- Can you feed okra to a dog?
- Can you feed raw okra to a dog?
- Can a dog eat cooked okra?
- Can a dog eat fried or braised okra?
- Can you give a dog okra juice?
- Can okra cure distemper or parvovirus?
- Benefits of Dog Okra
- dog okra juice
- How to prepare dog okra juice

Originating in Ethiopia, the okra, which has as its scientific name Abelmoschus esculentus, won the world and is found not only in Africa, but also in several countries like the United States and Brazil. One of the main producers and consumers of this okra fruit in green-yellow lands is the Minas Gerais state, where the traditional chicken with okra is a success, which has fans from all over the country.
Do you like okra? There are people who love it, there are people who don't even like the smell. And many tutors ask themselves: can dog eat okra? The truth is that some of our four-legged friends are interested in him and some are not, just as we humans are. In this article by PeritoAnimal we are going to solve this doubt, talk about the properties of okra, benefits and also about some controversies involving okra juice for dogs.
Can you feed okra to a dog?
Yes, dog can eat okra and it is safe to offer this food to him. Okra has vitamin A, B1, B2, C, minerals, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, nicotinic acid and sodium, and a significant amount of fiber.
Remember that dogs are facultative carnivores and, therefore, they depend on animal protein in their food, but they can also eat other things.
As with any type of food, okra for dogs should not be offered in excess, as this could cause an intestinal disorder. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to how to prepare the okra for the dog. Avoid offering fried, salted or other seasoned okra which can be harmful to your furry friend.
If you've ever noticed that your dog likes to eat okra and if you offer it sporadically, pay attention to possible signs of allergy that can occur with any type of food. In this case, just fail to give it to him.
Can you feed raw okra to a dog?
Yes, the dog can eat raw okra if he doesn't mind the texture of the vegetable.
Can a dog eat cooked okra?
Yes, you can feed okra to a cooked dog, as long as no spices are added.
Can a dog eat fried or braised okra?
We do not recommend that you offer the dog fried or braised okra. In fact, we should always avoid giving dogs any fried food because of excess fat that is harmful to their health.
Can you give a dog okra juice?
Yes, but as we'll explain further below, dog okra juice doesn't work as a medicine.

Can okra cure distemper or parvovirus?
No, okra does not cure distemper or parvovirus. This belief has been around for a long time, but a few years ago a homemade recipe for dog okra juice went viral on social networks because it would be a natural and infallible remedy to cure dogs of distemper and also of parvovirus. However, this is not true.
In an interview on the G1 website in 2018, the former professor of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMV-USP) denied the rumor and was categorical: unfortunately, distemper is a difficult disease to treat and there is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of a homemade recipe with okra.Opinion shared by several veterinarians and doctors across the country.[1]
According to experts, thanks to the properties of okra, it can indeed be used as a support food, that is, it helps in the treatment of certain diseases. But he not to be used as a medicine and should not be considered an alternative to specific treatment for distemper and parvovirore. If you suspect your dog has any of these illnesses, you should immediately see a veterinarian to diagnose and begin treatment.

Benefits of Dog Okra
If on the one hand there is no scientific proof of okra juice as a natural remedy for distemper or parvovirus, on the other hand, it is recognized for its medicinal and therapeutic qualities for other functions.
You can give okra to dogs, for example, to be used as a diuretic and laxative, according to folk medicine. Okra tea, made from its leaves, is also popularly used to treat various lung problems, such as bronchitis.
Due to its properties, among the benefits of okra for dogs are the strengthening of its immune system, muscles and bones, in addition to helping with cancer prevention. It is also recommended for dogs with diabetes, as it acts as a regulator of blood sugar levels.
dog okra juice
We emphasize that okra juice for dogs aims to hydrate you, improve your intestinal flora and strengthen your immune system, but does not have the ability to cure any disease, as we've talked about earlier in this article. If your dog is sick, he should receive proper treatment with the medications your veterinarian prescribes.
How to prepare dog okra juice
There are different ways to prepare dog okra juice, just like any other juice. Some tutors make about 6 okra (cutting the ends) and 500 ml of water or just 1 okra and 1 glass of water (about 200ml). Just hit the blender and offer it to your furry friend.
Now that you know you can feed dog okra and have seen its benefits and properties, perhaps the following video might interest you. In it we speak bore 8 fruits we can give to dogs:
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