20 most expensive dog breeds in the world

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 January 2025
20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World
Video: 20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World


The universe of dogs has a lot of variety in terms of height, size, coat size, characteristics and personality. Some dog breeds adapt better to sports, other dog breeds are created for company and that meet the most varied tastes.

There are even some dog breeds that can cost a very high price, for those willing to pay. The Animal Expert prepared a list with the 20 most expensive dog breeds in the world, keep reading!

The 20 most expensive dogs in the world

Do you know which is the most expensive dog in the world? So get ready. In this article you will know a list with 20 most expensive dogs in the world, are they:

  1. Tibetan Mastiff;
  2. Canadian Eskimo;
  3. Chinese Crested Dog;
  4. Chihuahua;
  5. Saluki;
  6. Pug;
  7. Pharaoh Hound;
  8. Bearded Collie;
  9. Great Dane;
  10. Belgian Shepherd;
  11. Samoyed;
  12. Bull Terrier;
  13. French Bulldog;
  14. English Bulldog;
  15. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel;
  16. Pit Bull;
  17. Rotweiler;
  18. German Spitz;
  19. Siberian Husky;
  20. Spanish Greyhound.

Most expensive dog breeds in Brazil

Among the reasons why one breed of dog costs more than another are the cost of maintaining the breeders, that is, the parents of the puppies, expenses with the veterinarian and basic hygiene and food care.

For example, a dog breed with a long coat will be more costly with weekly baths and daily brushing than a breed of dog with a short coat. Puppies' parents need to veterinary follow-up annual, up-to-date vaccinations and genetic tests to investigate whether they are carriers of genetic and hereditary diseases that could be transmitted to puppies, and all of this in addition to separating good dog breeders from so-called backyard breeders who only seek profit, it also impacts the sale value of a puppy.

Between the most expensive dog breeds in Brazil they are:

  1. Belgian Shepherd, which can reach up to 6,000 reais;
  2. Terra Nova, also called Newfoundland, which can reach up to 6,000 reais;
  3. Samoyed, which can reach 6,500 reais;
  4. Bull Terrier, which can reach 6,500 reais;
  5. French Bulldog, which can reach 8,500 reais;
  6. English Bulldog, which can cost 10 thousand reais;
  7. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which can reach 10,500 reais;
  8. Pit Bull blue nose, which can reach 12,000 reais;
  9. Rotweiller, which can reach 12,900 reais;
  10. German Spitz, which can reach 16 thousand reais.

To learn more about these breeds, check out this other Top 10 by PeritoAnimal, about the most expensive dog breeds in Brazil.

most expensive dog in the world

Have you ever thought about paying 2 million dollars for a dog? Well, by far, the Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog in the world and one of the most exotic breeds. Also called Tibetan Mastiff, is a breed of dog originating in China, and scholars point out that the breed is a direct descendant of the Great Dog of Tibet, where it was regarded as the guardian of entire villages against thieves and other predators and much larger than today's examples.

However, according to experts, the race has undergone few changes to this day, since its imposing and majestic size and bearing is one of the reasons that make a copy of this dog so expensive, which is no reason for there not to be buyers interested in acquiring the most expensive dog in the world.

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered the most expensive dog in the world and, to give you an idea, in 2014 one copy sold for nearly 2 million dollars at the time according to a G1 report[1], which, with the quotation of the dollar against the real in 2021, would be the equivalent of 11.34 million reais (with the quotation at that time, the value would be "only" 4.4 million reais).

There are no breeders of dogs accredited by Mastin Tibetano in Brazil, since due to the tropical climate of Brazil, the dogs brought to the country would take some time to get used to, as they have a rather thick layer of fur and under-hair for being able to face cold and arid climates.

Canadian Eskimo

Other dog breeds with high added value and little known to Brazilians are also among the most expensive dog breeds in the world. It is the case of the Canadian Eskimo. It is a breed of dogs that cannot withstand high temperatures and, for this reason, it is not bred in Brazil. They have similar characteristics to the Siberian Husky, it is considered an endangered and very rare breed, so an example of this dog can reach 7 thousand dollars.

Chinese Crested Dog

The price of the Chinese Crested Dog can be around 7,000 reais and, in addition to being considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world, it is also one of the most exotic dog breeds that exist, due to its naked appearance, and with long coat only at the ends of the tails, head, ears and tail.


Chihuahua is on the list of most expensive dogs in the world. It is a breed of dog much sought after for its small size and docile, companionable temperament. This "pocket dog" as it is popularly known due to its micro-size is quite popular among celebrities, so a copy of this dog can cost around 10 thousand reais depending on the lineage of the puppy's parents.


Also known as Hound Gazelle and Arabian Hound, it is a breed of dog with extremely slender and elegant size, and was formerly used as a hunting dog, so it needs space to exercise. A Saluki puppy can reach 6 thousand reais, which makes this one of the most expensive dog breeds in Brazil.


The Pug has become quite popular in recent years due to the role played by the dog Frank in the movie Men in Black, starring Will Smith. The breed is originally from China, it is very docile and companion.

However, as it is a breed of dogs that require certain care due to their brachycephalic condition, that is, flat-snouted dogs, costs with veterinary and genetic monitoring can raise the value of a puppy, which reaches 6,000 reais and that is why it is on the list of the most expensive dogs in Brazil. Value well below the most expensive dog in the world, but still quite high.

Pharaoh Hound

Originating in the region currently known as the Republic of Malta, the breed was venerated in ancient Egypt due to its similarity to the god Anubis, including its name alluding to "dog of the pharaoh". It is a rare breed in Brazil, and a copy can cost 4 thousand reais, being considered one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world.

Bearded Collie

Literally known as the Bearded Collie, as it is different from other Collie breeds, it is a large dog originally from central Europe, where it was used as a herding dog. For being very docile and great with children, a puppy can cost up to 3,000 reais and is considered one of the most expensive breeds of dogs in the world.

Great Dane

The Great Dane is a breed of dog of giant size, it is not a cheap breed of dog to maintain because besides the cost of food, its size ends up making treatment more expensive if it becomes ill. A Great Dane puppy can cost around 6,000 reais.

Border Collie

In 2020 a cattleman in the state of Pernambuco paid 160 thousand reais for a Border Collie dog. With that, he became the most expensive dog of this breed in the world. The previous record belonged to an English female dog, which was bought for 107 thousand reais.

The Border Collie is reputed to be one of the smartest breeds for its great ability to learn.

Image: Reproduction/Eduardo Andrade/Canal Rural

Reasons to Adopt a Dog

In this article we list what are the most expensive dog breeds in the world. However, you should know that the purchase of animals is not part of the values ​​that PeritoAnimal defends! So here are some reasons why you SHOULD ADOPT A DOG:

  • There are thousands of abandoned dogs, needing a home, food and affection;
  • Breed dogs, in general, can suffer more health problems for there are irresponsible breeders who breed inbred animals making them more socially beautiful but genetically more fragile;
  • Mutts are extremely intelligent dogs that easily learn a variety of tricks. For this you can use positive reinforcement;
  • Last but not least, you will save a life. Dogs are known as human beings best friends and, if you take him out of a risky situation, he will surely be eternally grateful to you in return all that gratitude with great love and affection.

Check out our YouTube video with 10 reasons to adopt a mutt to know more:

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