15 dog care

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
15 Life Hacks for Dog Owners! Pet Care Tips + Tricks | Ariel Hamilton
Video: 15 Life Hacks for Dog Owners! Pet Care Tips + Tricks | Ariel Hamilton


Dog care is essential to make your pet's life healthy, happy and long. Even the most experienced tutors sometimes make mistakes with their puppies, so PeritoAnimal decided to explain what the 15 dog care most importantly, find out if you already do them all and if not, learn from us.

Dog Vaccination Calendar

Some diseases can be deadly, such as parvovirus or canine distemper, so it is imperative that any tutor strictly adheres to the puppy vaccination schedule, especially when it comes to caring for puppies, as they are much more delicate.

Dog deworming plan

Parasites, both internal and external, are present in virtually every country in the world and can act as vectors of numerous diseases even some of them can affect humans. It is extremely advisable to consult a trusted veterinarian who will prescribe the most suitable product for your dog. While there are different ways to deworm dogs, with pipettes, sprays or collars, offering a pill as a double deworming is much more advisable and effective.

Walk with your dog

Dogs must walk to socialize, sniff and do basic necessities. It is generally advisable to carry out between two or three tours a day of at least 30 minutes each. In no case should you deprive him of this routine or force his dog to urinate in specific places, except in cases of puppies that do not have their vaccinations up to date.

Physical exercises for dogs

In addition to walking, dogs need to exercise to maintain their musculature and properly channel stress. There are many options, from dog sports to teaching the dog to bring the ball. It is important that the exercise is adapted to each individual, with special attention in the hottest seasons, when the dog is a puppy, old or sick.

Check out our YouTube video with the 5 sports you can do with your dog.

Boost the dog's intelligence

Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise, it can be performed through training sessions and canine skill, or with the use of specific toys. All of this allows you to keep your dog's mind active, encourages learning, strengthens your relationship with him and enriches your daily life.

Do not leave the dog alone in the car

It is normal that dog tutors like to take their pets for a walk and, therefore, transport them in the car. But, it is important to be very careful, especially in summer, with the interior of the car as it can overheat and reach high temperatures, which can cause your dog suffers from heatstroke, a veterinary emergency that can be deadly if not treated in time. This is one of the most important cares for the dog and one that can go unnoticed.

dog food

Dogs' food must be healthy and balanced, so you must be especially careful as there are some prohibited dog food that should never be offered, such as chocolate, alcohol, onions, grapes, among others. These foods can intoxicate and even kill dogs. On the other hand, there is a huge list of human foods that are beneficial to dogs, such as meat, fish, pumpkin and so on.

Control the weight of dogs

Excess weight in puppies causes numerous health consequences, reducing longevity and favoring the onset of heart problems, joint degeneration and diabetes. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, practicing canine sports, controlling the amount of food, are some of the basic measures you should take to prevent canine obesity.

dog training

Education and training are among the most important dog care because, only in this way, you will get your dog to live in harmony with the surroundings, being able to respond correctly to the instructions of the tutors and maintaining an adequate behavior.

dog socialization

dog socialization it is a stage that starts at four weeks of age and ends at two months. During this period, it is essential that the puppy relates to all kinds of people, animals and places because, only in this way you will get your dog to be able to communicate correctly with other individuals and not suffer fears.

Never physically punish your dog

The use of punishment during the training or education of the dog is totally counterproductive as it increases stress levels, causes lack of attention, damages the bond with the tutor and, still, does not have a better and more effective result than the positive reinforcement. Instead of punishing behaviors that dislike, reinforce and empower those that are appropriate.

do not smoke near your dog

Did you know that tobacco smoke affects animals a lot? If you are a smoker, you should know that, in addition to rejection, exposure to substances present in tobacco can cause irritation, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, chronic sinusitis and cardiovascular disorders. In other words, if you are a smoker, the best option is to smoke in open spaces so as not to harm your pet's health.

don't leave your dog alone

In general, a dog should not spend more than eight hours alone a day because, as they are social animals, this factor can cause depression and the appearance of various behavior problems, such as stress and destructiveness. In addition, in the absence of a tutor, the ideal is to leave toys and accessories for a good environmental enrichment and thus improve the animal's well-being.

dog hygiene

One more dog care, are some hygienic routines that you should perform to keep your dog healthy and prevent the onset of some diseases. It is possible to highlight brushing, dental hygiene and cleaning the ears as the most important, but also regular bathing and emptying the anal gland when necessary.

understand canine body language

Did you know that dogs communicate with humans and other individuals constantly? Many handlers are unaware of canine body language and calm signals, which causes a lack of empathy and miscommunication, which is why it is so important to know your dog and understand what he wants to tell you.

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