
4 complications in the delivery of cats

The birth of a cat i a moment of joy and emotion, becau e oon playful kitten will come into the world and will become excellent pet . All thi , bearing in mind that the birth wa de ired and not by acc...

Dog poisoning - Symptoms and first aid

If you have dog or are con idering adding one to the family, thi article i ure to be helpful. Thi i a very important topic that we need to know about in order to pre erve our dog' health and, in c...

cat anatomy

THE cat anatomy include the feline' internal and organizational tructure. Do you want to know your bone , mu cle , organ and en e ? In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will offer you a broad per pecti...

Marijuana Poisoning in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Ha h or marijuana poi oning in dog i not alway lethal. However, inge tion of thi plant or it derivative can cau e eriou ide effect that put the dog' health at ri k.In thi article by PeritoAnimal w...

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Good nutrition i e ential for the phy ical, cognitive and ocial development of all puppie . Regardle of it breed and gender, a dog need to receive a complete and balanced diet that completely meet the...

Tips for my cat not to mark territory

All dome tic cat mark their territory and do it in different way . The two way that mo t annoy the human who live with them are marking with urine and marking with cratche on furniture.If in your hou ...

Omnivorous animals - Examples, photos and trivia

Are you looking for an example of an omnivorou animal? We love to di cover everything related to the animal world, o we love to know the food need of all living being .If you already know example of c...

Benefits of canine neutering

Many people do not know what benefit and advantage a ca tration can have in pet .If you think about bitche and animal helter , they alway deliver animal for adoption already terilized or neutered, inc...

Cats and Babies - Tips for Getting Along

Thi article on the coexi tence between the cat and the baby may not intere t you right now, however, we guarantee that if you have cat at home during pregnancy, you may tart to con ult about the relat...

At what age does the dog lift its paw to urinate?

Rai ing the paw to urinate i a typical behavior of male dog , although urpri ingly ome female do too. Thi body po ture for their need i omething that ome owner look forward to while the dog i till a p...

Why does chow-chow have a purple tongue?

The rea on why chow-chow ha a blue tongue it' in your genetic . Both their mucou membrane and their tongue have cell that other race u ually do not have, or have in mall concentration . When we th...

Bordetella in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Cat are u ceptible to numerou di ea e and all of them de erve adequate attention, although ome manife t only mildly. Thi i the ca e of brodetella, who e clinical picture doe not imply great everity bu...

Coexistence between a new puppy and an adult dog

Have you given all the love po ible to your dog but do you feel you have more to give? o adopting a new dog i an excellent option, becau e the emotional bond that you create with a dog ha numerou bene...

Can a dog eat okra?

Originating in Ethiopia, the okra, which ha a it cientific name Abelmo chu e culentu , won the world and i found not only in Africa, but al o in everal countrie like the United tate and Brazil. One of...

Feeding the mini rabbit

THE mini rabbit feed it i a fundamental a pect of your care, a it directly affect your health and well-being. However, we mu t know that the dwarf rabbit' diet i not ba ed only on commercial food ...

Pus in Dog's Penis - Causes

If we are the caretaker of a male dog, it i likely that, on ome occa ion , we have een him riding on an object, exce ively licking hi peni or te ticle (if not neutered), or pre enting an abnormal di c...

Newborn pigeon cub: how to care and feed

You pigeon they are animal that live with u in urban and rural area . In almo t any part of the world, you can find the e intelligent bird , often puni hed by our ociety.If you come acro a baby pigeon...

guinea pig coronet

The guinea pig coronet aro e from cro e between heltie guinea pig , characterized by having a long coat, and crowned guinea pig , which have a their main characteri tic a crown or cre t on the head an...

my dog ​​chokes eating

Unlike cat , when you put food in the dog' bowl, it u ually di appear in about 3 or 4 minute , a the dog i a food eater.Faced with uch a rapid inge tion of food, it i common for our pet to choke a...

Funny names for cats – 200+ ideas

One of the mo t important and fun thing that come with adopting a new pet i choo ing it name. Remember that thi little word you decide to call him will be with him for life and, therefore, it i nece a...