- how dogs sleep
- How many hours does a dog sleep?
- Why does my dog sleep with his eyes open?
- Dog with white eye while sleeping
- How do I know if my dog is sleeping well
- Tips to help your dog sleep well

Dogs sleep a lot more than us, right? In fact, they need many hours of sleep, but most of the time they rest by napping. And have you ever noticed the dog's eye while he sleeps? Just like humans, dogs process what happened during the day in your dreams and they often get into awkward positions and move their eyes and paws. Although their sleeping habits are different from ours, they may have disturbing dreams or make funny faces while sleeping with their eyes open.
If you're reading this PeritoAnimal article, you've certainly been through the following situation and you're wondering: my dog sleeps with his eyes open: causes and what to do. You will discover the reasons for this and we will give you some tips on this topic. Good reading.
how dogs sleep
You've probably noticed your dog sleeping in funny positions that seem uncomfortable. You dog's eyes may turn white during sleep or when moving the paws. The main difference between the sleeping behavior of humans and dogs is sleep intensity. However, we share with them the different stages of sleep, such as light and deep sleep.
Although dogs have REM and light phases, just like humans, their sleep is more sensitive, which explains the dog eye often "on alert". They also have to sleep longer than we do. They can fall asleep in seconds, but as quickly as they fall asleep, they wake up. Their rest schedule is adapted to our sleep routine, although in the end, puppies have their own natural rhythm of rest.
How many hours does a dog sleep?
The dogs can sleep 10 to 20 hours a day. The number of hours a dog sleeps depends a lot on his age and the physical and mental exercise he does during the day. Also, they don't always sleep soundly, but tend to nap during the day so they're always on the lookout for any news that catches their attention.

Why does my dog sleep with his eyes open?
If you've ever noticed a dog's eye while sleeping, you know that dogs sometimes sleep with their eyes open or half open, but in general this is no cause for alarm.. This behavior comes from their ancestors, who lived in nature and had to be aware even if they were resting.
They developed a way to be able to regain energy by resting or sleeping with their eyes open or half open, but at the same time being aware of their surroundings. As we can see, there is no need to worry because it's a totally natural and instinctive behavior.. Also, they move their eyes slowly or blink their eyes so their eyes don't dry out when they're open.
While in most cases this is not a cause for concern, at times this behavior can indicate other things. If you look into your dog's eyes and notice that the pupils are relaxed, your dog is probably fine and dreaming. But if they are fixed and dilated and the dog's eyes are literally wide open, he may be having convulsions.
Take a good look at your furry companion and if he too starts to cry and howl, make sure it is in a safe place where it cannot fall or get hurt. At this point, you can only wait for the seizure to pass. Then see a veterinarian to find out the reason for the seizures.
Dog with white eye while sleeping
Have you ever noticed that a dog's eyes turn white while he sleeps? Or when the dog stays turning the eye in those moments of rest? Relax! When a dog is falling asleep or already sleeping soundly, it is normal for him to have white eyes or simply roll his eyes. What should I do if my dog has white eyes when he sleeps? Absolutely nothing! This usually happens when the dog gets into a position that pulls the skin on its head and opens its eyelids while it sleeps, which causes the whites of the eye to suddenly appear.
Another possibility is that he will try to stay awake and keep his eyes half open. If your dog gets white and rolled eyes while he sleeps, this it's not a health problem, means he is very relaxed and happy, as we explained in this other article about the positions that indicate a dog is happy. So you don't have to worry or wake him up. Of course, as soon as he changes his position, he will close his eyes.
Now that you know why we have a dog with white eye sleeping and also when the dog is rolling its eye at these times, below we will explain how we can identify when a dog is sleeping well.
How do I know if my dog is sleeping well
Like humans, dogs need sleep to recharge. In fact, a good night's sleep is essential for your furry friend, because sleep is how he processes his adventures and what happened to him during the day. This means that after a busy day he can have a restless sleep. If he moves his paws or frowns, it doesn't necessarily mean he's having nightmares. He is simply dreaming. Maybe he's running across a big green field playing with his human friend.
Dogs are like children, they shouldn't be woken when they're sleeping, for the simple fact that they need to rest to be in a good mood. If a dog doesn't get enough sleep, he will be more restless and thus less susceptible to learning. In this sense, a dog that sleeps well will be happier, more balanced and active during the day.The. Also, his sleeping postures can help you know if he is sleeping well or not.
If your dog suddenly moves its paws or starts to cry in its sleep, it could be that it is in a very heavy sleep. stay alert but be careful if you want to wake him. If he really is having a nightmare and we wake him up right now, his instinctive reaction might be to bite us.
Tips to help your dog sleep well
Some factors improve or worsen the depth and effectiveness of your dog's sleep. The following tips will ensure a peaceful sleep for your dog:
- physical and mental exercise: Physical activity helps your dog to rest and relax. But not only does physical exercise tire our dog, but also mental education, such as clicker training, agility and mantrailing (track the tutor).
- avoid stress: If your dog sleeps poorly or simply doesn't want to sleep, he may be stressed. Nervous dogs need a fixed place to sleep, safe, dark and free from distractions.
- Have a routine: Dogs are routine animals, and if he goes to bed at the same time every day, he will feel secure so he can sleep better. Keep in mind to include a fixed time to eat and go for a walk in your routine.
- Comfortable bed: It is also important that you provide him with a comfortable place to sleep. There are different dog beds, so our advice is to find the right bed for your furry friend's needs.

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