Pus in Dog's Penis - Causes

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 20 September 2024
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Video: Body camera records Florida deputy shooting resident’s dog


If we are the caretakers of a male dog, it is likely that, on some occasions, we have seen him riding on an object, excessively licking his penis or testicles (if not neutered), or presenting an abnormal discharge. For this reason, in this PeritoAnimal article, we will explain why there is pus in the dog's penis. Whenever this type of secretion occurs, we must think about an infection, so the recommendation will be to go to the veterinarian so that this professional can recommend the most appropriate treatment after making the diagnosis. In this article, we'll talk about the most common causes of this problem so that you can convey as much information as possible to the specialist.

Penile secretion in dogs: when is it normal?

As we know, our dog can use his penis to release urine and, rarely, sperm (if not spayed). Urine should be liquid, light yellow in color and in addition, should flow in a continuous stream. Any change in texture or color should serve as a warning, as well as symptoms such as pain, small bowel movements on several occasions, not being able to urinate even trying, urinating too much, etc. For example, a urine with blood, called hematuria, may indicate that our dog is having a problem in the penis, prostate or urethra, as well as if pus comes out in our dog's penis, which will very likely indicate an infection. Likewise, it is possible that some wound has been done in the area that has been infected and so let us look at the secretion in the penis.

The above cases are typical of abnormal secretions in dogs, so the ideal is go to the vet so that, after tests such as a visual examination or urinalysis, he can establish a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

canine smegma: what is it

Sometimes we may think that pus is coming out of our dog's penis, but it's actually just a substance called smegma that does not indicate any pathology. the smegma is a yellowish or greenish secretion formed by the remains of cells and dirt that accumulate in Organs genitals, which the dog usually eliminates daily. So, if the dog is releasing a yellow or greenish-tinted fluid from his penis but shows no signs of pain and the amount shed is small, it is usually smegma.

As it is a completely normal liquid, no intervention needed.

Green secretion from the penis - Balanoposthitis in dog

This term refers to infection produced in the gland and/or foreskin of the dog. To say that our dog has pus coming out of his penis means that he secretes a dense, foul-smelling, green or white liquid in considerable amounts, which makes it easier to differentiate him from the smegma. In addition, the discomfort suffered will cause the dog to lick itself insistently. So much so that sometimes we don't see any secretions, precisely because the dog licked it. Thus, if we suspect that the dog has an excess of smegma, it will probably have an infection and not the normal fluid described above.

This infection can occur by introducing a foreign body, such as plant fragments, into the foreskin, which causes erosion, irritation and subsequent infection and abscess in the glans. Another cause of balanoposthitis is canine herpesvirus that produces a chronic infection that, moreover, can be transmitted to the female if the dog breeds. A very narrow foreskin orifice and a phimosis, which implies a preputial opening so small that it can even interfere with the flow of urine. Dogs can be born with phimosis or acquire it. Precisely, an infection in the foreskin can cause it.

Whenever you notice discomfort in the dog and a discharge of pus, must go to the vet. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is based on administration of the appropriate antibiotic. This veterinary examination is very important, because the foggy, strange-smelling fluid can also be urine if the dog suffers from cystitis, which is a bladder infection. It must be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from reaching the kidneys.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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