How to care for cockatiel

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Cockatiel Care Guide | Everything You Need To Know! | BirdNerdSophie
Video: Cockatiel Care Guide | Everything You Need To Know! | BirdNerdSophie


The cockatiel or cockatiel (for the Portuguese) is one of the most chosen parrots as a companion animal. She is the first choice of many people not only because it usually has a low price, but mainly because it is a bird that, in addition to being beautiful, can be very tame.

The maintenance cost is relatively low, but when we talk about time and dedication, then the cost is quite high. They are not mere decorative objects for us humans to place in our homes in a cage. cockatiels are incredibly intelligent beings and if they are in captivity, it is our responsibility to provide them with the best possible conditions that promote their well-being. That's why PeritoAnimal wrote this article to teach you how to take care of a cockatiel. Keep reading!

Before adopting a cockatiel

Before buying or adopting a cockatiel, you should consider whether it will be the most suitable pet for you and your family. Birds do not always adapt to all lifestyles. These animals require a lot leisure, effort and dedication. Furthermore, adopting one of these animals is a commitment that can last for decades (cockatiels can live for 20 years).

If you are looking for a calm animal that makes little noise and doesn't make a lot of mess, the cockatiel, or any other parrot, is not the best animal for you. Read our tips for choosing your pet.

But if you are determined and this is the most suitable animal for your family, continue reading this article that will explain how to take care of a cockatiel.

cockatiel cage

It is indeed debatable whether birds should be kept in cages, as these creatures were made to fly. Despite this, the cage is the best way to ensure your cockatiel's safety.

What is the ideal cage size for cockatiels?

The answer to that question is: the bigger the better! However, it must be at least wide enough for the bird to be able to spread and flap its wings without damaging them, and enough height so that, when perched, the tail does not touch the ground. Give preference to cages with horizontal bars, because they allow birds to climb and this is one of their favorite activities!

Ideal position of the cage:

The ideal location for the cage depends on the cockatiel's personality. Most cockatiels are quite sociable and, for that reason, areas like the living room are one of the best options for maximizing her social interaction with the people who pass by. On the other hand, more timid cockatiels may prefer quieter parts of the house, such as a bedroom. It is advisable that the position of the cage is at your eye level, as this will give the cockatiel a greater sense of security. Some ethologists claim that very high cage positions can promote the bird's aggressiveness, because the bird feels superior to other family members. Others claim that more insecure birds can live in a state of intense anxiety if the cage is too low. In addition, to promote a greater sense of security, the cage should be leaning against a wall.

Can cockatiel sunbathe?

You can and should! Exposure to sunlight is critical to your cockatiel's well-being. It is through the sun that your cockatiel will produce D vitamin (essential in calcium metabolism). It is very important that the sunlight be direct and not through a glass. If the cage is not near a window, you can place the cage outside for a few hours (end of the day or early morning so the heat is not too hot). Remember the cockatiel there must always be a shadow where you can take refuge!

Cockatiel food

Feeding is one of the main points not only for the cockatiel's well-being but also to prevent some of the most common diseases in poultry. The best diet is one that meets all of the cockatiel's nutritional needs, such as vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, etc.

There are several seed mixtures commercially available for cockatiels. However, in recent years veterinarians have recommended that it is best to opt for a feed/pellets suitable for cockatiel. Despite being more expensive, they are an excellent choice, as they prevent the cockatiel from choosing the seeds they like best, preventing nutritional imbalances. The rations are prepared according to the specific needs of each species and therefore, when buying a ration, ensure that you are buying it specifically for cockatiel. If you intend to food transition of your cockatiel from seed to feed, you will have to do this very gradually. Usually the feed package has instructions to make this change in the most appropriate way.

It is very important that the consumption of feed or seeds is supplemented with fruits and vegetables. The ideal would be a diet composed of 75% feed, 20% fruits and vegetables and the 5% remaining for rewards (eg dried fruit).

Vitamin supplementation

Most veterinarians advise against supplementation, except in cases of previously diagnosed vitamin deficiency. Why is it inadvisable? Most supplements require application to the water and it is impossible to control the amount of water the animal ingests. So, there is a very high risk of nutritional excess or deficiency. Several cases have already been reported in birds that, due to an excess of vitamin D supplementation, developed hypercalcemia.

bathe in cockatiel

Yes! Allow cockatiel to bathe fosters natural behavior, promotes well-being and also contributes to a better maintenance of the feathers! There are several options for birds to bathe in captivity:

  • water container: place a container with shallow water (2/3 cm maximum height). Change water daily. The ideal is to remove the container when she finishes taking a shower and only put it back in the next day.
  • Spray: put water in a spray bottle and lightly wet your cockatiel from a distance, simulating rain.
  • Rain: place the cage in the rain for a few minutes. Do this on those days when it's just drizzling. Some birds love this method as it represents well what would happen in the wild.
  • Shower: some birds love to bathe with their guardians. There are even perches with suction cups to put in the shower. But be careful because the water has to be at room temperature.

The important thing is that the cockatiel can shower regularly, weekly or daily. Watch your cockatiel's behavior, and if she's nervous or uncomfortable, don't insist and try another day. Choose the method that she likes the most. Usually the spray is the choice for most birds. After the bird has bathed, it is very important that it can dry, clean and smooth its feathers in a warm, draft-free environment.

How long does cockatiel sleep?

It is very important that your cockatiel sleep at the right time and without interruptions. Sleep deprivation is one of the main causes of behavioral problems (such as picacism, birds that pluck their own feathers)!

Ideally, the cockatiel will sleep between 10 to 12 hours! Yes, they need a lot more sleep than us. During this period there can be no noise or lights to wake it up. If your cockatiel is usually in the living room and your family stays up late, move the cage to another room when it's time for cockatiel to sleep. A cockatiel that sleeps for the proper hours will be a calmer and less stressed cockatiel.

cockatiel toys

There are many ways to environmental enrichment for cockatiels. Toys are the easiest and most used form. The ideal is to have a few toys inside the cage: a maximum of three, which should be changed regularly. Have a box with your cockatiel's favorite toys and change them, so you'll be promoting her interest.

There are several types of toys available on the market:

  • ropes
  • bells
  • Steps
  • Swing
  • mirrors

You can also build homemade toys using natural branches, rope, cardboard. The ideal toys are those that offer a challenge for cockatiel to get food. Most cockatiels always have food available, which compromises the behavior of foraging (food search) which, as we told you, in the wild would take up 70% of the bird's day. For this reason, we have to fight this failure in captivity. The easiest way is to use these toys where the bird has to figure out how to handle to receive rewards, which can be nuts or even her favorite seeds. There are many toys available in the petshops, and alternatively you can try to build them yourself.

Jokes with Cockatiel - Social Interaction

Social interaction is an essential component of the cockatiel's daily life. If the cockatiel is housed alone, it must be the family who plays the role that the flock would play in the wild. They can include cockatiel in various family activities. You should talk to her, whistle and even the training can be an excellent activity to promote this social interaction. When the bird is alone for many hours, you can use recordings of other birds to make it feel more accompanied and stimulated. This can also be a great way to train some whistles!

It is important that the cockatiel has freedom outside the cage in order to encourage the practice of physical exercise (mainly through flying) which is essential for her well-being.

Cockatiels are very intelligent birds, and when they live under our roof, we are responsible for everything around them. Thus, it is our duty not only to provide water and food but also to provide a stimulating environment that matches the cognitive abilities of these birds.

If you're about to adopt a cockatiel, read our name ideas for her.