
Good fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs

You Guinea pig (cavia porcellu ) are herbivorou rodent that feed mainly on hay, a dried legume that provide fiber need and i al o e ential for inte tinal tran it. On the other hand, the pellet hould b...
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Entropion in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Unlike ectropion, entropion occur when the lid margin or part of it bend inward, leaving the eyela he in contact with the eyeball. Thi can occur on the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both, althoug...
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22 breeds of rare dogs

It' amazing how the animal world i able to urpri e you every day. Here you will find omething very peculiar and eye-catching, the rare t dog in the world. While many of the dog breed we'll how...
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devon rex cat

Devon Rex cat are beautiful kitten that love to pend hour and hour receiving affection and play, they are con idered cat-puppie becau e they follow their guardian wherever they go, the qualitie and ch...
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My dog ​​has a lump in his rib: causes

Lump are mall formation on the kin or urrounding tructure that, when they tart to be een, rai e many doubt and many fear in tutor .While certain lump can be benign and harmle , other can be malignant ...
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Is it normal for a dog to bite his nails?

You ob e ive behavior or de tructive in dog hould never be ignored or een a normal, a omething like boredom, which can eem o in ignificant, can become a eriou problem if it i not treated in time.Thi o...
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6 reasons why your dog sleeps with you

Doe your dog alway leep be ide you? In the ame room? Or leep between your leg ? Anyway, the rea on that explain thi behavior are related to the type of relation hip you e tabli hed with him and the bo...
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How to relax a dog with care

Who doe n't like to be petted? Everyone like it, but e pecially dog . One of the thing that mo t fa cinate our furry friend i a good moment of affection, hug and ki e , even more if they are etern...
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The 10 most faithful animals to your partner

It i true that mo t animal do not u ually have any kind of fidelity toward their companion once the reproduction proce i fini hed. However, nature urpri e with monogamou animal that create bond that a...
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What does the frog eat?

Frog are amphibian that belong to the order Anura. Phy ically, they are different from frog in their rough, dry kin, a oppo ed to the mooth, moi t texture of the frog' body. They are peciali t in ...
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Olive oil for dogs - Uses and benefits

Olive oil i a very healthy product for the human and dog diet, whenever u ed in moderation. In puppie it can be u ed internally, adding olive oil to the dog' food. It can al o have external applic...
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Brazil's most venomous snakes

nake or nake are trictly carnivorou animal and although many people are afraid of them, they are animal that de erve to be pre erved and re pected, both becau e of it importance in the environment, b...
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Names for Dogs with the Letter K

The letter "k" i the eighth con onant of the alphabet and one of the loude t of all. When pronouncing it, it doe not go unnoticed the trong ound that originate , the energy and the dynami m,...
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Care of a Rottweiler Dog

There are many people who want to have a rottweiler, a calm and peaceful dog, a faithful companion and a great deterrent to thieve at home. The truth i that the Rottweiler, de pite it great phy ical t...
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15 things you shouldn't do with your cat

Cat make excellent companion , and o hould we be for them. Thi implie that, like your human guardian , it i nece ary to know what your cat need to be happy and what to avoid o a not to create di comfo...
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Names for Pit Bull Dogs

The real name of thi dog breed i American Pit Bull Terrier and de pite being a very popular breed, the truth i that it ha only been recognized by two canine federation , the United Kennel Club and the...
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Characteristics of mammals: definition and examples

Mammal are the mo t tudied group of animal , which i why they are the be t known vertebrate . Thi i becau e it i the group that human are included in, o after centurie of trying to get to know each ot...
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How to care for cockatiel

The cockatiel or cockatiel (for the Portugue e) i one of the mo t cho en parrot a a companion animal. he i the fir t choice of many people not only becau e it u ually ha a low price, but mainly becau ...
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how to cut parrot wing

Larger bird uch a parrot , macaw and cockatiel are increa ingly common today a exotic dome tic animal . The e animal are extremely intelligent, have a long life pan and often develop behavioral proble...
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Yorkshire terrier - care and everything you should know

The York hire Terrier i not only one of the malle t puppie in the world, it i al o one of the mo t reque ted for it ize and tenderne . It i one of the mo t popular pet and, for that rea on, came to th...
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