Chinese Crested Dog

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Top 15  Amazing  Facts about Chinese Crested Dogs
Video: Top 15 Amazing Facts about Chinese Crested Dogs


Elegant and exotic, the Chinese Crested Dog, also known as Chinese Crested or Chinese Crested Dog, is a breed of dog that has two varieties, the hairless and the Powderpuff. The animals of the first variety count only as a crest of hair on the head and a light coat of fur on the feet and end of the tail. The second variety has a smooth, soft, long and shiny coat all over the body.

Even though the Chinese Crested Dog needs special care to keep the skin and coat in perfect condition, it is a perfect breed of dog for first-time tutors, as the intelligence and docile character of the animal make training an easy task. However, it is important to emphasize that to adopt a dog of this type it is essential to have plenty of free time as the pet cannot spend long periods alone. So, keep reading this PeritoAnimal form to know everything you need about the Chinese Crested Dog.

  • Asia
  • Europe
  • China
  • UK
FCI rating
  • Group IX
Physical characteristics
  • Slender
  • provided
  • short ears
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Shy
  • very faithful
  • Intelligent
  • Active
  • Docile
Ideal for
  • floors
  • Houses
  • Older people
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • hairless
  • Long
  • Smooth
  • Thin

Chinese Crested Dog: origin

As with other dog breeds, the history of the Chinese Crested Dog is little known and quite confusing. It is known that these animals already existed in the 13th century in China and that, traditionally, were used as rat hunters on merchant ships. However, the mutation that produces the variety of Naked Chinese Crested Dog it is more common in Central and South America, even though it is also believed that it may come from Africa.

In any case, the Chinese Crested Dog was not known outside China until the 19th century, when the first examples of the breed arrived in Europe. It was only at the end in the XIX century that Ida Garrett, a breeder with a passion for hairless puppies, began promoting the breed across the continent. And, to this day, this breed of dog remains little known, even though it is increasingly gaining a greater degree of popularity among animal lovers for easy training with it and for easy care of this breed of dog.

Chinese Crested Dog: features

The Chinese Crested Dog is a breed of dog small and fast, with a body a little longer than tall and very flexible. The animal's back is horizontal, but the back of the loin is rounded. The chest is deep and the underline retracts moderately along the same line as the belly. Regarding the coat, as we have explained quickly, there are two varieties, the naked Chinese Crested Dog and the Powderpuff. The specimens of the first variety have a long crest, hair on the legs and on the end of the tail, while those of the second have a veil-shaped coat all over the body.

The head of the Chinese Crested Dog is wedge-shaped and the top of the skull is slightly rounded. The nose is prominent and can be any color. In relation to the teeth, the animal can count on them poorly aligned or even some lacking, mainly in the hairless variety, even though this trait is not necessarily present in all specimens of the breed. The eyes are medium and very dark in color, the ears are erect and set low, except in Powderpuffs, in which the ears can be drooped.

The Chinese Crested Dog's tail is long, set high, almost straight, and does not curve or curl over the animal's back. It is also always raised straight or to one side when the dog is active and lowered when the dog is resting. In the Powerpuff variety, the tail is completely covered with hair, and in the hairless variety, the tail has a streaked coat. feather shape, but only in the distal thirds. In both varieties, the tail gradually thins, being thicker at the base and thinner at the tip.

The fur of the Powderpuffs consists of a double cloak that covers the entire body with a characteristic coat. veil-shaped. The hairless variety, however, only has a crest of hair on the head, feet and tip of tail, as we said earlier. The animal's skin is delicate, grainy and smooth. In both varieties of the Chinese Crested Dog, all colors and combinations between tones are accepted, so it is not difficult to find examples of this breed of dog white, with black spots and in earthy and cream tones.

To finalize the physical characteristics of the Chinese Crested Dog, the International Cynological Federation (FCI) establishes as a standard that the breed has a height from the withers to the ground that varies between the 28 cm and 33 cm in males and among 23 cm and 30 cm in females. In relation to weight, it varies a lot and, therefore, there is no specific one, even if it is recommended that the 5.5 kgs.

Chinese Crested Dog: personality

The Chinese Crested Dog is characterized by being a breed of dog nice, sensitive and very cheerful. He tends to be very loyal to those he meets and to remain very attached to one particular person whom he considers his primary tutor and friend. Even so, the animal usually has a personality shy and always alert.

If well socialized, this type of dog can get along very well with people, other dogs, and pets. However, due to its nature, it is usually shy about new things, people and situations, a characteristic that, if the dog is not well socialized as a puppy, can make it become very fearful. Therefore, the socialization of the Chinese Crested Dog from the first months of life is essential to prevent behavioral problems during adulthood and to achieve, thus, a sociable pet, that does not get scared easily and that doesn't even hide every time you find a new experience.

Chinese Crested Dog: education

For the luck and happiness of the caregivers, the Chinese Crested Dog is very intelligent and easy to train and train. In fact, some trainers say canine training is just a little more than a formality for this breed of dog, as they tend to learn with a lot of speed. Despite this, the breed does not stand out in canine sports, perhaps because it is still not very popular among the general public. In any case, the best method to educate a Chinese Crested Dog is through the positive reinforcement, as provided with clicker training. If you are new to this technique, find out all about clickers for dogs - what it is and how it works in this article by Animal Expert.

When they are given sufficient amounts of exercise, companionship, and are well educated and socialized, Chinese Crested Dogs tend not to have behavioral problems. However, when these factors are insufficient, this breed of dog tends to develop high separation anxiety as well as destructive habits such as digging in the garden.

this breed of dog is excellent as a pet for families with older children, couples and people living alone. However, this dog it's not a good pet pet for families with young children for being rude to minors. It is also important to emphasize that the Chinese Crested Dog is only a good pet when it receives constant companionship and when it is well taken care of, just like any other breed of dog. So, if you spend a lot of time away from home, Chinese Crest is not the best choice for adoption.

Chinese Crested Dog: care

The hair of the Chinese Crested Powderpuff variety must be brushed and combed at least. once a day with natural or metallic bristle brushes. The naked Chinese Crested Dog only needs to be brushed 2 or 3 times a week. Since her coat is so fine, she tends to get tangled up easily. When this happens, it is best to undo the knots with the help of your own fingers, using, of course, a lot of delicacy so as not to hurt the animal. Once without knots, you can brush your pet's fur with the combs shown above. As for baths, Powderpuff should only go through them when it's really dirty. In them, what is needed is the basics, a natural shampoo with neutral PH.

The hairless Chinese Crested Dog, as it does not have the protection of a coat all over its body, its skin is more exposed to changes in temperature, sunlight and other factors that can harm it. To keep it always smooth, clean and without imperfections, it is essential to bathe the animal every 15 days with a PH neutral moisturizing shampoo.

Furthermore, 1 time per month during the bath it is recommended to exfoliate the animal's skin and apply other moisturizing products, performing a massage all over the body. For this, you can use baby or vegetable body oils, always natural. For the comb and the rest of the hairy areas, it is good to use a brush with natural bristles. 1 or 2 times a week. And for both varieties of the Chinese Crested Dog it is also important to take good care of the animal's teeth and wash them frequently, always using products for dogs and never for humans.

This dog breed is very active and therefore needs a good dose daily exercise. Due to the animal's small size, however, much of this exercise can be done at home. Games like bringing the ball can be useful to channel the animal's energy, but it needs to be taken for a walk at least 2 times per day. Games like tug of war are not recommended as the breed usually has fragile teeth.

If you have a hairless Chinese Crested Dog, it's important to put it on sunscreen on it, especially if his skin is white or pink, before exposing him to sunlight to avoid burns. However, this does not mean that the dog should be avoided sunbathing, as this is one of the main sources of vitamin D that the animal has. Simply, one should pay attention to the Chinese Crested Dog skin care. And if the weather is cold, it's also necessary to put on some kind of coat so that the skin stays at the ideal temperature and your dog doesn't get sick. In addition, it should also be taken into account that, as the animal's skin is very fragile, it can easily get hurt with branches and tougher grass. That is why, avoid leave it loose in places with weeds or tall vegetation.

Finally, as we mentioned before, both varieties of the Chinese Crested Dog need a lot of company. This breed of dog must be accompanied most of the time or develops destructive habits and begins to suffer from separation anxiety.

Chinese Crested Dog: health

O Chinese Crested Dog tends to be healthy and not as susceptible to inherited diseases as other dog breeds. However, he has a certain propensity for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease;
  • Patellar dislocation;
  • Early tooth loss;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Sunburns.

And as we've already mentioned, to avoid damage to the animal's skin, it is essential to follow all precautions and care to the letter, such as putting sunscreen before going out on the street, use moisturizing products and neutral PH. On the other hand, it is also essential to follow the vaccination and deworming schedule, as well as not forgetting to go to the veterinarian frequently. And, before any anomaly, you should seek help from a specialist so that a correct diagnosis is made and that he undergoes the most indicated treatment.