Fatty liver in cats - symptoms and treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 25 January 2025
Fatty Liver In Cats: What To Do
Video: Fatty Liver In Cats: What To Do


If there's one thing that causes your cat a lot of health problems, it's a lack of appetite. In some cases, whether due to stress or as a result of some other illness, or for other reasons, the cat stops eating and this is much more dangerous for him than you think.

One of the problems caused by a cat's lack of appetite is the appearance of liver diseases, that is, diseases that compromise the functioning of the liver. These pathologies can be fatal in 90% of cases. Among the liver diseases we find the fatty liver in cats. In this article, PeritoAnimal explains the symptoms and treatment for this problem. Keep reading!

What is fatty liver in cats?

O fatty liver, also called feline hepatic lipidosis, is the disease of this organ that most affects cats, regardless of whether they are male or female. consists of the liver fat accumulation, preventing it from working properly. When causing a liver failure, the whole organism is compromised, which makes the mortality rate very high with this disease.

It can affect cats at any age, but it is more common in pets over 5 years old, especially if they live indoors and have weight problems. It is usually helpful when the animal's food cycle is disturbed, either because it is subjected to too strict a diet (something you should never do), or because, due to another health condition or stressful situation, the animal has lost its appetite.

What happens is that, when there is a lack of food, the body starts to transport the fats it can to the liver for it to process. However, when the lack of appetite extends to the liver, it becomes overloaded with work, being unable to synthesize all the fats, accumulating them in said organ. Due to this accumulation of fat in the area, the liver collapses.

A cat with physical discomfort that fails to eat for a day is not a cause for concern, but on the second day you should visit the veterinarian immediately, as the feline organism is damaged very quickly with lack of food.

What are the causes of feline hepatic lipidosis?

First of all, obesity is a determining factor when suffering from fatty liver in cats, especially when, for some reason, the feline starts to lose extra pounds very quickly. In addition, any element that causes the cat to stop eating represents a danger to him, whether he is refusing to do so in response to a stressful situation, or whether he does not like the food (if he has changed his usual diet or because he is fed up of the same flavor), among other problems. All these factors cause anorexia, which also implies liver failure.

Also some diseases, such as cardiac or renal pathologies, produce poor appetite, as well as pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, cancer and any type of diabetes. Likewise, problems related to the mouth, such as wounds, infections such as gingivitis, trauma, and anything that makes eating painful or difficult, make the cat not want to eat.

Likewise, the lack of a regulated time to eat, which translates into fickle food administration, causes eating disorders and creates stress for the cat, as they never know when their next meal will be (don't forget they are animals routine), causing this liver disease.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver in cats?

Lack of appetite and, as a consequence, of weight are the most obvious symptoms. It is possible that the cat has vomiting and diarrhea or even constipation, accompanied by dehydration and general weakness, so you'll find yourself tired.

When liver failure occurs, bilirubin levels increase and it is possible to notice the jaundice, a yellowish discoloration of the skin, gums and eye cells. The cat may also show tremors and adopt an indolent attitude towards itself, causing it to neglect its hygiene. Veterinary examination while palpating the abdomen may reveal the swollen liver in cats.

How is the diagnosis made?

If the cat's fatty liver disease is advanced, the veterinarian can, at first glance, identify the yellowish signs of jaundice, in addition to feeling the swollen liver. To confirm that it is feline hepatic lipidosis, further tests will be needed:

  • Blood test.
  • Abdomen ultrasound that allows analyzing the size and condition of the liver.
  • Liver biopsy, which involves taking a sample of the liver wall with a needle. In some cats, rapid surgery may be necessary to take a larger sample.
  • X-ray to the abdomen.

In addition, as well as the physical examination and any information you can give your veterinarian about signs of illness and the feline's condition, tests will be needed to determine the source of the liver disease.

What is the treatment for feline hepatic lipidosis?

Initially, it is likely that after being diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis (or fatty liver in cats), the cat will need to be hospitalized for a few days, during which time it will receive a fluid therapy, necessary to combat dehydration, nutrient deficiency and weakness in his body.

After that, which is just an emergency treatment, the most important thing is for the feline to go back to eating, but this is usually complicated in most cases. It may not be enough to offer him his favorite food, but more often he still doesn't eat. For this reason, it may be necessary to resort to assisted feeding. The first is to try crushed food administered through a syringe, but if that doesn't work the vet will place a tube in the animal's nose or neck to deliver the food directly to the stomach. Treatment may take weeks or even a few months. The specialist will indicate the type, portions and daily frequency of the food.

Furthermore, the disease that produced the liver failure must be treated., being also recommended foods that stimulate appetite since the ultimate goal is not only to control the disease, but also to make the pet can have a normal life, eating alone.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.