
Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Learn Persian in 30 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need
Video: Learn Persian in 30 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need


We easily recognize the Persian cat for its broad and flat face together with its abundant fur. They were introduced in Italy from ancient Persia (Iran) in 1620, although its authentic origin is unknown. Today's Persian, as we know it today, was established in 1800 in England and comes from Turkish Angora.

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Will
FIFE classification
  • Category I
Physical characteristics
  • thick tail
  • small ears
  • Strong
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
Average weight
  • 3-5
  • 5-6
  • 6-8
  • 8-10
  • 10-14
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-15
  • 15-18
  • 18-20
  • outgoing
  • Affectionate
  • Curious
  • Calm
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Long

Physical appearance

We see a rounded head that together with prominent cheekbones and a short snout give shape to the flat face of this breed. The eyes are large, full of expressiveness in contrast to the small, rounded ears.

The Persian cat is medium to large in size, very muscular and round. It has the compact body, style Corby and stands out for its thick paws. Its fur, abundant and thick, is long and soft to the touch.

The fur colors of the Persian cat are very different:

  • White, black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red or cream are some of the colors in the case of solid hair, although there are also bicolored, Tabby and even tricolored cats in the case of females.

O himalayan persian it fulfills all the characteristics of the common Persian although its fur is identical to that of the Siamese, the pointed. These always have blue eyes and may have chocolate, lilac, flame, cream or blue fur.


the persian cat is a quiet familiar cat that we can often find relaxing on the sofa as he spends several hours a day resting. It is an extremely domestic cat that does not show typical attitudes of its wild relatives. In addition, you will be able to see that the Persian cat is very vain and exuberant, knows that it is a beautiful animal and will not hesitate to show itself in front of us to get caresses and attention.

He likes to feel accompanied by people, dogs and other animals. He also behaves very well with children if they don't pull his fur and behave with him properly. It's also worth mentioning that it's a very greedy cat, so we can easily do tricks if we reward it with treats.


The Persian cat is prone to suffering because of the polycystic kidney disease or the retained testicles symptom. Like any cat, we also have to be careful when brushing it to avoid the dreaded hairballs that end up in the stomach.

Other diseases that can affect your Persian cat are:

  • toxoplasmosis
  • Abortions in the case of blue cats
  • Malformations in the case of blue cats
  • Malocclusion
  • Chediak-Higashi syndrome
  • congenital ankyloblepharon
  • entropion
  • congenital epiphora
  • primary glaucoma
  • Skinfold dermatitis
  • Urinary tract calculations
  • patellar dislocation
  • hip dysplasia


The Persian cat changes its fur depending on the season, for this reason and to maintain the quality of the fur it is very important. brush it daily (Moreover we will avoid the knots and hairballs in the stomach). Bathing your Persian cat when it gets too dirty is a good option to prevent dirt and knots. You will find on sale specific products for this breed that serve to eliminate excess fat, cleaning the tears or ears.


  • Obesity is a very serious problem in the Persian breed that sometimes manifests itself after sterilization. We recommend that you consult a veterinarian to find out what type of food is suitable for him.