Dog with a limp: what can it be?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Front Leg Limping
Video: Front Leg Limping


If your dog is limping, it means that something is wrong with him. There are several possibilities for what your dog is going through.

Physical exercise such as running, playing, jumping is very important for your dog to keep fit and healthy. Therefore, it is essential to understand why the dog is limping and make the necessary treatment so that he can walk again normally.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will answer the question "the dog is limping, what can it be?" Keep reading!

dog crying and limping

If your dog is limping and crying, it is a clear sign that he is in pain and needs immediate veterinary attention. If your dog is just limping and not crying, that doesn't mean the dog is limping but doesn't feel pain. In fact, the very fact that he is limping most likely means that he does not rest that paw on the ground because doing so causes him pain.

Whatever the case, dog limping its front paw, dog limping its hind leg or dog limping after a walk, it's essential a veterinary visit. Dogs do not limp without a reason and without a proper diagnosis it is not possible to do a treatment that helps the dog to walk normally again.

Next we'll explain the different possible reasons for your dog to be limping.

dog limping after fall

One of the most frequent reasons for a dog to limp is an injury or trauma resulting from a fall. Basically, the dog limping after falling may be due to:

  • bone fractures
  • torn ligaments
  • wounds or bruises

If your dog has fallen and is limping it is essential that he be seen by a veterinarian. It can be just a small wound or wound on one of the paws or on the other hand, it can be something more serious like a bone fracture. It may be necessary to immobilize that limb and even surgery.

dog limping: causes

Sometimes the dog is limping and there has been no fall and you don't see an apparent reason why this is happening. There are several problems that the dog may be experiencing and that reveal themselves in this clinical sign. Let's explain some of the possible causes for the dog to be limping.

hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia, also known as hip dysplasia or hip dysplasia, is an extremely complex disease that causes irreversible degenerative changes. This disease mainly affects medium and large dogs and the most characteristic symptom is lameness.

At races more predisposed to hip dysplasia disease are:

  • German Shepherd
  • Rotweiler
  • labrador
  • St Bernard

This disease is hereditary, that is, transmitted from parents to children. You symptoms of hip dysplasia are one or several of these:

  • Dog limping with only one or both hind legs
  • arched back
  • The dog puts the weight of the body on the forelegs (front feet)
  • Lateral rotation of forelimbs
  • waddling

For the diagnosis of this disease it is necessary to carry out an X-ray. For this reason, if you suspect that your dog is limping for this reason, you should consult your veterinarian.

Cruciate Ligament Rupture

Cruciate ligament rupture is a common disease in large-breed dogs. This tear can be due to trauma or there can be a chronic tear of the ligament.Cruciate ligament rupture causes joint inflammation which can lead to various pathological changes such as osteoarthritis and meniscal injuries. The symptoms of cruciate ligament tear are:

  • sharp and sharp pain
  • Dog does not support the affected limb on the floor
  • dog limping
  • Loss of appetite due to pain

Diagnosis is made by the veterinarian through an X-ray. Experienced professionals can diagnose the problem through palpation in the physical examination.

patellar dislocation

A dislocation of the patella, like a cruciate ligament tear, can be due to trauma or it can be congenital. The clinical signs of patellar dislocation are:

  • lameness
  • intense pain

Basically, what happens is a mismatch of the knee joints. There are different degrees of dislocation of the patella. Depending on the degree of dislocation, the animal's prognosis will be better or worse.


Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease common in older dogs. Other factors can contribute to the development of arthritis in the dog, namely:

  • overweight
  • Genetics
  • Size (large breeds)

Since this problem causes pain, the clinical sign of a limping dog is quite common. In addition to that, there are other clinical signs of arthritis in dogs:

  • difficulty getting up
  • loss of appetite
  • Pain or sensitivity to touch
  • behavioral changes
  • difficulty climbing stairs

To learn more about this disease, read our full article on arthritis in dogs.

Dog limping, how to treat?

The recommended treatment depends solely and exclusively on the diagnosis of the disease. For this reason, it is essential that a diagnosis is made by the veterinarian who will prescribe an appropriate treatment.

We will explain below some of the treatments for the most common diseases that cause lameness in dogs.

How to treat hip dysplasia in dogs

If your veterinarian has diagnosed this problem, these are the main methods for to treat hip dysplasia in dogs:

  • Analgesics
  • Non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Surgery (in more complicated cases)

As mentioned, surgical intervention may be necessary for the implantation of a hip prosthesis. The purpose of surgery is to minimize the dog's pain and allow it to stop limping.

How to Treat Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs

To treat cruciate ligament tears in dogs, surgery is needed. There are different techniques in veterinary medicine for the surgical approach to this problem. It is necessary to suture the ligament that has been torn. The different types of sutures are:

  • Intra-articular
  • extra-articular
  • TTA
  • TPLO

Rest time is essential after surgery. This period of time varies from case to case, but the most common is that the animal needs at least 2 months of rest to recover.

How to Treat Patellar Dislocation in Dogs

The treatment of dislocation of the patella is done through a surgical intervention to reconstruct the trochlear sulcus and ligaments. The recovery period varies from case to case but the average is around 30 days.

How to Treat Arthritis in Dogs

The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian usually consists of the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, you can help your dog at home in the following ways:

  • moderate physical exercise
  • Place the highest pot of food and water
  • Walk the dog on earthy places or other soft floors
  • Perform gentle massages daily
  • Never let him sleep on a cold floor or outside a warm bed. The cold considerably increases his pain
  • Diet if he is overweight.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.