Types of carnivorous dinosaurs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025


The translation of the word "dinosaur" means "terribly big lizard"However, science has shown that not all of these reptiles were huge and that, in fact, they were distantly related to today's lizards, so their offspring is not so direct. What is indisputable is that they were truly amazing animals. , which are still being studied today so that we can find out more about their behavior, diet and lifestyle.

In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll focus on carnivorous dinosaurs, the most feared reptiles in history because of the fame the movies have given them. However, we'll see how not all were equally scary or fed the same way. Read and discover all characteristics of carnivorous dinosaurs, their names and curiosities.

What are carnivorous dinosaurs?

The carnivorous dinosaurs, belonging to the theropod group, were the biggest predators on the planet. Characterized by their sharp teeth, piercing eyes and fearsome claws, some hunted alone, while others hunted in herds. Likewise, within the large group of carnivorous dinosaurs, there was a natural scale that ranked the most ferocious predators at the top, which could feed on smaller carnivores, and left the lower positions to the carnivores that fed on smaller dinosaurs (especially the smaller ones herbivores), insects or fish.

Although there were a large number of dinosaurs, in this article we will delve into the following examples of carnivorous dinosaurs:

  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Velociraptor
  • Allosaurus
  • Compsognathus
  • Gallimimus
  • Albertosaurus

Characteristics of carnivorous dinosaurs

First of all, it should be noted that not all carnivorous dinosaurs were huge and fearsome, as archeology has shown that smaller predators also existed. Obviously, they all had one thing in common: were agile and very fast. Even the biggest predators in the world at that time were also very fast dinosaurs, capable of capturing their prey and killing them in seconds. Also, carnivorous dinosaurs had mighty jaws, which allowed them to rip their fangs without problems, and sharp teeth, curved and aligned, as if they were a saw.

As for the characteristics of carnivorous dinosaurs in terms of physical appearance, all of them were bipeds, that is, they walked on two strong and muscular legs and had very reduced hind limbs, but with incredible claws. The hips were much more developed than the shoulders to give predators that agility and speed that so represented them, and their tail was long so that they could maintain their proper balance.

In general, as with today's predators, carnivorous dinosaurs had front eyes instead of sides, to get a direct view of your victims, calculate the distance to them and attack with greater precision.

What did carnivorous dinosaurs eat?

As is the case with today's carnivorous animals, dinosaurs belonging to the group of theropods they fed on other dinosaurs, small animals, fish or insects. Some carnivorous dinosaurs were big land predators who fed only on what they hunted, others were fishermen, as they only ate aquatic animals, others were butchers and still others practiced cannibalism. Thus, not all carnivores ate the same thing or obtained these foods in the same way. These data were obtained mainly thanks to the study of the fossilized feces of these large reptiles.

Mesozoic Era or the Age of Dinosaurs

the age of dinosaurs lasted over 170 million years and covers most of the Mesozoic, also known as the secondary era. During the Mesozoic, the Earth underwent a series of changes, from the position of continents to the emergence and extinction of species. This geological age is divided into three main periods:

Triassic (251-201 Ma)

The Triassic began 251 million years ago and ended 201, thus being a period that lasted about 50 million years. It was in this first period of the Mesozoic that dinosaurs emerged, and it was divided into three epochs or series: Lower, Middle and Upper Triassic, subdivided in turn into seven ages or stratigraphic floors. The floors are the chronostrategic units used to represent a certain geological time, and their duration is a few million years.

Jurassic (201-145 Ma)

Jurassic consists of three series: Lower, Middle and Upper Jurassic. In turn, the lower one is divided into three floors, the middle into four and the upper one into four. As a curious fact, we can say that this time is characterized by witnessing the birth of first birds and lizards, in addition to experiencing the diversification of many dinosaurs.

Cretaceous (145-66 Ma)

The Cretaceous corresponds to the period that lived the disappearance of dinosaurs. It marks the end of the Mesozoic era and gives rise to the Cenozoic. It lasted nearly 80 million years and was divided into two series, upper and lower, the first with a total of six floors and the second with five. Although many changes took place during this period, the fact that most characterizes it is the fall of the meteorite that caused the massive extinction of the dinosaurs.

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus rex

The most famous of the dinosaurs lived during the last floor of the Cretaceous, some 66 million years ago, in what is now North America, and existed two million years ago. Etymologically, its name means "tyrant lizard king" as it derives from the Greek words "tyranno", which translates as "despot", and "saurus", which means nothing other than "Lizard-like". "Rex", in turn, comes from Latin and means "king".

Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest and most voracious land dinosaurs that ever lived, with an approximate length of 12 to 13 meters, 4 meters high and an average weight of 7 tons. In addition to its enormous size, it was characterized by having a head much larger than other carnivorous dinosaurs. Because of this, and to maintain the balance of the whole body, its forelimbs were much shorter than normal, the tail was very long and the hips were prominent. On the other hand, despite its appearance in the movies, evidence was found that Tyrannosaurus Rex had part of its body covered with feathers.

Tyrannosaurus rex hunted in herds and also fed on carrion as, although we have said that the large dinosaurs were also fast, they were not as fast as the others due to their bulk and therefore it is assumed that they sometimes preferred take advantage of the work of others and feed on the remains of corpses. Likewise, it has been shown that, despite popular belief, Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the smartest dinosaurs.

How did tyrannosaurus rex feed?

There are two different theories about how Tyrannosaurus rex hunted. The first supports Spielberg's view in his film Jurassic Park, which shows that he was a large predator, located at the top of the food chain, and that he never missed the opportunity to hunt for new prey, with a clear preference for large, herbivorous dinosaurs. The second argues that Tyrannosaurus rex was, above all, a butcher. For this reason, we emphasize that it is a dinosaur that could have been fed through hunting or other people's work.

Tyrannosaurus rex information

Studies carried out so far estimate that the longevity of T. rex ranged from 28 to 30 years old. Thanks to the fossils found, it was possible to determine that the young specimens, approximately 14 years old, weighed no more than 1800 kg, and that thereafter their size began to increase considerably until they were 18 years old, the age at which they suspected. if the maximum weight was reached.

Tyrannosaurus rex's short, slender arms have always been the butt of jokes, and their size is ridiculously small compared to its entire body, so much so that they only measured three feet. According to their anatomy, everything seems to indicate that they evolved in this way to balance the weight of the head and to grasp prey.

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Velociraptor

Etymologically, the name "velociraptor" comes from Latin and means "fast thief", and thanks to the fossils found, it was possible to determine that it was one of the most powerful and effective carnivorous dinosaurs in history. With more than 50 sharp and serrated teeth, its jaw was one of the most powerful in the Cretaceous, given that Velociraptor lived at the end of the period in which Asia is today.

Features of Velociraptor

Despite what the famous movie Jurassic World shows, Velociraptor was a rather small dinosaur, with a maximum length of 2 meters, weighing 15 kg and measuring half a meter to the hip. One of its main features is the shape of the skull, elongated, narrow and flat, as well as its three mighty claws at each end. Its morphology, in general, was very similar to that of today's birds.

On the other hand, another fact that doesn't appear in dinosaur movies is that the Velociraptor had feathers throughout the body, since fossilized remains have been found that demonstrate this. However, despite its birdlike appearance, this dinosaur could not fly, but ran on its two hind legs and reached great speeds. Studies indicate that it could travel up to 60 kilometers per hour. Feathers are suspected to be a mechanism in the body to regulate their temperature.

as the Velociraptor hunted?

The raptor had a retractable claw that allowed him to grip and tear his prey without the possibility of error. Thus, it is assumed that he grabbed his prey by the neck area with his claws and attacked with his jaw. It is believed to have hunted in a herd and is credited with the title "excellent predator", although it has been shown that it could also feed on carrion.

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Allosaurus

The name "allosaurus" translates as "different or strange lizard". This carnivorous dinosaur inhabited the planet over 150 million years ago, in what is now North America and Europe. during the end of the Jurassic. It is one of the most studied and known theropods due to the number of fossils found, which is why it is not surprising to see it present in exhibitions and films.

Features of Allosaurus

Like the rest of the carnivorous dinosaurs, the Allosaurus it was a biped, so it walked on its two mighty legs. Its tail was long and strong, used as a pendulum to maintain balance. as the Velociraptor, he had three claws on each limb he used to hunt. His jaw was also powerful and he had about 70 sharp teeth.

It is suspected that the Allosaurus it could measure from 8 to 12 meters in length, about 4 in height and weigh up to two 2 tons.

as the Allosaurus did you feed?

This carnivorous dinosaur mainly fed on of herbivorous dinosaurs like the Stegosaurus. As for the hunting method, due to the fossils found, some theories support the hypothesis that the Allosaurus it hunted in groups, while others assume that it was a dinosaur that practiced cannibalism, that is, it fed on specimens of its own species. It is also believed that it fed on carrion when necessary.

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Compsognathus

as well as the Allosaurus, O Compsognathus inhabited the earth during the end of the Jurassic in what is currently Europe. His name translates to "delicate jaw" and he was one of the smallest carnivorous dinosaurs. Thanks to the magnificent state of the fossils found, it was possible to study their morphology and nutrition in depth.

Features of Compsognathus

Although the maximum size that Compshognathus may have reached is not known with certainty, the largest of the fossils found indicates that it could have about one meter long, 40-50 cm in height and 3 kg in weight. This reduced size allowed it to reach high speeds of over 60 km/h.

the hind legs of the Compshognathus they were long, their tail was also elongated and was used for balance. The forelimbs were much smaller, with three fingers and claws. As for the head, it was narrow, elongated and pointed. In proportion to their overall size, their teeth were also small but sharp and fully adapted to their diet. Overall, it was a thin, light dinosaur.

Feeding of the Compshognathus

The discovery of fossils indicated that the Compsognathus fed mainly on smaller animals, like lizards and insects. In fact, one of the fossils had the skeleton of an entire lizard in its stomach, which led to it being initially mistaken for a pregnant female. Thus, it is suspected that it was capable of swallowing its fangs whole.

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Gallimimus

Etymologically, "gallimimus" means "that imitates a chicken". This dinosaur lived in the late Cretaceous period in what is now Asia. But don't get confused with the translation of the name, because the Gallimimus was ostrich-like in terms of size and morphology, so that although it was one of the lightest dinosaurs, it was much larger than the last one, for example.

Features of Gallimimus

Gallimimus was one of the largest theropod dinosaurs belonging to the genus Ornithomimus, measuring between 4 and 6 meters in length and weighing up to 440 kg. As we said, its appearance was similar to that of today's ostrich, with a small head, long neck, large eyes located on each side of the skull, long strong legs, short forelegs and a long tail. Due to its physical characteristics, it is suspected that it was a fast dinosaur, capable of fleeing larger predators, although the speed it could reach is not known with precision.

Feeding of the Gallimimus

It is suspected that the Galimimus be one more omnivorous dinosaur, as it is believed that it fed on plants and small animals, and especially on eggs. This last theory is supported by the type of claws it possessed, perfect for digging into the ground and digging up its "preys".

Examples of carnivorous dinosaurs: Albertosaurus

This theropod tyrannosaurus dinosaur inhabited the Earth during the late Cretaceous period in present-day North America. Its name is translated as "Alberta lizard", and only one species is known, Albertosaurus sacrophagus, so that it is not known how many may have existed. Most of the specimens found live in Alberta, a Canadian province, a fact that gave rise to its name.

Albertosaurus Characteristics

O Albertosaurus belongs to the same family as T. rex, therefore they are direct relatives, although the first was much smaller than the second. It is suspected that it was one of the biggest predators from the region in which it lived, thanks mainly to its powerful jaw with more than 70 curved teeth, a very high number compared to other carnivorous dinosaurs.

could hit a length of 10 meters and an average weight of 2 tons.Its hind limbs were short, while its forelegs were long and strong, balanced by a long tail that together allowed the Albertosaurus reach an average speed of 40 km/h, not bad for its size. Its neck was short and the skull large, about three feet long.

as the Albertosaurus hunted?

Thanks to the discovery of several specimens together, it was possible to deduce that the Albertosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur that hunted in groups of 10 to 26 individuals. With this information, it's easy to understand why he was one of the biggest predators at the time, right? No prey could escape the deadly onslaught of 20 Albertosaurus... However, this theory is not fully supported, as there are other hypotheses about the group's discovery, such as the competition between them for dead prey.

Carnivorous Dinosaurs in Jurassic World

In the previous sections, we talked about the characteristics of carnivorous dinosaurs in general and delve into the most popular ones, but what about those that appear in the movie Jurassic World? Given the popularity of this cinematic saga, it's not surprising that many people are somewhat curious about these great reptiles. Therefore, below, we will mention the carnivorous dinosaurs appearing in Jurassic World:

  • Tyranosaurus rex (Late Cretaceous)
  • Velociraptor (Late Cretaceous)
  • suchomimus (half Cretaceous)
  • Pteranodon (Cretaceous half-final)
  • Mosasaurus (Late Cretaceous; not really a dinosaur)
  • Metriacanthosaurus (end of Jurassic)
  • Gallimimus (Late Cretaceous)
  • Dimorphodon (beginning of Jurassic)
  • Baryonyx (half Cretaceous)
  • apatosaurus (end of Jurassic)

As you can see, most of the Jurassic World carnivorous dinosaurs belonged to the Cretaceous period and not the Jurassic period, so they didn't even coexist in reality, this being one of the biggest mistakes in the film. In addition, it is worth highlighting those already mentioned, such as the appearance of Velociraptor that had feathers on its body.

If you are as fascinated by the dinosaur world as we are, don't miss these other articles:

  • Types of marine dinosaurs
  • Flying Dinosaur Types
  • Why did dinosaurs go extinct?

List of names of carnivorous dinosaurs

Below, we show a list with more examples of genera of carnivorous dinosaurs, some of which had a single species, and others several, as well as the period to which they belonged:

  • Dilophosaurus (Jurassic)
  • Gigantosaurus (Cretaceous)
  • spinosaurus (Cretaceous)
  • Torvosaurus (Jurassic)
  • Tarbosaurus (Cretaceous)
  • Carcharodontosaurus (Cretaceous)

Do you know any more? Leave your comment and we'll add you to the list! And if you want to find out more about the age of dinosaurs, don't miss our article on "Types of Herbivorous Dinosaurs".

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