How to help give birth to a bitch

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
How To Whelp A Litter Of Puppies - 10 German Shorthair Born
Video: How To Whelp A Litter Of Puppies - 10 German Shorthair Born


Living the experience of seeing the birth of a living being is incredible, this image is impossible to forget easily and, even more so when your dog provides this event. It's important to be prepared to help her on her first time, after all, it's only 60 days before the "big moment" begins.

But how to deliver a dog? Continue reading the PeritoAnimal article that explains how to help the bitch deliver to know some basic information on how to proceed at this time if your puppy needs help. If you are not an expert on the subject, read some advice so that you can talk to your veterinarian about potential questions that arise.

dog gestation

THE bitch pregnancy it can last between 60 and 63 days. During this period, it is possible to notice changes in the bitch of different types. It is very important to be aware of these signs to identify whether everything is going well or not. It is advisable to visit a specialist whenever you notice any abnormality:

  • there is a behavior change, less interest in games she used to love, is calmer and more sleepy than usual.
  • she will be more affectionate with the family, however, if a male dog is close, even if it is the father, she will be more hostile towards him and, in general, they will get along and move away.
  • Will have less appetiteTherefore, we must be aware of the nutritional needs of the food so that the ideal nutrition for this period is offered.
  • You must follow, with the veterinarian, the regular checks to find out how many puppies she will have (you can count from the 25th day of pregnancy), which will help you know at the time of delivery if any are missing.

Bitch calving: prepare the ideal nest

When missing between 10 and 15 days to delivery, the mother-to-be will look for a corner of the house, never her usual places, where she can relax and be safe with her puppies.

How to prepare a place for the bitch to give birth?

O ideal nest it can be a box with high edges and lined with pillows to avoid accidents with the puppies or that they escape in the first days of life. Remember that they cannot see for the first few days, so we should make it easier for them to stay with their mother for as long as possible.

We can even put Mom's bed and some of her favorite toys in the same place so she's comfortable with her stuff.

Signs of the bitch's birth

On the day of birth you will notice some prepartum symptoms in bitches that will alert you that the puppies are on their way. Some of them are:

  • Loss of appetite, total rejection of food;
  • The bitch may lose milk from her breasts;
  • She will be uncomfortable anywhere, uncomfortable, panting and may even shiver;
  • When you go to bed to give birth, you might not like the place prepared as a nest. Don't try to force it, don't be scared! You will have to transfer everything to the place finally chosen by her, the one she considers safest for her children and it is essential to respect her;
  • It is possible that she will try to dig, in the garden or on the carpet, as this is a normal behavior in nature, that before expelling the placenta, she digs so as not to leave any traces for the enemy.

These are some of the bitch pre labor symptoms, therefore, it is necessary to be very observant and calm, to give total security to your animal.

bitch giving birth: what to do

We explain everything you need to know, including the answer to the question "How do I know if my dog ​​is in labor?’:

How to know the time of delivery of the bitch

When the time comes, she will lie on her side and her breathing will alternate between fast and slow cycles, in order to recover, this is the moment when we observe the bitch in labor. When the first puppy comes out, the bitch will appear to be going through a seizure, but then, depending on the breed, the rest will be born at 15 to 30 minute intervals.

The time has finally come and you want to know how to help the bitch deliver? It is necessary to be aware of important actions, knowing what to do when giving birth to a dog and how to help.

I start the bitch step by step

  1. each puppy must be licked by mother to remove the membranes from the face and encourage breathing, if this does not occur within 1 to 3 minutes after birth, it should be done by the caregiver. It is necessary to dry with clean towels, in the opposite direction to the hair, to remove the fluids from the small airways, you can insert your little finger in your mouth and clean your nose and then you will start to breathe on your own.
  2. Normally, it's the bitch who will cut the umbilical cord, with the help of teeth. If this does not occur, the tutor can do it as follows: with a plastic or cotton thread (the most suitable is a nylon thread), it is necessary to make a knot close to the pup's belly (about 1 cm from the navel ) and then, with nail scissors, cut the umbilical cord to the side of the placenta, not the puppy, leaving a piece of the umbilical cord and the knot you made in the puppy's belly, just like with newborn babies.
  3. The bitch is usual try to eat the placenta but if you can help with cleaning, so much the better!
  4. After the birth of the puppies, avoid touching them, as it is important that they are with the mother to breastfeed colostrum, which is essential in their first 12 hours, to strengthen immunity.

if you want to know how to induce the bitch's labor, we recommend that you consult the veterinarian who is monitoring your pet's pregnancy. Do not forget that sometimes complications or problems can occur in the bitch's delivery, so it is essential to have it on hand an emergency veterinarian's phone number that we can call.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to help give birth to a bitch, we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy section.