Sleeping with cats is bad?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Trying To Sleep {when you have cats}
Video: Trying To Sleep {when you have cats}


Despite the independent image that many people have of cats, anyone who has one knows that this is a very sweet animal that likes to spend time with its owners.

If you have doubts about whether sleeping with your best friend is good or bad, in this PeritoAnimal article we will try to clarify your doubts in the best way possible, bringing different points of view so that you can evaluate the final decision yourself.

What do you think, sleeping with cats is bad? Share your experiences at the end of this article!

Is it healthy or not?

To begin with, you must identify which are the your cat's habits. Next, we'll explain why it's so important to take into account what kind of life you lead and what places you usually go to:

  • if your feline spend many hours on the street, it is best not to sleep with him. In addition to being susceptible to suffering from a flea infestation, for example, you can develop a lot of infections or diseases if you decide to hunt animals or eat food in poor condition.
  • On the contrary, if your cat it's just at home you are less likely to suffer from illnesses. However, diseases like toxoplasmosis can affect you without you realizing it.

If your cat only walks around your house, you can sleep with it, but it is important that you carefully read the following points to make sure it is healthy and free from disease:

  • Consult the veterinarian and vaccinating your cat are the best measures to rule out possible illness. The veterinarian will evaluate your feline to rule out the presence of internal and external parasites.
  • bathe your cat on a regular basis is essential to make sure your fur is not contaminated or dirty. Although the cat is a very clean animal, small toxins, oils or dirt that it brings home (on shoes for example) can remain there for a long time.
  • Household hygiene, in addition to that of the cat, is essential for everything to be in harmony. It makes no sense to regularly bathe the animal if the ground is dirty.
  • Of course, if you're allergic to cat fur, you shouldn't sleep with it.

Factors to take into account

If you've decided to start sleeping with your cat, you should take a few things into account. For a start it may happen (especially the first few times) that your feline wakes up and therefore wake you up. It's normal until both of you get used to each other's company and sleeping together.

If you are a person who moves a lot at night, it might not be wise to sleep with your cat as you could accidentally push him out of bed. Brushing it regularly is also very important as this way you can avoid the accumulation of hair on the bed.

Benefits of sleeping with your cat

In addition to greatly improve your relationship, the trust between you and the cat will grow. Cats, by nature, like to sleep with members of their species and in the absence of them, you will find yourself a great shelter.

In addition to strengthening your relationship, sleeping with the cat is relaxing for both of you. the feeling of company, warmth and relaxation it is very beneficial for both of you.

You will sleep easier and happier. The sound of the cat's purring helps to promote a state of tranquility so that sleep will be more pleasant and you will have a feeling of happiness.

Waking up with your cat is one of the best times of the day. Starting the morning with your best friend with mutual caresses is really comforting and positive.

Would you like to know how many hours a cat sleeps a day? Read our article on this matter!