- What is a vaccine?
- When should I give the dog the first vaccine
- What is the vaccination schedule for dogs
- More information you should know about dog vaccines

As responsible dog owners we must adhere to the schedule of their vaccinations, as this way we can avoid a large number of serious diseases. We are often not sure whether a vaccine is really necessary or not. But everything ends up being reduced to what vaccines are mandatory in the region in which we live.
If you live in Brazil or Portugal and have doubts about your dog's vaccination, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal in which we will explain the dog vaccination schedule.
What is a vaccine?
The vaccine that our veterinarian administers to our dog consists of subcutaneous inoculation of a specific substance which contains, depending on the disease to be prevented, an attenuated microorganism, a fraction of a virus, etc. When dealing with a small contact with the disease, the body creates a defense reaction that generates antibodies that serve as specific defenses against this disease in case it occurs. Thus, the body will be able to detect it quickly and will have its own means to be able to fight it without affecting our puppy. It is with the proper vaccination that our pet acquires immunity to a disease without having to suffer from it and overcome it.
Vaccines are only really effective if the the dog's health is good, it is dewormed and its immune system is mature. The type of vaccines that should be administered vary depending on the geographic area in which we are located. Therefore, it is essential that we inform ourselves which are necessary and when they should be administered to preserve the health of our dog, since some of these diseases are deadly. In addition, there are diseases such as rabies that are zoonese, that is, they pass from animals to humans and vice versa, so these are usually mandatory in almost all places.
As you can see, vaccination is something very important both for our partner's health and for ours, in addition to the obligation by existing law, that's why at PeritoAnimal we recommend that always give your puppy annual vaccinations, as the treatment is much more expensive than the prevention of any disease.

When should I give the dog the first vaccine
As mentioned before, one of the requirements for a vaccine to really take effect is that the puppy's defense system is mature. Therefore, it is very important to know when we can apply the first vaccine to a puppy, and this will be when you consider that you already have a sufficiently mature immune system and able to receive vaccines. We say "mature enough" because, in fact, the immune system of puppies reaches its fullness only at four months, but the truth is that before, the system is already sufficiently prepared to be able to receive the first vaccines.
In the case of a puppy, its first vaccine it should only be applied once it is weaned., since while you are breastfeeding you are protected from many possible problems with all the nutrients that breast milk has and your immune system is building. We should consult with our trusted veterinarian for the ideal time to start vaccinating our dog. Generally, the optimal age for weaning is around two months of life, and the first vaccine is usually administered between one and a half months of life and two months, as they often wean prematurely.
In addition, it is essential that our dog don't touch the street floor until you have your first vaccine and that this takes effect, do not come into contact with other puppies other than your brothers, sisters and parents. This is because their defense system is still building up and so it is easier for them to contract diseases that are sure to be fatal.
Therefore, the dog will not be able to go out and have contact with other dogs and objects on the street until its first vaccine and the other first vaccines take effect. This will be at three months and one week old. Three months is when your last vaccine of the first vaccines is applied and the extra week is the time you need to ensure its effectiveness.

What is the vaccination schedule for dogs
Whether it's the first vaccinations or if they are annual vaccinations for the rest of our puppy's life, it is advisable that the vaccines are administered in the morning.
So, if there is any reaction, as people sometimes do, we have all day to be able to observe and treat that reaction. Luckily, both in people and in dogs they tend to be infrequent and of low intensity.
So this is the Basic Dog Vaccination Calendar:
- At 6 weeks: First vaccination.
- At 8 weeks: Polyvalent.
- At 12 weeks: Polyvalent booster dose.
- At 16 weeks: Anger.
- Annually: Multipurpose and Rabies booster dose

More information you should know about dog vaccines
It is important to know that the most common vaccines are trivalent, tetravalent and also polyvalent. The difference is that the first groups the three most basic diseases, the second groups these diseases and adds another, and the third groups all the previous ones and yet another disease.
The trivalent vaccine usually contains vaccines against canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, and leptospirosis. The tetravalent vaccine contains the same as the trivalent one and the vaccine against canine parvovirus is added. The most basic polyvalent vaccine, in addition to taking everything that the previous ones contain, also has the vaccine against dog cough and against the canine coronavirus. Nowadays, vaccines such as canine herpesvirus, babesiosis or piroplasmosis and against bordetella bronchiseptica and multocida pasteurella which are opportunistic bacterial components in canine cough.
Depending on the veterinary center, the geographical area in which we live and the general health of our dog, you will have to choose a type of vaccination or another. It is recommended that the veterinarian decides whether to administer trivalent, tetravalent or multivalent, based mainly on the area in which we live and the type of life we live, for example if we travel a lot and take our dog with us. The veterinarian is the only person who can decide the vaccination schedule and the type that best suits the health of each puppy, always respecting those that are mandatory administration.
THE rabies vaccine in Brazil and Portugal it is mandatory. This vaccine in São Paulo is distributed free of charge by the City Hall, so if you live in this region, you should look for permanent posts that vaccinate throughout the year.
At PeritoAnimal we would like to remind you of the importance of having pets responsibly. Remember that having your vaccinations up to date is legally mandatory, in addition to being an ethical and moral practice, since it is simply about protecting our puppies, our health and our family.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.