- the heat in the cats
- Ovary Remnant Syndrome in Cats
- Diagnosis of remnant ovary syndrome
- Remnant Ovarian Syndrome Treatment
- In other words, was it the fault of the veterinarian who neutered your cat?

If you are wondering if it is possible that your cat, who is spayed, is showing signs of heat, you have arrived at the right article. Is your kitten meowing all night, rolling around on the floor, calling out to the males? Even if she is neutered, these can effectively be signs of heat.
You want to know how it is possible for the cat enters in heat even after neutering? The Animal Expert explains it to you. Keep reading!
the heat in the cats
First, we must clarify that there can be two situations:
- Your cat is actually in heat
- You are confusing the signs of heat with other signs.
Thus, it is important to remember what the symptoms of a cat in heat are:
- Excessive vocalization (some babes can meow all night long)
- Behavioral changes (some cats are more affectionate, others are more aggressive)
- roll on the floor
- rub against objects and people
- lordosis position
- Some cats can urinate more often and even mark the territory with urine jets.
- If you live in a house with a garden, cats interested in your kitten are likely to appear.
If your cat is effectively in heat, you should consult a veterinarian because a problem called a remnant ovary syndrome.
Ovary Remnant Syndrome in Cats
Ovarian remnant syndrome, also called ovarian remainder syndrome, is described in humans as well as female dogs and cats. This syndrome is more common in humans than in cats and dogs. Although this situation may be less frequent in cats, there are several documented cases.[1].
Basically, the remnant ovary syndrome is characterized by the persistence of uterine activity, ie estrus, in castrated females. And why this happens? may exist different causes:
- The surgical technique used was inadequate and the ovaries were not properly removed;
- A small portion of the ovarian tissue was left inside the peritoneal cavity, which was revascularized and became functional again,
- A small portion of the ovarian tissue was left in another region of the body, which was revascularized and returned to function.
This syndrome can happen just a few weeks after castration or even years after castration.
Ovariohysterectomy is the most common procedure performed to sterilize female cats. This procedure is quite simple, but how any surgical procedure has some risks, with remnant ovary syndrome being one of them. Anyway, sterilization is always the best option, despite the risks and remember that this syndrome is uncommon.
As you know, sterilization of cats has many advantages, including:
- Prevent unwanted litters! There are thousands of kittens living without conditions on the street, it is a real problem and sterilization is the only way to combat it;
- It decreases the likelihood of certain diseases such as breast cancer and other reproductive problems;
- The cat is calmer and there is less chance that she will try to escape to cross;
- There is no longer the usual stress of the heat season, nights of meowing non-stop and the cat's frustration at not being able to cross
Diagnosis of remnant ovary syndrome
If your neutered cat goes into heat, you should be wary of this syndrome. It is important that you visit a veterinarian so that he can make a correct diagnosis.
Diagnosis of remnant ovary syndrome is not always easy. The veterinarian relies on clinical signs, although not all cats have them.
You remnant ovary syndrome symptoms are generally the same as in the estrus phase of cats:
- behavioral changes
- excessive meowing
- The cat rubs herself against the tutor and objects
- Interest on the part of cats
- Lordosis position (as in the image below)
- stray tail
Vaginal discharges rarely happen in female cats, unlike what happens in female dogs, although an increase in the frequency of urination may be common.
As the symptoms of rest ovary syndrome are not always present, the veterinarian uses other methods to reach the diagnosis. The most common methods are vaginal cytology it's the abdominal ultrasound. Although they are a little more expensive, hormonal tests and laparoscopy are also a great aid for diagnosis. These methods allow discarding other possible differential diagnoses such as: pyometra, trauma, neoplasms, etc.

Remnant Ovarian Syndrome Treatment
Pharmacological treatment is generally not recommended. Therefore, it is more likely that your veterinarian will advise a surgery exploratory. Your veterinarian will most likely advise that the surgery be done during heat, because during this phase the remaining tissue will be more visible.
The surgery allows the veterinarian to find that little piece of ovary that is causing all these symptoms in your cat and when extracting the problem is solved!

In other words, was it the fault of the veterinarian who neutered your cat?
Before you conclude that your cat's remaining ovary syndrome is the fault of the veterinarian who performed the surgery, remember that as we've already indicated, there are different possible causes.
Effectively, it can happen due to a poorly performed surgery, hence the importance of choosing a good veterinarian. However, this is not the only cause and you cannot unfairly accuse the veterinarian without knowing what really triggered this syndrome. In some cases, the cat has a residual ovarian tissue outside the ovary and sometimes even in a distant part of the body. In such cases, it would be almost impossible for the veterinarian to notice and detect this tissue in order to remove it during the normal castration procedure. And how does this happen? During the cat's embryonic development, when she was still an embryo in her mother's womb, the cells that create the ovaries migrated to the other side of the body and now, years later, they developed and started to function.
That is, often, there is no way to know that there is a small portion of the ovary still in the cat's body until she goes into heat again and the veterinarian needs do a new surgery.
If your neutered cat has come into heat, it is best to run to a veterinarian so that he can quickly diagnose and start treatment.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
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