- rare dog
- Chinese Crested Dog
- Bedlington Terrier
- Puli
- Pachon Navarro
- Chow Chow Panda
- Peruvian naked dog
- Basenji
- Affenpinscher
- Catahoula Cur
- australian herdsman
- Tibetan Mastiff
- More breeds of rare dogs
- Rare Crossbreed Dog Breeds
- pomsky
- cockapoo
- bullhuahua

It's amazing how the animal world is able to surprise you every day. Here you will find something very peculiar and eye-catching, the rarest dogs in the world. While many of the dog breeds we'll show you below are undoubtedly beautiful, it's undeniable that they're also a little strange or different from what we're used to.
If you want to know what these breeds of rare dogs, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article in which we'll explain about the breeds and, of course, photos of these beauties.
rare dog
Although there are many dogs with peculiar physical characteristics, in PeritoAnimal we will make a compilation of dog breeds considered the rarest in the world. Read on and see the characteristics of these wonderful dog breeds.
Chinese Crested Dog
The Chinese Crested Dog is, without a doubt, at first sight one of the rarest dogs in existence. Although animals with fur can be born in the same litter, the truth is that the most striking are those that are born practically without fur.
By some people it is considered the rarest dog in the world, what do you think of this placement?

Bedlington Terrier
The coat of dogs of the Bedlington Terrier breed makes them look like sheep, they are very thin and generally tall. This is a hybrid dog breed, the result of a cross between the Whippet and Poodle breeds. They are incredibly beautiful and there is no denying it.

Pulis, also known as Pulik or Hungarian Puli, are very eccentric dogs, which attract attention at first sight. It is a rare dog of Hungarian origin with a differentiated coat, long and very similar to the dreadlocks. In addition, they are very intelligent and obedient dogs, easily learning commands, standing out as sheepdogs and police dogs.
There are also other rare dog breeds that are physically very similar to the Puli, such as the Shepherd-Bergamasco and the Komondor.

Pachon Navarro
Pachon Navarro is a dog of Turkish origin that is characterized by having a split muzzle, a result of genetic mutations that happened over the years due to crossbreeding of related dogs. Nowadays this division is more evident in some specimens than others, becoming a rare dog.

Chow Chow Panda
Treated by the names of Chow Panda, Pandogs, panda dog, etc. It is a specimen of the adored ChowChow breed but painted in black and white to look like panda bears. This fashion became very popular in China, generating great controversy around the world, as it painted the fur of animals and this can generate stress and/or allergic reactions both on the skin, as on the fur, nose and eyes. It is worth remembering that PeritoAnimal is against any kind of attitude that harms the physical and psychological integrity of animals.

Peruvian naked dog
As you can see in the image, the Peruvian Peeled Dog is a simple dog, but it attracts a lot of attention. It is a breed of dog originating in Peru that has no fur, in addition to being one of the rarest dogs in the world, it is also one of the oldest as representations of these dogs have been found in pre-Inca archeological sites.

The rarity of the Basenji breed is not represented by its physique but by its antiquity, after all it is the oldest dog breed in the world. Also, unlike other dogs, it does not bark but emits sounds similar to a choked laugh. Another interesting feature is that females only come into heat once a year.

One more on the list of rare dogs is the Affenpinscher. It is a dog of German origin that is also one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Interestingly, "Affen" means monkey in Portuguese and, as you can see in the image below, this dog has a very peculiar appearance, doesn't it?

Catahoula Cur
The Catahoula Cur or also known as the Leopard Dog is considered one of the rarest dogs in the world. This is a dog of North American origin, more specifically from the state of Lusiana. Are extremely loyal dogs who usually choose a family member as their favorite human.

australian herdsman
The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed of dog that can vary in name depending on the coat color, such as Blue Heeler or Red Heeler. It draws a lot of attention for its coat with a wet aspect, this is due to the fact that it combines several colors bringing this moist feeling.

Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is a dog that resembles a lion because of the density and bulk of the coat. The males of this rare breed of dog have more hair than the females, however, what is most valued is the quality of the hair and not the quantity.

More breeds of rare dogs
In addition to the rare dog breeds we mentioned earlier, other examples are:
- Pharaoh hound;
- Thai Ridgeback;
- African Greyhound;
- Irish lebrel;
- Keeshond;
- Lundehund;
- Mexican Peeled;
- Finnish Spitz;
- Italian Greyhound.
Rare Crossbreed Dog Breeds
Some crossbred dogs with very peculiar and rare characteristics are:

One of the most popular hybrid dog breeds in the world is Cockapoo, a result of crossing the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. The specimens of this breed, even adults, have the appearance of a puppy. In addition to the fluffy appearance, they are recommended for people with allergies because they don't shed much hair.

Last on the list of rare dogs is the Bullhuahua, also known as the French Chihuahua, Frencheenie or Chibull. It is a crossbred dog resulting from a cross between the Chihuahua and French Bulldog breeds, the most interesting thing about this breed is that they do not suffer from any disease characteristic of the breeds that originated it.