
meet the rabbit breeds and their characteristics is a basic premise if your intention is to adopt a rabbit. Just like dogs and cats, these adorable pets have their own personality, as well as a behavior or a particular physical aspect.
Still, in this article it will be possible to identify the physical characteristics of some types of rabbits. The behavior or generic character will also be covered, as it will be related to your particular way of life.
Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to know everything about the different breeds of rabbits and their characteristics. Don't leave anything about this friendly animal unknowingly!
O Hotot white rabbit it was created in France by Eugenie Bernhard in 1902, specifically in Hotot-en-Auge. Since then, the breed has become extremely popular for its sweet appearance. However, its population is limited as there are few breeders.
It is one of the most beautiful rabbit breeds. Its features include huge brown eyes, framed by a black circle that stand out over its white coat. Loves to eat, which can lead to obesity when not properly controlled.
Its size is very small, which makes the animal a suitable specimen to live in a small apartment. However, it is important to remember that it requires spaces to run and exercise freely. They are usually a little shy but eventually get used to your presence, letting the tutor enjoy a calm and gentle friend.

Beaver Rex
O rabbit beaver rex can be of two sizes: o standard, which is generally larger, thought to be up to 5 kg, and the mini variety which, unlike the previous one, weighs between 1 and 2 kg.
It can be found in all sorts of colors, including black, chocolate, red or white, and may or may not be spotted. We also highlight that its coat is super soft to the touch.
They are, in general, very active rabbits that need a family to let them run around the house at different times of the day. It can provide a safe zone for him to leave his cage open. They are sociable and friendly.

O rabbit lion, also known as the lion's head, is very popular for its fun and long coat that resembles, as the name implies, the head of a lion. Originally from Belgium, the lion rabbit is considered a specific breed, although recently many breeders have been crossing Belier rabbits and lion rabbits, creating a slightly larger specimen.
They are not particularly big and their weight is, on average, between 1 and 2 kg. They can be of a multitude of colors, always with a furry head close to the body with medium to short hair. Should be brushed from time to time.
The lion rabbit also stands out for being an excellent pet for those who like to have a rabbit in their arms or lap for several hours, as they are friendly and calm animals. They love to be petted and given attention.

O bunny belier it stands out for its long, drooping ears that give it a tender and melancholy appearance. We speak of a docile and quiet rabbit, particularly sweet, that makes anyone in love with its delicate behavior indoors.
There are many types of Belier rabbits that are distinguished by their size, fur or physical characteristics. Among them we find the Belier lion rabbit or the Belier lop cashmere.
Looking for more information? Discover everything about the Belier rabbit and its specific care.

english angora
Despite its name, english angora originated in Ankara, Turkey. It is a medium/large size rabbit as its weight is around 2.5 and 3.5 kg.
This breed of rabbit is distinguished by its long, silky coat. On some occasions, they are bred to use your wool. The colors of the English Angora vary widely, including white, black, chocolate, brown, among others. It needs to be brushed daily.
They are specimens that, in general, have a very sweet and calm character. However, they can be a little shy and reserved when they arrive at their new home.

toy rabbit or dwarf
O dwarf rabbit is a very small rabbit that usually weighs no more than 1.5 kg. Popular for its small size, this specimen is easily used to small houses.
It has a sweet and compact appearance, with very characteristic short, rounded ears. Its fur is smooth and short, and may be brown, grey, black or white.
It is more independent than other types of rabbits and can be fearful and suspicious of strangers. Over time, he gets used to the tutor if he is treated patiently and in a friendly way.
Looking for more information? Learn all about the toy or dwarf rabbit and its specific care.

Giant of Flanders
O Flanders giant rabbit (Belgium) is a very popular pet on farms around the world for its huge size and friendly appearance. It can weigh up to 10 kg and has a wide and long body that differentiates it from other rabbit breeds.
It can be found in all colors like black, bluish, beige, grey, brown or white.
It is a docile, calm and very relaxed rabbit that coexists wonderfully with all kinds of animals. However, you shouldn't be forced to interact if you don't want to. This big lazybones needs a lot of space to move around even though it's common to find him lying down to rest.

O rabbit tan it looks like a rotweiller dog or a doberman, in a lagomorphic version. They appeared in England in the late 19th century and are the result of crossing wild rabbits and Dutch rabbits.
It seems to have a constant alert attitude, being an intelligent and curious rabbit of medium size (they can weigh up to 2.5 kg). It has a nice, sweet character that makes up for your high exercise needs.