
Curiosities about the elephant

Elephant are the large t mammal on the planet that live on the earth' cru t. They are only urpa ed in weight and ize by a few of the gigantic marine mammal that inhabit the ocean .There are two pe...

Natural anti-inflammatories for cats

The u e of human drug can be very dangerou for our pet if they have not been pre cribed by the veterinarian. Likewi e, many veterinary drug , de pite being correctly admini tered, can cau e everal ide...

How to know if my cat has toxoplasmosis

When we talk about toxopla mo i we are referring to an infectiou -type di ea e that can affect cat . The di ea e become really worrying if the cat' owner i a pregnant woman.It i a di ea e that can...

What is a Dog Educator

In addition to dog trainer and ethologi t (veterinarian pecialized in canine behavior) we find another type of figure related to canine education: the dog educator . If you've ever wondered what a...

all about chihuahua

Chihuahua are very mall puppie that do not reach 3 kilo . They have an average life expectancy between 15 and 20 year , being animal of great longevity. It i a breed much loved around the world a it e...

Dog balanoposthitis - causes, symptoms and treatment

Illne e in the dog' peni are very frequent and cau e a lot of di comfort. If your dog i licking hi peni more than u ual or there i an exaggerated di charge, the e could be ign that omething i bein...

What to do with a fearful adopted dog

Adopting a dog i a big re pon ibility, e pecially if the animal in que tion i u piciou or fearful. You mu t be clear that you mu t double your precaution a your behavior reflect in ecurity and fear.Am...

The Kong to Treat Separation Anxiety

There are many dog that uffer from eparation anxiety when their owner leave them alone at home. During thi time they pend alone they may con tantly bark, urinate indoor or de troy the entire hou e bec...

Activated charcoal for dogs: uses, dosage and recommendations

Canine poi oning can occur due to dome tic accident , inge tion of toxic ub tance for animal or crime . You ymptom of a poi oned dog vary according to the cau ative agent and the amount inge ted. They...

Breast Cancer in Bitches - Symptoms and Treatment

Unfortunately, cancer i a di ea e that al o affect our canine friend . In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will focu on the mo t common manife tation of the di ea e, which i brea t cancer that can appe...


O Bengal cat, al o known a cane cat, i a hybrid that wa born from the cro ing of a dome tic cat and a leopard cat (A ian feline that i till found in the wild). The name of the Bengal cat it elf i born...

Hoofed Animals - Meaning, Characteristics and Examples

In recent year , the definition of "ungulate" ha been debated by expert . Whether or not to include certain group of animal that apparently have nothing to do with it, or the que tion of wha...

Why do wolves howl at the moon?

the wolve or Lupu kennel they are maje tic and my teriou animal that man ha tudied for everal generation . Among all the my terie and unknown urrounding thi mammal, there i a very common que tion: bec...

Dog Lump: What Can It Be?

ometime , when a tutor care e or bathe your pet, you can feel mall bump on the kin imilar to lump that rai e concern and many doubt . When a lump appear in the dog' body, it i very common to thin...

How to Train a Boxer Dog

Who ha ever had a boxer dog know your great character and your enthu ia m when it come to acting, for thi rea on rai e a boxer puppy and even educating an adult dog that we adopt i a fundamental ta k ...

My Dog Has A Loose Ear - Causes And What To Do

Puppie ' ear come in different hape and ize . In addition, they can be pre ented vertically, folded or hanging, depending on each breed or pecimen. Thi diver ity i normal, but if a cocky-eared dog...


In thi article we will how you one of the mo t pecial breed of cat , con idered a very exclu ive breed due to the mall number of pecimen exi ting all over the world. We are talking about Burmilla cat,...

Dog Throwing Up White Foam - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vomiting in puppie i , like many other clinical ign , common in many di ea e or a con equence of proce e that are not related to any pathology.In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will recap ome of the mo ...

Fruits that cats can eat

Although cat are carnivorou animal , you can occa ionally offer them a certain amount of fruit and vegetable recommended for cat . It i important to be very careful, a there are ome food that are bad ...

Names for puppies with the letter P

Deciding to hare our life with a puppy i a wonderful deci ion that require re pon ibility and care. When we bring a pet home, we mu t alway remember that they need pace, toy to play with, daily attent...