- What is a urinary tract infection?
- Urinary Infection Symptoms in Dogs
- Diagnosis of urinary tract infection
- Treatment of urinary tract infection in dogs
- Prevent urinary tract infection

Like people, puppies can also suffer from a urinary tract infection. We should know that most cases occur in bitches but any dog can suffer from this condition. This problem can affect any of the structures that make up the urinary tract and must be dealt with quickly to avoid major problems in the future.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will tell you about urinary tract infection in dogs, explaining how this disease is, why it occurs, what are its symptoms and what is the appropriate treatment for it.
However, you should always bear in mind that the veterinarian is the only person who can make a real diagnosis of this disease. Regardless of whether your dog is an adult, puppy or elderly, take him to the vet to start treatment as soon as possible.
What is a urinary tract infection?
Urinary infection can occur at random in any dog. However, those who suffer from poor nutrition or poor care, immunocompromised dogs are susceptible to getting the infection more easily.
The urinary system allows the body to correctly eliminate toxic and disposable substances that the body does not need. This system, made up of the kidneys, ureters and urethra, allows us to get rid of what we don't need.
Urinary infections are caused by microorganisms that lodge in the urinary tract. They can lodge in our dog's body if they come into contact with a sick dog, but they can also develop on their own. For example, puppies that don't urinate often enough are likely to suffer a urinary tract infection as the bacteria they are supposed to void travel up to the bladder.
Finally, we warn that certain diseases can lead the dog to suffer from urinary infections. The appearance of hormonal changes, tumors, stones, excessive humidity or other illnesses can cause a urinary tract infection.
Urinary tract infection receives different technical names depending on the zone in which to be found, as follows:
- Urethral infection: urethritis
- Bladder Infection: Cystitis
- Prostate Infection: Prostatitis
- Kidney infection: nephritis or pyelonephritis

The bacterium that most often causes urinary infections in dogs is the Escherichia coli. However, others bacteria genera which are also frequent are: Staphylococcus, Proteus, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Enterobacter, Chlamydia and pseudomonas.
Although bacteria are the most frequent pathogens in these infections, the urinary tract of dogs can also become infected with fungi, mycoplasmas, viruses, algae and parasitic worms.
Urinary infections are more frequent in females, as their urethra is shorter and wider, and they urinate less often than males. This facilitates entry of pathogens and colonization of the urinary bladder. However, infections in males, although less frequent, are more difficult to treat as antibiotics have less access to the sites where bacterial colonies form, especially when prostatitis has occurred.
When the infection is not treated properly, there is a risk of bacteria pass into the bloodstream causing sepsis that can be fatal, or infect other organs.

Urinary Infection Symptoms in Dogs
In many cases the symptoms can be difficult to detect and it is common for the infection to appear during a visit to the veterinarian for different causes. In other cases, symptoms are more evident. The most common symptoms of urinary tract infections in dogs are:
- The dog urinates more often.
- The dog urinates little and often seems to have pain while doing so.
- The dog makes an effort to urinate but is unable or only manages to expel very little. In these cases, there may be an inflammation of the prostate or kidney or urethral stones. It is essential to take the dog to the vet as soon as possible.
- Urine is cloudy.
- Urine has a bad smell.
- There is blood in the urine.
- The dog urinates in places where it is not usual to do so (for example, a well-bred dog may urinate indoors).
- Light or high fever.
- Loss of appetite.
- Depression and lethargy.
- Vaginal discharge in the case of females.
- Inflammation and irritation around the external genitals.
- Frequent licking of the penis or vulva.

Diagnosis of urinary tract infection
The diagnosis of urinary infections is made through the clinical symptoms it's from urine analysis. When necessary, a urinary culture. All these procedures must be carried out by a professional. Although you think your dog has obvious symptoms of a urinary tract infection, you may have overlooked an illness that caused this condition.
Urine analysis is performed with a reactive tape that is inserted into the urine sample. With this it is possible to know the pH of the urine, the levels of proteins, ketones, glucose, bilirubin, nitrates and other substances that indicate the function of the organs. The color, smell and general appearance of the urine is also evaluated. Also, a sample is observed under a microscope to see if there are any fungi, bacteria, white blood cells or other elements indicative of infection.
Urine culture is necessary to know the specific bacteria causing the infection. It is most used when initial treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics does not work. In cases where stones, inflammation of the prostate, or other obstructive or structural problems are suspected, radiographs and ultrasound are often used.

Treatment of urinary tract infection in dogs
The treatment for bacterial urinary infections is the administration of antibiotics. Generally used broad spectrum antibiotics that give good results, but in cases where they do not work, antibiotics specific for the bacteria causing the infection should be administered. It is important to administer the prescribed antibiotic for as long as the veterinarian directs you, even if symptoms disappear sooner.
Non-bacterial infections are treated with other medications such as fungicides and antiparasitic. When there are blockages caused by calculi or prostatitis, these problems should be treated at the same time as the infection. In addition, the veterinarian will recommend a diet that allows restore pH normal urine, which becomes alkaline during infection.
The prognosis will depend on the complication of the infection, as well as the causative agents. Simple infections caused by bacteria usually have an excellent prognosis. On the contrary, yeast infections are more difficult to treat. More complicated urinary infections have a variable prognosis, depending on the case.

Prevent urinary tract infection
To prevent urinary infections in dogs it is important to allow the dog urinate frequently and make sure you always have at your disposal clean fresh water to drink. This helps to eliminate bacteria from the urethra.
The frequency with which the dog urinates is usually the most common cause. Bacteria cannot be dragged outside unless the dog urinates frequently. This situation occurs, for example, when the puppy remains closed for too long, or when he suffers from diseases that prevent him from moving properly, such as arthrosis (osteoarthritis) and, therefore, refuses to move.
For dogs that are predisposed to develop stones in the urinary tract, it is possible that the veterinarian will recommend some specific diet that reduces the formation of these structures. The pH of a dog's urine (the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the urine) is influenced by food. A diet that alkalizes the urine facilitates the appearance of infections.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.