Does a dog with Down syndrome exist?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 23 January 2025
Animals With Down Syndrome
Video: Animals With Down Syndrome


Eventually, photos that show, supposedly, "animals with Down's Syndrome" go viral on social networks. The last cases that drew attention were in felines (the tiger Kenny and the cat Maya), however, you can also find references to dogs with Down syndrome on the Internet.

This type of publication leads many people to wonder if animals can present this genetic alteration in the same way as humans, and even more, to question whether it really exists dog with down syndrome.

In this article from Animal Expert, we will help you understand what Down Syndrome is and we will clarify whether or not dogs can have it.

What is Down Syndrome

Before you know if a dog can have Down Syndrome, you need to understand what the condition is, and we are here to help you. Down syndrome is a type of genetic alteration which appears only on chromosome pair number 21 of the human genetic code.

The information in human DNA is expressed through 23 pairs of chromosomes that are organized in such a way that they create a unique structure that is not repeated in any other species. However, eventually this genetic code can undergo an alteration at the moment of conception, causing a third chromosome to originate in what should be the “21 pair”. That is, people with Down syndrome have a trisomy (three chromosomes) that is specifically expressed on chromosome pair number 21.

This trisomy is expressed both morphologically and intellectually in the individuals who have it. People with Down Syndrome usually have some specific traits that derive from this genetic alteration, in addition to being able to demonstrate growth problems, muscle tone and cognitive development. However, not always all characteristics associated with this Syndrome will present themselves simultaneously in the same individual.

It is still necessary to clarify that Down syndrome is not a disease, but rather a genetic occurrence that happens during conception, being a condition inherent to the individuals who have it. In addition, it is important to be aware that people with Down Syndrome are not intellectually or socially incapable, they can study, learn a profession to enter the labor market, have a social life, form their own personality based on their experiences, their tastes and preferences, as well as being interested in many other activities and hobbies. It is up to society to generate equitable opportunities to promote the social inclusion of people with Down Syndrome, considering their specific needs, and not marginalize them as "different" or "incapable".

Is there a dog with Down syndrome?

Not! As we have seen, Down Syndrome is a trisomy that occurs specifically on the 21st pair of chromosomes, which only appears in the genetic information of human beings. Therefore, it is impossible for there to be a shitzu dog with Down Syndrome or any other breed, as it is a specific genetic alteration in human DNA. Now, you are probably wondering how it is possible that there are dogs that seem to have Down syndrome.

To better understand this situation, the explanation lies in the fact that the genetic code of animals, including dogs, is also formed by pairs of chromosomes. However, the number of pairs and the way in which they organize to form the structure of DNA are unique and unique in each species. In fact, it is exactly this genetic conformation that determines the characteristics that make it possible to group and classify animals within different species. In the case of human beings, the information contained in the DNA is responsible for meaning that it is a human being, and not belonging to other species.

Like humans, animals can also have certain genetic changes (including trisomies), which can be expressed both through their morphology and behavior. However, these changes will never occur in the 21st chromosome pair, as this is only found in the structure of human DNA.

Mutations in the genetic code of animals can occur naturally during conception, but eventually they are consequences of genetic experiments or the practice of inbreeding, as was the case with Kenny, a white tiger from a refugee en Arkansa who passed away in 2008, shortly after his affair mistakenly popularized itself as "the tiger with Down's Syndrome."

In summary, dogs, as well as many other animals, can present some genetic alterations that are expressed in their appearance, however, there is no dog with Down Syndrome, because this condition is present only in the human genetic code, that is, it can only occur in people.

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