
How to tell if the dog has a stomachache

Dog can be very greedy and ome even have the dangerou habit of eating everything that i in front of them. Therefore, one of the frequent problem that a tutor mu t be prepared to identify and know how ...
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Why do puppies take care of babies?

We often ay that the dog i man' be t friend and the truth i that a well-trained and well-loved dog create a very trong bond with all member of the family, including children and babie . ome puppie...
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Tips to prevent the dog from biting furniture

I your dog chewing on furniture? Unfortunately thi i one of the mo t common canine behavior problem , e pecially a a puppy, although there are ca e in adulthood. Maybe we don't mind when he bite i...
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the pig as a pet

currently have a pig a a pet i no longer a peculiar a it could have been a few year ago. Among the mo t popular option are Vietname e pig or mini pig , all of them beautiful and friendly pig .We hould...
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Can cat eat fish?

If we talk about natural cat food, the fir t thing that come to mind i to include fi h, becau e thi dome tic feline ha alway been repre ented in our culture a a lover of thi food. What everyone who li...
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Home Remedies for Cat Flu

Did you know there are home remedie for flu in cat ? Cat are prone to re piratory illne e and the mo t common i the cold. Have you een your cat le active than u ual, looking for a ource of heat, water...
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22 plants for cats

cat are curiou animal by nature, o it' not urpri ing that they arrive niffing out new decorative object or newly introduced plant into the home. In the ca e of plant , both indoor and outdoor , we...
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How to raise a cat from a puppy?

When we adopt a kitten, we have the obligation to teach him a correct behavior o that hi relation hip with u i plea ant and he i a polite and happy pet in our home. It' not plea ant if it bite or ...
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Canine Dermatitis: Types, Causes and Treatment

You dermatological problem are a very common cau e of con ultation in veterinary clinic , with increa ing information and pecialization in the field of dermatology, a well a product to treat ymptom . ...
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My cat doesn't like me - Causes and what to do

If you've recently adopted a cat and noticed that it reject you, or if, on the contrary, you have been living harmoniou ly with your furry cat for a long time, but it ha di tanced it elf from you ...
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cat jealous of another cat

You've probably heard omeone ay that cat are very jealou of guardian , territory and even their toy . In fact, you've certainly heard or even aid: "my cat doe n't accept another cat i...
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Whale Types

Whale are one of the mo t amazing animal on the planet and, at the ame time, very little i known about them. ome of the whale pecie are the longe t-lived mammal on Planet Earth, o much o that ome of t...
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O Baline e i a cat that ha it origin in the United tate and that de cend from iame e and other long-haired cat . Thi i a very beautiful and gentle hou e cat that will leave it owner enchanted. Learn a...
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How to clean a cat's eyes

Cat hate bathing and in fact don't need to a they can pend up to four hour a day cleaning their body with their rough tongue. However, there i one area where cat cannot reach with their tongue to ...
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How to bathe my hamster

By nature, ham ter are very clean and hygienic animal . Like cat , they pend more than 20% of their day cleaning their kin. For them, it i part of their daily routine and the act of cleaning them elve...
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Types of Pinscher

Pin cher i a very popular and recognized dog around the world. However, there i ome confu ion a to the type of Pin cher that are recognized today. In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will follow the cl...
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Berne cattleman

O Berne cattleman or Berne e cattleman nowaday it' quite popular becau e it' agreatdog for family. It i al o exceptional in activitie uch a earch, re cue and upport in therapie for children an...
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Home remedy to calm cat

For tho e who have a pu y, paying attention to the pet' mood i hardly new. However, in time of tre , whether for mall thing like a new per on vi it, or more traumatic like a long trip, know that t...
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scottish terrier

O cotti h terrier, terrier cotti h or imply " cotti h", i a mall but mu cular dog with olid bone . It overall appearance i that of a very powerful dog although it ize i mall. In addition, it...
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How to clean a cat's eyes

Cat hate bathing and in fact don't need to a they can pend up to four hour a day cleaning their body with their rough tongue. However, there i one area where cat cannot reach with their tongue to ...
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