How to tell if the dog has a stomachache

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
🔥 Tips and Complete Guide “stomach ache in dogs symptoms ” 👍
Video: 🔥 Tips and Complete Guide “stomach ache in dogs symptoms ” 👍


Dogs can be very greedy and some even have the dangerous habit of eating everything that is in front of them. Therefore, one of the frequent problems that a tutor must be prepared to identify and know how to deal with is the dog tummy ache.

With that in mind, in this new PeritoAnimal article we will explain how to know if the dog has a tummy ache. Here, we'll briefly talk about the symptoms, causes, and possible treatments for a dog with a tummy ache. Keep reading!

Causes of bellyache in dogs

In most cases, a dog with a tummy ache is suffering the consequences of poor eating habits or an unbalanced diet. As mentioned in the introduction, dogs that have the habit of eating everything in front of them can develop serious digestive problems. In addition, they run the risk of ingesting toxic substances or foods that can cause symptoms of poisoning in dogs.

Too much daily food can also cause diarrhea, abdominal bloating, vomiting, gas, and other symptoms of a dog's bellyache. To avoid these complications, it is essential to have the advice of a veterinarian to adjust the amount of food suitable for your dog, considering the age, health status and specific needs of the body.

One dog with stomach pain and gas you may also be consuming some nutrients in an exaggerated or unbalanced way. For example, excessive consumption of fiber or carbohydrates can cause excessive flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, as well as diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, we once again reaffirm the importance of having professional help to provide a diet compatible with your best friend's nutritional needs.

However, a tummy ache in puppies can also appear as a symptom of some underlying illness. Especially when the dog has a constantly swollen belly with signs of pain and/or persistent diarrhea, which may or may not be accompanied by blood and mucus. Therefore, a dog with a stomachache needs to receive veterinary attention, to rule out any pathological cause and check the most appropriate treatment to alleviate the symptoms and regain well-being.

Some diseases that can present as symptoms dog tummy ache, are:

  • Gastritis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Urinary infection;
  • Intestinal parasites;
  • Gastric torsion.

How to tell if the dog has a stomachache

Now that we've briefly looked at the causes of dog tummy pain, we can move on to the central question of this article: how do you know if the dog has a tummy ache?

When we talk about the health of our best friends, knowing how to quickly recognize negative signs is as important as knowing how to prevent them. Remember that the faster a health problem is diagnosed, generally, the better the chances of a cure and the more effective the treatment.

Unfortunately, it is common for tutors not to recognize the first symptoms of a tummy ache and are startled to see that their dog has diarrhea or vomiting. However, there are several signals that let you know if the dog has a stomachache. Check out some of them below:

  • Abdominal dilation (swollen, hard belly);
  • Apathy;
  • Discouragement;
  • Isolation (lack of interest in playing, walking and doing everyday activities);
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Thirst;
  • Altered breathing (the dog can breathe deeper and faster);
  • Excessive gases;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea (there may be blood in the stool);
  • Difficulty to defecate;
  • Difficulty to urinate;
  • Signs of pain.

Dog with stomach ache: what to do

As we have seen, a dog's stomach pain can have different causes and its symptoms should not be ignored. Therefore, if your dog has diarrhea, the ideal is to take him to the veterinarian to examine him, identify the specific cause of the digestive discomfort and be able to start an effective and safe treatment to regain his well-being.

In addition, the veterinarian can help you to establish a diet more appropriate to your pet's nutritional needs, to avoid other digestive disorders in the future or cases of malnutrition or anemia due to the lack of some nutrients. It will also be important to review the amount of food your puppy eats daily and see if the type of diet you consume is the most appropriate for your body.

Learn more about feeding puppies and adults in this YouTube video:

What to give to a dog with a stomachache

For many people, a dog's stomach pain can be seen as something "normal", which is extremely dangerous, and as risky as ignoring the symptoms of digestive disorders in your dog, is resorting to self-medication. Many human medicines are prohibited for dogs and there are also poisonous plants that can harm the pet's health.

So, before preparing any home remedy for a dog tummy ache, consult a veterinarian to know if this preparation will really help your puppy's recovery and avoid any adverse effects. The veterinarian will also recommend a special diet so that the dog stays well hydrated and replenishes the nutrients and electrolytes lost from diarrhea.

Here at Animal Expert, you can read a little more about feeding dogs with diarrhea and learn about some safe natural remedies for dogs with stomach upset. Also, remember that it is essential to leave fresh, clean water at your best friend's disposal at all times to prevent dehydration symptoms.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.