Dog sneezing a lot, what can it be?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 15 January 2025
Why is My Dog Sneezing Uncontrollably? - Dog Health Vet Advice
Video: Why is My Dog Sneezing Uncontrollably? - Dog Health Vet Advice


Sneezing is an entirely common reflex act, however, if you've noticed your dog sneezing a lot, it's normal to have questions and ask yourself why this happens and what you can do about it. In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll explain what can make your dog sneeze a lot.

Let's analyze the most common causes that are behind the emergence of a sneezing fit so that, as a tutor, you can be sure of how to act when faced with this situation. As always, the visit to the vet it will help you reach the exact diagnosis and, therefore, only this professional will be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

the dog sneeze

The sneezes indicate a nasal irritation and since this irritation also causes a runny nose, both symptoms are likely to occur simultaneously. Occasional sneezing, like those that humans might experience, are not a concern, but you should pay attention to situations like violent sneezing that do not stop or sneezes accompanied by nasal discharge or other symptoms.

We should know that when the sneezes are very violent, the dog will sneeze blood, which is a result of nosebleeds. So if you see your dog splashing blood, it may be for that reason. In that case, you need to try to keep it as calm as possible.

If the crisis and bleeding do not resolve or if you do not know the cause of the sneezing, you should look for the veterinarian. In addition, sneezing that goes on for a long time inflames and congests the nose, causing the dog to breathe hard and swallow the mucus produced.

foreign bodies in the nose

If your dog is sneezing a lot, it could also be due to the presence of a foreign body in his nasal cavity. In these cases, the sneeze appears suddenly and violently. The dog shake your head and rub your nose with your paws or against objects.

Foreign bodies can be spikes, seeds, splinters, splinters, etc. Sometimes these sneezes can eliminate the object, but if the dog continues to sneeze, even intermittently, it may show a unilateral secretion in the pit where the foreign body is housed, which is an indication that it was not expelled.

The veterinarian will have to anesthetize the dog to find this foreign body and extract it. You should not postpone the appointment because, over time, the foreign body will tend to move through the nasal cavity.

The canine respiratory complex

A dog sneezing a lot and that cough you may be suffering from an illness that will require veterinary assistance if, in addition, the condition is accompanied by a runny nose, altered breathing, or a cough.

O canine respiratory complex covers a group of conditions such as what is popularly known as kennel cough. In most individuals, it is characterized by the presence of dry cough, sometimes accompanied by grimacing, without other symptoms and without affecting the dog's state of mind. In other words, it would be a mild disease, although it is necessary to monitor it so that it does not evolve into a condition of canine pneumonia, and pay special attention if the sick dog is a puppy, as the runny nose can also occur in them.

A severe form of this complex causes fever, anorexia, listlessness, productive cough, runny nose, sneezing, and rapid breathing. These cases require hospitalization, and in addition, these diseases are extremely contagious.

atopic dermatitis

Canine atopic dermatitis is a allergic skin disease which occurs when the body reacts by producing antibodies to various common substances, such as pollen, dust, mold, feathers, etc. If a dog sneezes a lot, he may be suffering from this allergy, which starts with a seasonal itch, usually accompanied by sneezing and nasal and eye discharge. In these cases, the dog usually rubs its face and licks its paws.

The disease can progress with the appearance of skin lesions, alopecia and skin infections. The skin eventually darkens and thickens. Generally, a picture of otitis also develops. This condition requires veterinary treatment.

reverse sneeze

Although it is rare, the dog can sneeze a lot and choke, and this can be caused by this disorder, which causes alarm by conveying the feeling that the dog is not breathing. In fact, there is a noise caused by the dog's violent inhale as it tries to catch air. This can happen several times in a row.

It's actually caused by a laryngospasm or glottis spasm. It can be solved making the dog swallow, which can be done by massaging his neck, below his jaw. If the dog does not recover, it is necessary to see the veterinarian, as it may have a foreign body lodged in the larynx. Learn more about reverse sneezing in this article.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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