Tips for bathing a cat with fleas

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Bathe a Cat with Fleas
Video: How to Bathe a Cat with Fleas


Fleas can become real torture when they attack your cat. Not only do they give you an unbearable itch, they also cause illness and are difficult to eliminate.

At PeritoAnimal we know that you certainly know several methods that exist to eliminate your cat's fleas, and that you use the one that is most convenient for you and that achieves better results on your feline friend. However, several of these methods are much more effective if you accompany them with a good shower, so we'll give you some of them below. tips for bathing a cat with fleas.

the importance of bathing

Anyone who has a cat at home knows full well that it's hard to make them water-friendly. Instinctively, the cat will avoid getting wet at all costs, so it needs some tricks to bathe it.

Although many veterinarians do not recommend bathing the cat frequently, as their exhaustive hygiene system is usually sufficient, there are situations in which it is necessary to give them a hand, such as when fleas invade them. In this sense, an anti-flea bath can be used to rid your pet of these annoying parasites, or act as a reinforcement in the process. If you use a specific anti-flea shampoo for cats, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian to find out which brands are most suitable. Or, if you prefer, you can make your own anti-flea shampoo for cats following our advice.

Cats less than 3 months old and without vaccines cannot bathe, so in these situations you should consult a specialist on the best way to remove the fleas. Also, be sure to check out our article on home remedies for fleas on baby cats.

Below, we'll give you some recommendations to keep in mind if you need to give your cat an anti-flea bath.

Before bathing to eliminate cat fleas

Before giving your cat with fleas a bath, it is essential gather everything you will need:

  • 2 towels;
  • 1 small bathtub;
  • 2 smaller size containers;
  • Anti-flea shampoo for cats;
  • A fine-toothed flea comb;
  • Prizes for your feline or toys.

When using a bathtub, it prevents the cat from getting nervous just getting into the bathtub in your bathroom. You should put a towel inside the bathtub so that you can scratch it while bathing. One of the smaller containers is for watering your feline and the other for fleas. The shampoo and the comb will eliminate most of the parasites. Now that you have everything you need to bathe your cat with fleas, consider the following recommendations:

  • Trim your cat's nails to prevent him from hurting you in the process.
  • Brush the fur to remove all dead fur and to make the task simpler.
  • A while before the bath, get the cat used to touching you behind the ears and around the paws.

Advice to take into account while showering

Now, it's bath time! To make it as effective as possible and so that you can eliminate your cat's fleas with ease, follow our recommendations:

  • Keep Calm and speak to the feline lovingly, using a calm, gentle tone. It's normal for him to get nervous and try to run away, so it's important to give him peace of mind.
  • Keep the bathroom door closed to prevent him from running away. If necessary, ask someone else for help.
  • Place two cotton balls in the ears of your cat to avoid getting water.
  • Fill the bathtub with a little warm water and introduce the animal's feet first.
  • When you feel good with wet paws, moisten other parts of your body with your hand, and little by little you can use one of the small containers to wet your fur more.
  • When the fur is wet, apply the flea shampoo. Fleas will try to escape from the head, so you should use shampoo and water to draw a sort of necklace around the neck to prevent this from happening.
  • Massage the shampoo all over the cat's body, emphasizing the hair, neck and tail, but being careful with the eyes, nose and ears.
  • As you see the fleas moving around trying to escape, catch them with your fingers or a comb and place them in the second small container, which you will have next to you with hot water to eliminate them.
  • After getting enough foam, use the comb to remove the fleas and drop them into the hot water container.
  • When finished, wash your cat's fur thoroughly so that no soap remains.

after the cat's bath

Once the task of bathing your cat with fleas is finished, and all the parasites have been eliminated, it's time to dry all the hair completely of your feline so that it doesn't get wet or wet. Then reward your pet with some cat treat or your favorite toy. Remember that positive reinforcement is critical to avoid associating the shower with something negative and to behave well next time.

House cleaning

It is not enough to bathe your cat to eliminate fleas, as they also lodge in certain places in the house, so you should perform a deep clean not only from all the areas where your feline is used to, but also from your bed, toys, litter box and even all the furniture and rugs in the house.

  • To eliminate fleas and eggs, wash all your cat's items with hot water and steam clean the rooms in your home.
  • Wash the floor with water and vinegar, and use the vacuum to clean the rugs well. If necessary, place natural repellents in different areas of the house.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.