Fruits that cats can eat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
The BEST FRUIT for CATS - Feeding Guide & Benefits
Video: The BEST FRUIT for CATS - Feeding Guide & Benefits


Although cats are carnivorous animals, you can occasionally offer them a certain amount of fruits and vegetables recommended for cats. It is important to be very careful, as there are some foods that are bad for cats, such as grapes, for example.

Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article and find out more about fruits that cats can eat and which vegetables are recommended for felines. Foods for human consumption that, surprisingly, can bring countless benefits to the pussy's life!

Vegetables that cats can eat

Cat vegetables should be administered boiled and sparingly. Good vegetables for feline consumption are:

  • Boiled carrot: it is an easily digestible food, rich in fiber and vitamins. It improves the quality of the fur of pussies, helps in the proper functioning of the organism and is metabolized faster than other vegetables.
  • Boiled pea: rich in vegetable protein, vitamin B12 and magnesium.
  • Boiled pumpkin: it is easy to digest and ideal for mixing with meat.
  • Raw or boiled cucumber: is a vegetable that contains a lot of water. If you decide to offer it raw, it can be like a treat for the cat.
  • Raw or boiled lettuce: rich in fiber and water and contains no fat.
  • Green bean: it is very moisturizing, rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • Sweet potato: it can be offered with meat, chicken liver, etc.

Curiosity: Some people believe that cats are afraid of cucumbers. If you want to unravel this mystery, check out our article on Why are cats afraid of cucumbers?

Fruits that cats can eat

Although fruits have a large dose of sugar, if administered in small doses can be very beneficial to your pussy's health, but remember that they should never be the basis of the animal's daily diet. The fruits that cats can eat are:

  • Strawberry: rich in vitamin C and fiber.
  • Melon: rich in minerals, vitamin A, B and vitamin C, it is a very refreshing fruit, highly recommended to be offered during the summer or as a reward.
  • watermelon: can be offered in the same way as melon and is a good way to keep your cat hydrated during the summer, as well as being rich in vitamin A, B-6 and vitamin C.
  • Apple: is ideal to be offered as a treat.
  • Peach: cats usually love this fruit.
  • Pear: rich in fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also often offered as a reward to the feline.

Remember that before offering fruit to your cat, you must remove the seeds and/or pits as they do not digest and can cause serious problems.

Vegetables and Fruits Good for Cats

Fruits should not be considered a regular food in the cat's diet. The best way to offer it is as snacks, replacing snacks. The same happens with vegetables, they should never be the basis of the diet and should only be administered as a complement to the meal, usually accompanied by some meat or fish, which should be the main foods.

In any case, it is best to seek a trusted veterinarian so that he can make an ideal diet plan according to your cat's specific needs. If you choose to make homemade cat food, check out our article with some fish recipe options.

Cats Digestive System

Cats are pure carnivores. They are not omnivores like humans and even dogs. The intestinal tract is very small and is not prepared to digest vegetable fibres, ie the digestive apparatus of cats is prepared for the digestion of animal proteins ie meat and fish. Therefore, in no case should the vegetable intake exceed 15% of the total diet.

cat detox

Cats are able to detoxify themselves with some plants, so it is interesting to plant birdseed seeds so that the feline can eat the sprouts and detoxify without danger. However, be careful because there are some plants toxic to cats that can cause poisoning.

Forbidden Fruits and Vegetables for Cats

Although there are many good fruits and vegetables for cats as well, there are some foods that can be toxic, so we've left a list of prohibited fruits and vegetables for cats:

Toxic fruit for cats

  • Grape;
  • Pass grape;
  • Avocado;
  • Banana;
  • Orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Tangerine;
  • Grapefruit.

Toxic vegetables for cats

  • Onion;
  • Garlic;
  • raw potatoes;
  • Tomato.

Understand why these foods are harmful to cats in our article on prohibited fruits and vegetables for cats.