How to chase away a stray cat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 19 May 2024
How to keep cats away || How to keep cats away from your house
Video: How to keep cats away || How to keep cats away from your house


The presence of stray cats indoors is not always welcome, especially if they defecate, dig or destroy the plants. In fact, it can be a risky situation if they are wild cats, since they have not been properly socialized and can carry parasites and viral diseases, which are worrying factors for pet owners.

Therefore, despite considering yourself an animalist like us, it is possible that you will find yourself in a dilemma when trying to find out how to scare away cats intruders in your garden or porch. is there some kind of cat repellent to be effective? How to scare away cats without hurting them? Is it possible to apply any effective and long-lasting method to scare stray cats away? Or, it may be that it is not a stray cat, but a house cat that takes advantage of your garden to take care of needs. In all these cases, you are surely wondering what you should and can do.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain how to chase away a stray cat with some basic and effective advice, with tips on some home remedies to use and we will also explain how to solve the problem of feces and urine. Keep reading!

how to scare away cats

To know how to permanently scare stray cats away, it is essential to know the cause that is causing this situation. First of all, it is worth mentioning that it is not always possible to reach a conclusion. Cats are very active animals and, despite always moving within the same territory, that is, what they consider their own, they can travel several kilometers daily to hunt, sniff and exercise.

Perhaps the cats approach your home spontaneously or to use the garden trying to find an available spot. they can be getting food from your garbage because they are hungry, hunting on your balcony because there are several birds or even because they consider your house part of the their territory and, after defecating and urinating there, they return frequently to ensure that it remains theirs, employing different ways of marking the territory, such as rubbing, urinating, and scratching.

Regardless of whether you have found the cause of this phenomenon or not, keep reading this article as we will explain some tricks and general advice to let you know how to scare away stray cat.

How to definitely scare away cats

Before mentioning some cat repellents, you should review some aspects of the house and follow certain guidelines to ensure that you are working on the cause of the problem and not on the cat's actual presence. Keep in mind that this point is very important if your goal is for stray cats to leave your house permanently.

How to scare away a garden cat:

  1. Prevent stray cats from eating your garbage by closing the bags tightly and placing them inside the closed container;
  2. Scare away mice and rats from your home with homemade remedies to prevent them from being food for stray cats;
  3. If you like to feed wild birds, bet on the use of feeders in high places to prevent them from serving as food for the cats that are looking for food;
  4. Explore your garden for nests or shelters that they may be using to protect themselves;
  5. Use homemade cat repellent to get the cats away without hurting them;
  6. Do a good cleaning in your home using enzymatic products to eliminate pheromones;
  7. If you live in the city, contact NGOs or Associations that can rescue stray animals;
  8. If you live in decentralized locations, check with the city to find out if there is a person in charge who can neuter and control the stray cat population.

At the market, you will also find some stray cat scare products known as "cat repellent". In general, they are elaborated based on synthetic formulas aiming to be unpleasant to felines, and can imitate the smell of urine from other predators. However, these products do not always have effective results.

A good option is to combine these 8 tips we offer you with some homemade products to keep cats away. There are some home remedies that you can make yourself at home, as well as the use of natural cat repellent that is not harmful to animals.

Remember to comment with your neighbors and family so that they follow the same guidelines and prevent cats from feeling attracted to a nearby house again.

7 repellents for homemade cats

if you are wondering how to scare away stray cats in a homemade way, in this section you will find several tips that can be combined with the previous advice, being very effective. These are homemade cat scares that you can prepare without spending money.

Cat repellent with citrus

What scares the stray cat? One of the home remedies to keep cats out of your garden and flower pots is the use of citrus fruits. You can use the lemon, lime, orange and tangerine peel left over from your food and put it in a pot next to the plants. In addition to being an excellent natural fertilizer, it will also serve as a cat repellent.

You can also cut citrus fruits in half and rub them along the wall, pots and other areas that cats frequent, so that the smell stays infused for as long as possible. This smell will not last long, so you should repeat as many times as necessary.

Also get to know the toxic plants for cats in this PeritoAnimal article.

Cat repellent: plants

If you are not considering the option of placing bark and debris in your garden, you can choose to place it plants to scare away cats in your garden, in addition to filling your house with aromas that are pleasant to your senses, these smells are repugnant to cats. Some plants that help in the question "how to scare away a backyard cat?", are:

  • Lavender;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Basil;
  • Geranium;
  • Plectranthus caninus.

Cat repellent with pepper

A more drastic, and somewhat aggressive, solution that works as a repellent for cats is to spray pepper powder through. strategic places in your garden. With it, what you will achieve is to irritate the cat's nose when he smells it, which will result in a series of uncomfortable sneezes for him. Thus, after a few similar episodes, the feline will associate this place as an uncomfortable environment and, therefore, will no longer visit.

Cat repellent with coffee

Like citrus and some plants mentioned, coffee is often an uncomfortable aroma for cats, precisely because of its intensity. As with citrus, you can spread coffee beans through the pots and in different areas of your garden which, above all, will serve as a natural fertilizer for your plants. This is an excellent homemade cat repellent.

Cat repellent with vinegar

Another home remedy that can help you keep cats out of your garden is the use of white vinegar as it is very unpleasant for them. You can put a mixture of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply under the areas the cat frequents, spraying with great intensity to impregnate the aroma well and thus act as a potent repellent.

Cat repellent: garden fences

For you want to know how to scare away cats, another idea is to put some architectural elements that prevent cats from entering, for example, a fence around your house or a barrier. To be even more effective, make a fence that slopes outwards, making it even more difficult for cats to climb.