It will not only serve for those animals that urinate or defecate around the house but it is also a good homemade dog repellent not to bite furniture
This ingredient can irritate the dog's mucous membranes, so it is important to use it sparingly and, after performing a thorough cleaning of the area, to eliminate any traces of smell. You have two options, rub the ground cayenne pepper under the affected area or mix a spoonful of pepper with water and sprinkle the solution under furniture or bedding. PeritoAnimal recommends the second option more because it is less aggressive to your pet.

Homemade dog repellents NOT recommended
Regardless of the type of homemade dog repellent that you are looking for, it is imperative that the methods are not harmful to your pets or the dogs you would like to drive away. In this sense, you should never use the following products as a repellent for dogs that defecate or urinate:
- Mothballs;
- Spicy pepper;
- Products with ammonia;
- Chlorine.
Mothballs are toxic to dogs, accidental consumption means the fatal death of the animal. Hot pepper is highly irritating to the mucous membranes as it contains capsaicinoids, components that give the spicy taste. Therefore, by using hot pepper you will only create a hostile environment for your pet or another animal. Products with ammonia and chlorine are toxic and could have an opposite effect as the smell of ammonia is similar to that of urine, so instead of pushing the dog away, you will make it believe that another dog has invaded your territory, thus reinforcing its territorialist attitude.
My dog marks territory indoors, how can I avoid it?
Before starting to use homemade dog repellents It is important that you understand why your pet urinates or defecates in a different place than it is used to. Stress, urinary tract diseases, tumors, behavior problems, among others can be the main reasons. One visit to the veterinarian it is crucial to determine the cause and execute the indicated solution.
If the problem is that your dog has not been properly educated and has always urinated or defecated around the house, you should train him to prevent this from happening again. For this, see some tips on how to educate a dog to do necessities outside the home. In addition, neutering usually reduces this type of behavior by around 40% in male dogs.
If, on the other hand, it is an alien dog, try to locate the owner to find a solution and remember that there are efficient natural methods that will not cause any harm to the animal.

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